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Question on arrays

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I've been tightening and scaling up some of the engine features in EXO and I wanted to plot a sprite based on which number in the array is called, so I could remove some of my early brute force code.


So for the test example I declare a bunch of set up variables and then I set up a simple loop to plot them :


 set romsize 48k
 set tallsprite on
 set doublewide on
 set tv ntsc
 set zoneheight 8

 dim rocket_x = $2224.$222E
 dim rocket_y = $2238.$2242
 dim rocket_max = var29

 incgraphic gfx/rocket.png

  P0C1=$08 ; med
  P0C2=$0c ; light
  P0C3=$04 ; dark

 rocket_x[1] = 75 : rocket_y[1] = 56
 rocket_x[2] = 45 : rocket_y[2] = 56
 rocket_max = 2

 for a = 1 to rocket_max
 plotsprite rocket 0 rocket_x[rocket_max] rocket_y[rocket_max] 0 2
 ;plotsprite rocket 0 rocket_x rocket_y 0 2
 next a


 goto mainloop

I'm trying to plot the sprite called rocket, using palette #0 and using the rocket_x and rocket_y co-ordinates in the array but the code will not compile.


rocket_x and rocket_y are 8.8 variables each with 10 bytes space allocated (so in my theoretical thinking I can safely have rocketmax = 9 before I run out of space and have to extend the array)


Am I defining these variables incorrectly as I cannot get the code to compile unless I remove the [] condition (and it then doesn't do what it is intended).


I suspect I'm in the "can't see the wood for the trees" mode of thinking.


Any guidance or advice would be appreciated!




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You have it mostly right, but have assumed the parser is more capable than it is. :) For pretty much anything other than variable assignments, arrays don't work as arguments. (true for bB as well) The easiest work-around is to assign your array indexes to a temporary location first.



mytempx = rocket_x[rocket_max]

mytempy = rocket_y[rocket_max]

plotsprite rocket 0 mytempx mytempy 0 2


Avoid using the system temp# variables for this purpose, because plotsprite will probably obliterate them before using them. I always dim a few "mytemp" variables for this sort of purpose. (also handy for generalized subroutines that can operate on different game objects)

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Gah! thanks @RevEng


I can compile but the sprite just sits in the corner of the screen. It's as though the plotsprite isn't picking up the co-ords from the array, even using the temp variables :


I added mytempx and mytempy as 8.8 vars and drop the array values in before passing that to plotsprite.


 for a = 1 to rocket_max
 mytempx = rocket_x[rocket_max]
 mytempy = rocket_y[rocket_max]
 plotsprite rocket 0 mytempx mytempy 0 2
 next a


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source below :


 set romsize 48k
 set tallsprite on
 set doublewide on
 set tv ntsc
 set zoneheight 8

 dim rocket_x = $2224.$222E
 dim rocket_y = $2238.$2242
 dim rocket_max = var1
 dim mytempx = b.c 
 dim mytempy = d.e 

 incgraphic gfx/rocket.png

  P0C1=$08 ; med
  P0C2=$0c ; light
  P0C3=$04 ; dark

 rocket_x[1] = 75 : rocket_y[1] = 56
 rocket_x[2] = 45 : rocket_y[2] = 56
 rocket_max = 2

 for a = 1 to rocket_max
 mytempx = rocket_x[rocket_max]
 mytempy = rocket_y[rocket_max]
 plotsprite rocket 0 mytempx mytempy 0 2
  next a


 goto mainloop


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Ok, it looks like 8.8 assignments from arrays doesn't do what you're wanting, since arrays are strictly byte sized things.


If you change this...

 dim mytempx = b.c 
 dim mytempy = d.e 


 dim mytempx = b
 dim mytempy = d

...then your code will work as expected.  (well, I think you wanted to use "mytempx = rocket_x[a]" instead of "mytempx = rocket_x[rocket_max]")


If you still want to treat those temps as 8.8 in certain circumstances, then you can dim another view of them like that...

dim mytempx8 = b.c

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