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CGE Javelin Todd Rogers


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Hello Fellow Gamers


I will be running the Decathlons-Javelin Contest at CGE this year and will also be at the Twingalaxies Booth for any and all Questions / Demonstrations on games . Prizes will be awarded at the end of the contest day. Lets make this year a competitive one and make some NEW high scores.


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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Well I am running the Javelin Contest and that means I will not be participating on it . But that does'nt mean I can't show off my skills LOL. So who ever competes does'nt have to worry about me walking away with the prize. The more contestants the better as I want to see how close people come with in the second place world record score of 83.29 . Game on ..


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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Well if I only had 4hrs to ROLL as many games as I could that would be tough . I really dont know right off hand which games that I would pick . But yes thats a pretty good challenge for me to do thanks for the idea.


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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I read your webpage and saw all your accomplishments....totally awesome and some great reading!!!!

Glad your doing good and back into gaming!


Question, do you still play video games? How active are you in playing currently? Do you play any of the newer systems?




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