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It's official, i am REaddicted!


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Well, 13 years later I am re-daddicted! :)


I have been in the ps2, xbox, gc scene for a few years now, when a friend offers to unload all his old consoles on me for one ps2 i had laying around. Among all of it was:

Jaguar and 3 games

SNES and 20 carts

NES and 30 carts

gen,32x,sega cd

lynx and 40 games


AND A 2600 with 20 carts!

I cant believe how much i like it compared to the others. I instantly remembered playing Maze Craze, Joust, Berzerk all day long as a kid.

So begins my addiction :) I am looking to collect all the games, and more accessories.


I went to the locla flea market, and manages to get some carts for 1.00 a piece, nothing too special but more carts nonetheless.


I posted a msg in the sales area, i have lots to trade for games.


Thanks for reading, and this forum owns! :)



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You will be assimilated,  


 Resistance is futile!


    Besides, This is ATARI dam it!!!! :twisted:


That's right! Three new carts assimilated at a flea market today --> Plaque Attack, Realsports Soccer, and Donkey Kong!!


Bring it on!!!

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IT can also be a positive thing for you.


For instance, you learn to treat games from other systems with the same proper care and storage as you treat 2600 stuff.


Hell, I just organized my PS1 games that were hidden away.


But the best part of a game collection is always ATARI!


I'm at 408 games spread over 12 different consoles..from the Atari 2600 all the way up to the PS2.

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Congrats on your assimulation....er...aquiring of Atari games. Be sure to pick up any Activision titles you come by, they're all good, and most are great, with little or no flicker.


And check out Atari Age. May be beyond what you want to pay, but Lots of great games none the less.

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