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Who Else Has Broken Joysticks on Decathlon?


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Ive been playing my heart out on Decathlon only to find out that my Joysticks arent quite as good as they should be. Who else out there has had this re-occuring problem? I can only imagine what you would have to go thru or how many you'de have to go thru to gain the World Record on this title. The 400 meter and the 1500 meter "Yeah " those definatly are Joystick killers

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I think whoever wrote that game must have had a side business in the joystick market because I had to keep buying new joysticks after playing that game :D


Sure would have been nice if I had a consumers protection plan on a credit card back then because I would have definitely needed to use it when I played that game.

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At the first EuroCon, held in Amsterdam in 1999, we had the official European Decathlon Competition. I forgot the exact number, but I think we killed 13 or 14 joysticks (all were the original Atai sticks) in the event :D




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I don't like any games like that. Even as a kid I knew that the repetitive movements that those games require weren't very good for you. It's a miracle that we all didn't get repetitive stress injuries just from playing normal games, but companies who make "Joystick Jerker" games (as I've always called them) seem to be asking for lawsuits.

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I have broken only one 2600 stick, 1st the rubber came off and then the white plastic bent and got all soft in the middle. Try playing this with just the plastic stick, blister central


Just got the c64 cart of this, luckily i have plenty of c64 sticks to break

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Hi there!


Don't you have "Competition Pro" Joysticks? Or were they sold in Germany only?




Totally undestructable.


I remember the German 64'er mag testing Joysticks with stuff like putting them into a bucket of Coca Cola over night, playing Yoyo with the cable or throwing them out of the window of the 10th floor. Competition Pro were the only ones to survive everything :D




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