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Great Haul Tonight!


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Man! I just got back from this guy's warehouse in town, he's starting up a buy-and-sell, and had a huge backlog of Atari carts :lust: .....I talked him down to $125 for 64 carts!! Awesome haul, I filled in a lot of my Atari commons, plus a bunch of late-era red label scarces (3-4), and a whack of Activision titles which I was really hurting for....also included are a bunch of weird Parker Bros. titles, and a few Data Age titles I've never seen before.


I'm going to be spending a lot of time cleaning these carts up, most are pretty dusty, but all of the Atari labels were in pretty good shape. All in all, I doubled my collection for a reasonable price, I'd say!


The games I was happiest to get ahold of? Haunted House, River Raid and Warlords! :D



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