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Shadow Reflex


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Shadow Reflex is a frantic 4K arcade shooter that will test your reaction times, focus and stamina!


The story so far...
You found a strange meteorite at the border of the Solar System and decided to investigate but, entering a cave in one of its craters, you discover that the meteorite is actually an ancient alien mothership. "IT'S A TRAP!"

As soon as you enter the first corridor two shiny red energy walls locks you in and Drone appears... A scan of the alien artefact reveals you that not only it has an incredible hull density but also a very thick energy shield, it will be hard to escape but there's hope: the Drone is powering the two energy walls and this means that if you destroy it the energy walls will be lowered!




  • The joystick moves the player ship
  • Fire button to shoot
  • Difficulty settings: BB = normal / 100k score limit, AB = hard / 150k score limit, BA = very hard / 200k score limit, AA = extreme  / 250k score limit
  • Color setting: B/W to enable autofire


Game rules:

  • You win the game by reaching the score limit based of the difficulty setting (100k/150k/200k/250k)
  • If you get too close to the Drone it will try to ram you and possibly destroy you in a second, move away quickly!
  • If you are being chased by the drone you will be unable to shoot but you will also be slightly faster
  • If your shield (bottom left bar) gets in half or less, an energy cell will appear orbiting the Drone, grab it for 1000 points extra and regenerate the current shield
  • If you lose a shield you will lose a ship's hull (bottom right bars), you can't get them back, lose all three and it is game over!


Latest release 26_10_2020  [final release, previously known as beta during bug hunting]

  • Added a game end
  • New SECAM-like color scheme... FANCY!
  • PAL60 release
  • Tuned difficulty settings
  • Tuned energy cell orbit and speed
  • General code optimization & gameplay polishing
  • General bugfixing (it should be the last one)
  • Added an autofire function using the color switch

Known Issues:

  • None so far... Let me know if you find something


shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_NTSC.bin

shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_PAL60.bin


######## OLDER RELEASES #######



  • rewritten drone logic (drone sight for ramming is now cross shaped instead of a circle-ish)
  • when in ramming mode the drone it will change sprite based of the main directon
  • when in ramming mode the drone will cease fire and double it's speed "only" on the horizontal axis
  • when the drone is in ramming mode the player ship will be in light grey color, unable to shoot and it will double its movement speed
  • general code optimizations


Known Issues

  • rarely the enemy drone gets stuck on the playfield border
  • rarely the drone will "YEET" out of the screen
  • sometimes the drone will have an higher than intended ram speed


shadow reflex 19_10_2020 NTSC.bin

Thanks to DrJest for your great suggestions and code snippets!


RELEASE 14_10_2020

  • after 4 hits to the player an "energy pill" will appear orbiting the enemy drone, catching it will restore the player energy. WATCH OUT, the drone will still try to ram you!
  • added difficulty settings via console switches: BB = normal, AB = hard, BA = very hard, AA = extreme [normal setting highly suggested]
  • when in "ramming mode" the drone will change sprite and color to warn the player about the danger
  • minor color changes
  • removed flashy boot screen

Known Issues

  • sometimes the enemy drone gets stuck near the player
  • rarely the drone will do a very difficult to avoid ramming manouver

shadow reflex 14_10_2020 NTSC.bin


RELEASE 19_09_2020

  • drone fire speed reduced
  • the drone will try to ram you if you get too close (currently a bit glitchy)
  • after player death the drone will smoothly go out of the play field based of its postition
  • fixed end game timer that allowed restart by pressing fire
  • hidden player missile after death
  • general code optimizations

shadow reflex 19_09_2020.bin


RELEASE 14_09_2020

  • tuned "temporary" default difficulty by slowing down the drone's bullet
  • now pressing FIRE after loosing will restart the game without going back to the splash screen
  • removed background flashes (may be reintroduced as a different rom or as an option by switch selection)

shadow reflex 10_09_2020.bin


Flashy version "WARNING"

shadow reflex WIP 10_09_2020.bin


No Full Screen flashes version

shadow reflex NO FULLSCR FLASHES.bin



Edited by MCP90
tag update, final
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It's a pretty good start. The auto-flip whent he drone is on the other side of the screen is handy. I didn't personally mind the screen flashing version since you used a low intensity color for it, but it should be optional if you keep it for those who have issues with it.


It's also really difficult as it is right now - it seems the only way to damage the drone is to be in its line of fire, so you are going to get hit at the same rate, unless I am missing something.

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35 minutes ago, Karl G said:

It's a pretty good start. The auto-flip whent he drone is on the other side of the screen is handy. I didn't personally mind the screen flashing version since you used a low intensity color for it, but it should be optional if you keep it for those who have issues with it.


It's also really difficult as it is right now - it seems the only way to damage the drone is to be in its line of fire, so you are going to get hit at the same rate, unless I am missing something.

THX! Yes it needs to be tuned, as said one of the future goals is to make difficulty (enemy and missile speed) increase gradually based of the score while also introducing health back after a certain amount of points. My code needs a bit of optimization too, I'm out of variables XD
The auto flip is there to keep the game pacing frantic and the player concentrated on the action, at some point I considered the classic "change direction and press fire/release fire change direction again and press fire" to change fire direction (like predecessors to twin stick shooters) but I realized it can be distracting.

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Cool game! I dig the auto flipping of the ship to keep it facing the enemy. It definitely gave it a unique feel. The drone is pretty tough to hit at any distance. I was only ever really able to get good shots on it while I was dangerously close to causing us to crash into each other. (Though that could just be me being bad at it. :) )


It would be cool to see power ups (temp weapon upgrade, shield, etc) that randomly appear in the play area and whoever flies over it first (you or drone) gets the power up for x amount of time. Also maybe the addition of obstacles in the play area at higher difficulties.

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1 hour ago, slacker said:

Cool game! I dig the auto flipping of the ship to keep it facing the enemy. It definitely gave it a unique feel. The drone is pretty tough to hit at any distance. I was only ever really able to get good shots on it while I was dangerously close to causing us to crash into each other. (Though that could just be me being bad at it. :) )


It would be cool to see power ups (temp weapon upgrade, shield, etc) that randomly appear in the play area and whoever flies over it first (you or drone) gets the power up for x amount of time. Also maybe the addition of obstacles in the play area at higher difficulties.

Thx a lot! Before adding features I need to sort out my code since I believe it is inefficient (I'm out of standard variables) but it is indeed planned to add more gameplay features as you can read in the main post. I hope I can release a new version during the weekend.

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NEW RELEASE 19_09_2020

  • drone fire speed reduced
  • the drone will try to ram you if you get too close (currently a bit glitchy)
  • after player death the drone will smoothly go out of the play field based of its postition
  • fixed end game timer that allowed restart by pressing fire
  • hidden player missile after death
  • general code optimizations

shadow reflex 19_09_2020.bin

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  • 4 weeks later...


  • after 4 hits to the player an "energy pill" will appear orbiting the enemy drone, catching it will restore the player energy. WATCH OUT, the drone will still try to ram you!
  • added difficulty settings via console switches: BB = normal, AB = hard, BA = very hard, AA = extreme [normal setting highly suggested]
  • when in "ramming mode" the drone will change sprite and color to warn the player about the danger
  • minor color changes
  • removed flashy boot screen

Known Issues

  • sometimes the enemy drone gets stuck near the player
  • rarely the drone will do a very difficult to avoid ramming manouver

shadow reflex 14_10_2020 NTSC.bin

Edited by MCP90
changelog correction
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ZeroPage Homebrew will be checking out Shadow Reflex on tomorrow's (Fri Oct 16) stream LIVE on Twitch at 12PM PT | 3PM ET | 7PM GMT! Hope everyone can watch!







Edited by ZeroPage Homebrew
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  • rewritten drone logic (drone sight for ramming is now cross shaped instead of a circle-ish)
  • when in ramming mode the drone it will change sprite based of the main directon
  • when in ramming mode the drone will cease fire and double it's speed "only" on the horizontal axis
  • when the drone is in ramming mode the player ship will be in light grey color, unable to shoot and it will double its movement speed
  • general code optimizations

Known Issues

  • rarely the enemy drone gets stuck on the playfield border
  • rarely the drone will "YEET" out of the screen
  • sometimes the drone will have an higher than intended ram speed

shadow reflex 19_10_2020 NTSC.bin

Edited by MCP90
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The Beta is here, the game can be considered complete! If no more issues are found this will be the last release.
I added a bit of "lore" to introduce the game, I hope you like it.


Latest release "BETA" 26_10_2020

  • Added a game end
  • New SECAM-like color scheme... FANCY!
  • PAL60 release
  • Tuned difficulty settings
  • Tuned energy cell orbit and speed
  • General code optimization & gameplay polishing
  • General bugfixing (it should be the last one)
  • Added an autofire function using the color switch

Known Issues:

  • None so far... Let me know if you find something


shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_NTSC.bin

shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_PAL60.bin

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1 hour ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Nice game. :thumbsup:


:idea: If you enable "Delayed VDEL... swap for Players" in Stella's Developer TIA options, the rightmost score digit shows a glitch. This might show on the @ZeroPage Homebrew console too.

Looks all good here! Both fine from cold and also after 1 hour of system being on.


- James



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  • 1 month later...

Since the latest BETA release didn't show any bug neither I received any report from the community, it is to be considered the FINAL and COMPLETE version with no more work to be done, enjoy!

Latest release 26_10_2020  [final release, previously known as beta during bug hunting]

  • Added a game end
  • New SECAM-like color scheme... FANCY!
  • PAL60 release
  • Tuned difficulty settings
  • Tuned energy cell orbit and speed
  • General code optimization & gameplay polishing
  • General bugfixing (it should be the last one)
  • Added an autofire function using the color switch

shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_NTSC.bin4 kB · 50 downloads

shadow_reflex BETA 26_10_2020_PAL60.bin

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