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Another Galaga thread


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3 hours ago, patjomki said:

I'd like to see a game that looks more instead of less like a galaga clone so I stick to the version before this one.


Apart from that I appreciate your work and I am curious in which direction your project is heading.

My Direction for Where the Game is Going:  Essentially nowhere else.  I have done all that my skillset allows other than small tweaks.  Fundamental changes like adding the ship capture and bonus rounds would require tons of learning and immersion on my part that are no different than anyone else, so I leave that to others to finish up.


That being said, the great thing about this project is that the complete project including the build config is right in this thread about 4 or 5 posts up.  And I included a readme.doc with everything I have learned about the source and how things work to get you started.  Which reminds me, I have a few things to add to that document.


The reason for visual things that are different from Galaga is intentional.  The goal is to move away from "when is it going to be a pixel perfect galaga clone" and more toward "are there any small things that might make the existing game better".  For example, with some investment and work and a little help from Paul, I think I could add some new formations, so there were more patterns and the game would have a little more variety.  But that would NOT be more like Galaga.  It would be a better Galagish.  

It seems like I may have reached the law of diminishing returns on making small tweaks, so that is good feedback.

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In that case, it's best to define exactly what the final version of Galagish might look like and what it's supposed to do. Then people will stop constantly asking if there's going to be a perfect Galaga clone, and instead start enjoying the creation of a completely new Galagish game that only refers to the same genre but is a new game.

I think so, but that's just my subjective opinion.

Anyway, I really like the Galagish game, I'm not personally a big fan of making necessarily perfect clones of existing games from other machines, I prefer completely new games, but I previously thought that the goal was to make a copy of Galaga.

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