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Boot and Menu development


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  • 3 weeks later...

I tested 3 levels deep and it worked.

I made fake folder/file to mimic your finding.  Selected TIPI.GAMES.BOB and the run option gave me "TIPI.GAMES..BOB" (extra period)

So the parsing bug here is I drilled into another level and the buffer had a leftover period.

I reset and drilled to DSK3.GAMES.BOB and it works fine.

I reset and drilled to TIPI.GAMES.BOB and it works fine

Try resetting and selecting. Maybe I fixed something after what I uploaded.  Been really busy at work thanks to corona... I'll dig into this tonight.

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 I did not enforce the period because at the time TIPI didn't require it, which is different from the other devices. I didn't want to require the period until I knew if/when M@ would adjust (I don't recall the outcome of that thread at the moment).   I probably do need to enforce it going forward, even if omitting it works.  Make sense?

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On 3/18/2020 at 9:43 AM, InsaneMultitasker said:

 I did not enforce the period because at the time TIPI didn't require it, which is different from the other devices. I didn't want to require the period until I knew if/when M@ would adjust (I don't recall the outcome of that thread at the moment).   I probably do need to enforce it going forward, even if omitting it works.  Make sense?

Opening the catalog file with the period is supported by TIPI, and I will fix any new bugs in that area within the TIPI system software.



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  • 1 year later...
On 2/17/2020 at 9:45 PM, InsaneMultitasker said:

Probably about time for a MENU  / BOOT / 9640 MENU development topic.


"9640 MENU" 80 column  [17 Feb 2020]   9640menu 17Feb2020.zip 6.89 kB · 40 downloads

- Added TIPI clock support.  Menu checks time about every second.  I suppose I could remove the seconds and check ever 30 seconds or so.  I don't know of a way to access the TIPI DSR without blinking the light ;)
- All other clocks are currently untested and might not function.  I can barely understand the spaghetti code I wrote in 2015 (for reasons historically documented). Intent is to rework Classic99 and Triple Tech to use the DSR. MBP/Clulow/Geneve clocks will remain direct-access. .

- Catalog routine overhauled. Sector IO out; level 3 catalog in place.  Allows entry of a path e.g., TIPI.FOLDER1.  or SCS1.FOLDER2. 

- Drill down into  subdirectories and select the file you want to run or view
- FCTN-8 to enter a new path;  use the "..\" to go up a level.  When you are at the root, pressing enter on the "..\" will recatalog the device.

- If you exit the catalog and return the last path is remembered

- The options creation (F4) and the Edit/Save (F5) options are still tied to disk numbers.  Will look to change that down the road.

- The options files are currently compatible with the prior release.  This could change if I enhance the program with paths and other information, or redo the antiquated menu structure.

- If you have a Remind-Me file in the TIPI root in the format MM-YYYY, pressing "Y" at the menu will display the day's reminders and any scratchpad notes.  This feature is a novelty at present and subject to update or removal. The various clock support complexities may dictate my next steps.

- Are there bugs?  Probably. I am using this as my daily menu program via the Horizon 4000B at present.


MENU 40 column 7.39 [16 Feb 2020]

- Minor tweak for ROS 8.42c. See ROS development thread. 



Link to earlier topic related to 9640MENU

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Can it be modified to also add the IDE.TIME clock for the IDE card that uses Fred Kaal's DSR v15?

The clock chip with the CR2032 battery backup uses the BQ4802 chip on a daughter board assembled by shift838store.


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15 minutes ago, InsaneMultitasker said:

The short answer is 'yes', however, this program is not high on my priority list at present.  When the IDE card I was using for test purposes is returned to me, I will consider adjusting the time display code.

I'm looking forward to it as it's a great menu program with the F18A upgrade.

Thanks for the update.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/25/2020 at 12:44 PM, arcadeshopper said:

yep it works fine manually.. it's just when I load another copy of menu from menu then try to load a xb program

Has it only been 16 months?  ;)

I looked at the code tonight and I might have an idea on why this is happening.  Can't test right now but I've noted it in the source.  Also looked at the clock code a bit more for IDE support and tried to determine how/if I can change the disk-centric code to allow for any device in the save options.  I'll queue it up for the fall timeframe, for after I finish the Geneve OS cleanup.


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7 minutes ago, InsaneMultitasker said:

Has it only been 16 months?  ;)

I looked at the code tonight and I might have an idea on why this is happening.  Can't test right now but I've noted it in the source.  Also looked at the clock code a bit more for IDE support and tried to determine how/if I can change the disk-centric code to allow for any device in the save options.  I'll queue it up for the fall timeframe, for after I finish the Geneve OS cleanup.


That's great news. Looking forward to it.



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  • 2 years later...
On 6/17/2021 at 7:32 PM, rgjt said:

That's great news. Looking forward to it.



I suppose the IDE.Time clock function is dead in the water considering it's been 3+ years now.:lol:

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12 minutes ago, rgjt said:

I suppose the IDE.Time clock function is dead in the water considering it's been 3+ years now.:lol:

i am slowly getting around to getting back myself into the boot/menu ros/cfg software of things, and I will look into the IDE time clock function for sure, sadly I don't have IDE yet (but will be buying one soon enough).


i also am planning on releasing in the next couple of months my RAMOS Directory, which was designed to be better overall replacement for the original BOOT/MENU complete with 80column support, IDE,SCSI,HFDC,PGram,PopCart support and more.



RAMOS Directory was written as an updated MENU program to replace the common used BOOT program supplied with ROS v8.14 software for the Horizon RAMDISK.


But RAMOS is totally 100% new Assembly Code, produced with the help at time of the 9T9 Assembly SIG from the 9T9 Toronto Users Group, and it makes use of not just large RAMDISK’s, but also fully supports HFDC and full 16 banks of GROM Cartridges like the POP-Cart and other large GRAM devices, plus of course 80-column mode.


Again this program has been recently been recovered, thanks in part of some ex-OPA employees saving TI99 stuff for no reason, and as such we are now working on updating to support Nano-PEB and CF7+ usage and plan to make it one of our ‘public’ releases later on during year 2024 as part of our re-birthing fun!



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1 hour ago, rgjt said:

I suppose the IDE.Time clock function is dead in the water considering it's been 3+ years now.:lol:

Yeah, family-related stuff has kept me busy for the past few years and I haven’t returned to a number of enhancement projects. This one also suffered for earlier personal reasons.  I will do my best to see where I left this provided I have time this weekend.

Is the clock for the IDE accessible from basic with an OPEN #1:”IDE.CLOCK” or some similar device?  If so, it might be a simple edit. 

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Posted (edited)

The IDE card documentation shows the following to access the time clock on the card.



120 CLOSE #1


BTW, the clock is set for a 24 hour clock.


In Basic, the time function call also be displayed using the CALL IDETD command that is built into the IDE DSR.


So, it might indeed be a simple edit.

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1 hour ago, rgjt said:

The IDE card documentation shows the following to access the time clock on the card.



120 CLOSE #1


BTW, the clock is set for a 24 hour clock.


In Basic, the time function call also be displayed using the CALL IDETD command that is built into the IDE DSR.


So, it might indeed be a simple edit.

the PRINT statement is there to set the time/date.  Does the INPUT statement use the same order SEC$,MIN$,... YEAR$ to obtain the time/date? 

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Posted (edited)

This is the input statement


DAY OF WEEK is defined as 1=SU, 2-MO, 3-TU, 4=WE, 5=TH, 6=FR, and 7=SA


The IDE documentation states that the day of the week is calculated with Zeller's formula for the Gregorian calendar and written to the real time clock automatically.


Hours  from 00 to 23

Minutes and seconds from 00 to 59

Day of the week from 01 to 07

Month from 01 to 12

Day of the month from 01 to 31

Year from 2000 to 9999

Edited by rgjt
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