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Skeleton +


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It plays almost exactly like the original, but now you can opt to have a life so you don't die instantly upon being touched. Another cool feature is being able to cut the skeletons in half so you do 5 a level instead of 10.


It's definately worth buying. Of course, I said that about the first one as well, though the reviews are no longer up for them. I've got it saved and could post the original reviwe if you like.


This game is loads better than that though, so my new review when I get one would probably just be:

*heart attack, die*

*Video rises from the dead*

Oh yeah, buy this game.

*Heart attack, die*


[edit]Oh yeah, forgot to mention, Eric Ball has a BIN for Skeleton + to run on Z26 if you have it. I couldn't find the post he had that in, I thought it was on the 7th or 8th page, but it's probably gotten pushed further back. PM him and he may give you a bin, or post it here[/edit]

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I just got my copy of Skeleton+ in last week, Eric, and I have to say its quickly become one of my favorite games! I find I can only get about 22 of the skeletons killed before I bite it, because I ususally lose a little bit of life every time I run into one....it's tough! Eric Ball put in a lot of new features that allow you to toggle difficulty like turning the undead locator on/off, starting with half life, and of course, there's the ultimate touch-of-death game, like the earlier Skeleton.


I highly recommend it, try it out!

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Yeah, I have it on all the time, and still get my butt kicked.  I never moded my 2600 for sterio and it's obvious it ould be a great help in the game.  I may someday, or may just wuss out and not bother like useual.


Yeah, I agree with you, I really think that you need to utilize every advantage that the game offers, to make full use of the features. Just how I'm going to do that I have no clue. I'm up to 30 skeletons dead before I croak in the EASIEST mode....damn!!!

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