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Wanted: Cheap SD2IEC device


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I have a C64 and an Ultimate II+ already, but I suspect the U2+ has some internal problems and I need another way to load software on the C64 to test. I am trying to rule everything out and make sure the U2+ is absolutely the issue before I send it off for repair/replacement.


So, I am looking for an inexpensive SD2IEC device. I can buy them new for $60 with shipping included online, but I'd not rather pay that for something I will not be using once I have my U2+ issue sorted out. That said, I am looking to pay around $30 for one maximum.


I figure maybe someone has one that they do not use anymore as they have moved on to a Ultimate or some other better solution. If you have one (I don't care what style...just need it to test some things) please let me know!

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