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cuttle cart for 8-bit's possible?


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I've been following the cuttle cart II thread in the 7800 board.   :)  


It'd be kinda cool to see one of these for the 8-bit's, or even the 5200 for that matter.   :D  


Is this possible?  Anyone up to it?   :?:


Sure, but since the 8-bit can load the files from disk, what's the point of loading them from a cartridge emulator?



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read up on the cuttle cart and maybe my comment will make more sense.


The cuttle cart II is a cart with a built in slot for those media memory cards that you typically use with digital cameras. It has built in circuitry or whatever to emulate banking schemes of all 2600 carts.


A media card is typically 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 meg. That's alot of carts!


As far as I know there is probably no more then maybe 3-5 bankings schemes for atari 8-bit carts, if even that many.


And yes I'm seriously considering getting an SIO/PC cable, and maybe an extension so it can reach from my computer for some good gaming fun! Is APE free or does it cost money?

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Oh GOD, yes!


Sunmark sells a pre-assembled SIO2PC board & cable set for a very reasonable price.


Amazing little piece of kit. Elegant in its simplicity!


APE is a genius piece of software (Windows only), with full SIO2PC auto-detect & auto-configuration, easy to figure out & use.


It is shareware, and it will run to some degree without registration, but it is so worthy, you should buy it!.

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Anyone know how much the ape software costs? Everytime I tried to access the order now page it timed out.


Also (and I'm probably asking alot here)...


Any real good menu loading programs for loading executables? Specifically with maybe pictures or something. My son is 5 and cannot read yet so just text means he would require assistance when picking out a game.


Actually when I think about it... what I had in mind (cuttle cart for 8-bit) may not be as useful, unless it was possible to design it so it can load binaries into any area of memory.


Speaking of which... anyone have those DOS on cart carts? Doesn't the cart get in the way of any program that wants to load into the cart memory area?

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A Cuttle cart for the 8-bits would be kinda nice, but I think that something that plugged into the SIO port would be better. Or maybe the expansion port on the XL or XE. Using today's hardware, you could easily have a small device that could simulate a 810/1050 and allow you to play disc based games. It would basically be a mini-hard drive for the Atari. The good thing is that it would probably be about the size of a cart, and there wouldn't be any incompatibility issues -- i.e, if the game plays off a disc, it should play off this device.


For the truely ambitious, it could be made to emulate a 410 as well -- for those classic tape based games :) I still remember the music that played when loading "States and Capitals"... so 70's :D

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A Cuttle cart for the 8-bits would be kinda nice, but I think that something that plugged into the SIO port would be better.  


I am developing a PIC micro based MMC/SD card reader/writer for someone. When its ready I would like to look at creating an SIO interface onto it such that the device bootstraps a menu into into the Atari's RAM from which you select the EXE/COM or DISK (maybe CAS?) image you wish run.


This way a PC or whatever can be used for compiling the games on a card, take this to the Atari et voila, most things ever written on one card :love:


Take care,



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Because you need to have the other machine booted up and close to hand, which probably needs a monitor, wheras you just want to put you XL in front of the telly somewhere else in the house :)


Has anyone tried to make a PALM/WinCE PDA version of SIO2PC cable,

now that maybe an easier way to go.



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Has anyone tried to make a PALM/WinCE PDA version of SIO2PC cable,

now that maybe an easier way to go.


I was giving some thought to a GBA version -- but, my hardware knowledge is pretty limited :) The standard flash carts on the GBA can hold up to 64megs (512mbit), so that would be enough to hold a good collection of Atari games :)


There are already cables to go from PC Serial to the GBA, so it might be feasable to modify one of those to use SIO...

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Because you need to have the other machine booted up and close to hand, which probably needs a monitor, wheras you just want to put you XL in front of the telly somewhere else in the house  :)  


Has anyone tried to make a PALM/WinCE PDA version of SIO2PC cable,

now that maybe an easier way to go.




hehe... finally someone who "get it". That was the whole idea of my question. It's not always convenient to be lugging a 20+ pound pc and monitor around.

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  • 2 years later...

There diffinetly is a need for a 5200 Cuttle Cart though. Especially if more new games or conversions are done. It would be really cool if it could run bank-switched games as well.


I'm still waiting for someone to create a 5200 High-Score-Device. That would be very cool.



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About the Atari 8bit...


Would a MyIDE with a CF to IDE converter be what you are looking for? I just got two of this and am awaiting a SIO2PC so I can load up the CF card. Its nice to have 1Mbit flash too. I have not been about to fully utilize it since I dont have the converter yet. It would have been optimal if the interface was CF instead of IDE.


I would also love to ge a CC2 but its a bit high for me. I got the 7800 in 1995 on ebay for $20 just to play Galaga. If there was a 8bit port, I would not have gotten one.

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A friend has a MyIDE with CF card, and is very cool, games loads very fast. These memory uses +5v for power, you can get this voltage directly in your Atari.


But some contras are, an apropiate menu to run a lot of games, more support for this device.

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Has anyone tried to make a PALM/WinCE PDA version of SIO2PC cable,

now that maybe an easier way to go.




I'm using a HP200LX and a CF adapter, workes with APE (for dos) and SIO2PC.



Sayyyy!! That is cool. I have a HP95 I was thinking of using once. A few rungs back compared to the HP200, you think it could do what you're doing as well?



My solution is simple. A HiNote 75 mhz Digital laptop running DOS APE. Works great!

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