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Todd Rogers and Sports Games


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O.K., time for Ron to give his $0.02 and explain some things......


I hope this explains how and why Todd has his title.  I also hope this doesn't offend players like David Yancey and Alan Hewston, as they too are both exceptional video game players as well as Activision experts.  I'm sure there are more out there, but you see the point I'm trying to make.....


Ron: I'm not offended by Todd's title. I like it and he deserves it. I'm happy to be mentioned and held in high regard as an Activision player. I love their games! Thanks Ron! And please tell us the story of how you got your "player handle/name".



Big Thunder: Your mentioned me in one of your posts. The only thing I wrote was in defense of the sport of Sumo. I wrote about how I respect those who excel in the sport. I wish you luck in the sport and with your video game hobby as well. You may have done a little "taunting" to bring out the best in Todd. That's how I see it. I wish I could be at CGE to see your games take place.

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Well all Im saying is like on Todd's web site it says " Beat The Champ" well thats what I intend to do at CGE I will Beat The Champ. I may have chewed off more then I can handle with Todd from what everybody say's but then again I feel I am a champ TOO on MLB Slugfest03 with 133 consecutive matches without a loss. Why don't I play Todd on game he favors? Well thats like suicide would any or you jump out of a plane without a parachute ? Now for " Mike 88" on Tekken Tag Match I will take you up on your offer as I love these types of games. So where do we meet up to play I can travel out to your area where ever you live thats if you cannot travel to mine . I live in nothern Virginia so if you can get out to the East coast will play.



Greg BigThunder660

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Hey Big Thunder... I'm glad to see another from Virginia on the board!! I must live about 1.5 hours or less from you. I guess Todd had better be practicing up on the game.


A side note to others who've mentioned this: I personally would not like to play a contest with a "grab bag/mystery" game. IMHO, a player needs time to learn about the game to be any good at it. Right out of the gate on a game would not even be fun to watch. And who is to say that neither of the players have ever played it before. In the movie, "The Wizard", they did this with a game that had yet to be released to assure no one had played it. Anyway, I like the way Big Thunder announced far in advance which game was for the challenge. Both players can have an opportunity to fine tune their skills. I say, just remember that you never get better than those that you play against. This is a difficult lesson that many billiard/pool players learn when they try to move up a notch in play. Big Thunder may be trying to take his game up to the next level. What better place to look than Todd? :)

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BigTHunder -


I live near Dallas. If you can travel to this area we can play some Tekken Tag.


A fair warning, you have to be more than good to play successfully against me. I'm not claiming to be the best (that title belongs to Jang Iksu of South Korea). Far from it, however I am a tournament winner in towns with over 100,000 populations in both California and Texas, and have finished top 10 in some tournaments in Dallas where some of the very best players in the USA reside.


Perhaps you are better than I am estimating, but I most likely would have heard about you if you were a great player, especially with your, shall we say "unique" appearance.


I'm curious; are you familiar with the Mishima Wave Dash style, and are you skilled in the technique known as "Universal Ha Ha Step"? How about knowledge of dealing with T.Ogre cheapness? If you are not at least moderately skilled in these areas it could be tough going for you. Do you escape throws better than 65% of the time, especially King multi throws?


BTW, I'm a big time fan of Sumo, and watch any time its on the various ESPNs. You have a size comparable to that of Manny Yarborough, and I was wondering if you ever faced him in a match? Any matches with Japanese Sumotori? What is your current ranking?

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BTW, I'm a big time fan of Sumo, and watch any time its on the various ESPNs. You have a size comparable to that of Manny Yarborough, and I was wondering if you ever faced him in a match? Any matches with Japanese Sumotori? What is your current ranking?


Yeah, I thought of Manny also when Big Thunder mentioned sumo. I'm interested also.

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Well I waited and waited and nothing. No Big Thunder I hope he has a good reason, this aught to be interesting to hear what happened and why he couldnt make the CGE after all the whooplah. No big deal anyways I had other things to occupy my time like running the Javelin event and meeting may other players at the show. Every year gets better and better there is always so much to consume your self into that there is never enough time to see everything. I was absorbed by doing interviews with G4 Media , Retrogaming Radio , and some other Media personel that was doing a documentary on video games and players that I wasnt sure who was doing the interviewing. I wore PLENTY of badges with my name on them so NO ONE would say they didn't see me this year. Well anyways just wanted to keep everyone updated on the BIG no show.



Todd Mr. Activision Rogers

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Yes there is a VERY good reason in why I could'nt show up to CGE to challenge Todd at MLB Slugfest03 and here it is. I was driving my van from northern Virginia and had some mechanical troubles I was able to have the minor troubles repaired but by the time I got to Denver I realized that I would never make it after my drive shaft and rear axel broke. By then my main concern was to get it fixed so I could go back home. Im sure that there will be other contests and events that we both will attend and I will be sure to bring my game if the CHAMP is still up for this challenge. The show sounded like it was a lot of fun and judging by some of the other sites postings and pictures I wish I could have been there to meet everyone. Well till the next show I'll be keeping up on my Slugfest skills.



Greg BigThunder660

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Now come on Big Blunder we know the true reason you could not make it to the Vegas show is you have no heart. You have a very big mouth to go along with your big ass and gut. However for as long as i have known Todd, losers like you have come and gone. If you could back up you challange then the way i see it is you lost you challange for a no show. So now when is Todd going to get the grand you said you were putting up. Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. The truth is you want to sit and run your fat mouth but not back it up by playing the game. So your axle broke on your van? Well maybe you should lose some "WEIGHT" and you could fit your fat ass in a plane seat like the rest of us can. :D But you must be fatter than you are saying here if you sat on the middle seat of your van and the axle broke. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Because we all know a fat ass like you can't fit into a front seat. So loser you need to either go to Jenny Craig or get gastric bypass surgery and keep your fat ass out of the buffets

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