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Am I the "AtariYoungin"


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Just turned 26.


Never had a real Atari in when I was a kid - my Dad bought a Gemini system instead. When I got back into Atari a few months back and started collecting again, I decided to go for a Gemini again. So I play all my games on the clone machine.

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I am 18, so I was born a little too late for Atari (I was cursed before I was even born :( ). BUT...i do remember walking through Sears with my mom when I was maybe 5 or 6 (this would have been around 1990), and I actually remember seeing Atari 2600 jr. systems there, they were stacked to form a pyramid next to the aisle. Of course, the only thing on my undeveloped and unlearned mind was Super Mario Bros. and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but it's a fond memory nonetheless.

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I'm 19 myself, so I'm a little young for the Atari era, but my older brother was 12 years older than me, so it's from him that I got most of my Atari stuff.   :D


Same here! I am 19 and my brother is 12 years older than me. :) I used to play Atari with him all the time when I was little and eventually went on to "borrow" all his Atari stuff. :D

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I'm 32. The first video game I ever played was Space Invaders, probably in 1979. The first game I became addicted to was Pac-man. I think I got Atari in 1982 after begging my parents for months. And for the first 6 months I had it all I could play was Asteroids or Pac-man!! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would someday own hundreds of carts! :D



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 Proud to say I was playing Pong and Computer Space in the origin of Arcade classic days.

And yes, I do remember the joy of playing the Atari systems when Sears was the only real place to get one.    


   Those where the days......


Damn. And I thought Nova, Bivotar and I were the official old men of Omaha Atari. You've got us all beat! :thumbsup:


29, in case you were wondering, but I still feel like a newb at times.

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About 30.


i have well over 100 =P





But do you have more NES games than I do? I've got 114! :twisted:


Hehe, I dont collect NES, but if I kept all my games from when I had one, and bought them every time I saw that at garage sales I would have close to that number =P once my brother moves out (we share a room =( sadly ) I may get into collecting more things, I just plain dont have the space. My brother already yells at me for collecting and having the atari plugged in =(

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