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Wanted: Sega Mark III (in the USA)


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As a Sega Master System fan (and original owner upon release!) I have always wondered and wanted a Mark III model. But, I don't want to import. I am wondering if anyone stateside has one of these and would like to perhaps trade it for something? Or of course sell it. I am not sure of the price value here and am just dipping my foot in the pond....to A: see if someone has one for offer and to B: see what I am looking at in terms of cost/trade. PM if you have one that you want to offload ;)

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Just giving you my two cents here...


I had a similar curiosity for alternate Sega Master System games a few years ago. Since the official US library was only 114 games, (technically only 111 but that’s an argument for another day), while the worldwide library is about triple that amount. But I realized soon enough that it quickly becomes a journey down a huge rabbit hole.

For starters, there’s the Japanese, European, and South American SMS exclusives. Then you have the Japanese Mark III titles. Then you get into the Sega SG-1000 card games. Then you can’t forget the Othello Multi-Vision titles. Plus the SC3000 and SF7000 computer games. Then you get into the Game Gear conversions. And the latest now is the MSX conversions. Not to mention the protos as well. And the worst part is that almost nothing is plug and play compatible. So you would have to buy a bunch of different hardware units and/or a bunch of different adapters and converters and/or do a bunch of system mods. It becomes this wasteland of cluttered Sega hardware and software, most of which is completely sub-par to the NES. (I never understood this alleged BS that the SMS was technically superior to the NES) The graphics, sounds, music, speed, play control, audio/visual, etc. on the NES blows the doors off the SMS.

My point being, consider the FASTER, EASIER, and CHEAPER option, which was what I did. Keep your original American SMS completely stock. And just buy an ever drive SD cartridge. This gets you every game, for every pre-Genesis Sega system, on one simple plug and play multi cartridge.

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I'm sure eightbit knows that the functional differences are marginal, I have multiple NES and Famicom systems for no good reason. 


It looks like Mark III systems can be had in the $200 range. I do propose you reconsider sourcing the system exclusively within the USA, shipping from Japan is getting reasonable again as the country's postal service is opening up delivery options from its prior Covid-19 imposed restrictions.


4 hours ago, Supergun said:

(I never understood this alleged BS that the SMS was technically superior to the NES) The graphics, sounds, music, speed, play control, audio/visual, etc. on the NES blows the doors off the SMS.


The SMS -is- technologically superior to the NES, it's the software that tends to stumble by comparison. Many more developers worked on the NES/Famicom, while Sega was producing the brunt of the Master System library, handling even ports of other companies games. They were spread a bit thin.

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Yep, I have a USA Master System and am fully aware of the Master Everdrive option and the ability to play all of the games (including SG-1000) on it. But, I want the Japanese console as it is unique (to me at least in the USA) and would be a great addition to my console collection. I may import it eventually if I cannot find one stateside...

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