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Atari 2600 at party: SUCCESS!!!


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Well, I had my graduation party today, which is why I wasn't around here for most of today. Anyway, I set up both my Atari 2600 and my NES in my mom's office, and they managed to rack up more time than the PSX and the N64 that were set up in my room! I had tons of fun playing Warlords, Video Olympics, and Basketball! You guys were right. The 2600 IS great for parties! :)


P.S. I got $125 from all the cards I got. :wink:

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I'm glad to see somone having Atari 2600 at a party. We did that a lot back in the 80's with great success. Warlords was one of the best party games. Decathlon and Space Invaders were tops as well. The best party games were easy to learn and didn't take forever for others to get a turn. We even held tournaments, but some games were excluded from that because it would have taken forever. :ponder: :P It wasn't unusual for us to have 3 or 4 Atari's set up at a party, so everyone could play. 8)


Game on! :idea:

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My videogame party was in 1978 or maybe 1979 .. We played all the original games .. but to get everybody involved, we played 4p Video Olympics and Street Racer.


In college we would play alot of Atari .. My favorite was 4 player Asteroids on the Atari 800.


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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