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Is the tool mentioned below still available? I was wondering if I could get a copy.


Thank you


On 3/19/2014 at 12:54 AM, Games For Your Intellivision said:

The Elektronite tile editor does more than just display 8 x 8 graphics....it can import a gif and 'dither' it. It can also be used for tile animation.




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Hopefully they can share their tools.  I just use Tilestudio and Intycolor to import tileset and maps I made.  Here's what I do, 


On the top, there are 2 rows are tiles the tileset.  I forced them to be at a certain order so something that can be picked up like the hat, water tank or the key are those specific tileID number. Then below the tiles, is the map data.  When IntyColor process it, it'll generate the cards in that order(blank cards are space image are free however, if there's pastel color(color #8 and up), that get added to the set.  The color palette is set up in a way that IntyColor can convert the color exactly without issue. 

Here's the color information.
color red Green Blue
Black     0      0      0
Blue      0      41    255
Red     255    57     16

Tan     206   206    173

DkGreen57    107   57

Green    0     165   82

Yellow  255  239   82

White   255 255  255
Gray     189 173  206
Cyan     33  189  255

Orange 255 181   24

Brown    82 107    0

HotPink 255 74   82
Lt Blue  165 148 255

Lt Green115 206 132

Maroon  181 24 90

Transparent I just use pink,255 128 255

Command line for intycolor, I just use, C:\IntyStuf\Inty11\IntyColor.exe -i -b FBmobb.bmp FBmob.bas





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