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What size TV is your 2600 hooked up to?


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While playing last night, I wondered how large a TV everyone has there 2600 hooked up to. How big can you go before the pixels look ridiculously large? Does a larger TV benefit your gameplay? I've been playing on a 13" in my room since the beginning, and right now, don't have any other options. Was just curious to know if anyone is playing it on a huge screen, and what is the gameplay like. If I ever get a larger TV for my Atari, would like to know what the masses prefer.

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While playing last night, I wondered how large a TV everyone has there 2600 hooked up to. How big can you go before the pixels look ridiculously large? Does a larger TV benefit your gameplay? I've been playing on a 13" in my room since the beginning, and right now, don't have any other options. Was just curious to know if anyone is playing it on a huge screen, and what is the gameplay like. If I ever get a larger TV for my Atari, would like to know what the masses prefer.


Dude, I have an old 21'' color TV from the 80's that my wife inherited from her grandma several years ago. I like using this old beast because it feels like you're back in the day playing on what was common then!

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How about 7 feet wide? :ponder: I picked up an LCD projector and pull-down screen at my company's fire sale a year and 1/2 ago (and have the projector mounted in the closet so that it shines through a square hole in the wall). Yes, the pixels are rediculously large and I don't always like to have to wait until dusk to play, so most of the time, I actually play Atari on the 27" Panasonic in the bedroom...

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How about 7 feet wide?


That is pretty unbelievable! I wonder if in a timed game, such as Barnstorming, or Skiing, you'd benefit from having the pixels so huge. In games like that you have to cut corners ever so close, I would imagine you'd be able to navigate those courses with more precision. Not that I am going out to get a LCD projector to find out though. ;)


So far it seems that everybody uses something within the 20-30" range. . . keep the responses coming!!!

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I can only imagine the *click* Paul Slocums TV makes when he changes channels. I want that TV. That photo has brought back a flood of memories.


I want a knob on a modern TV that has a satisfying *click* when you turn it. Quality that you can feel :).


I play on a 14" portable thing, unfortunately a modern one.

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14" Commodore 1084S monitor in my study. I'm currently using my S-VHS deck to decode the RF signal(also used to tune cable channels).


My other set's a 65" HDTV. I play my Playstation 2 on it, but won't put the Atari on it due to the risk of burn-in.

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My main 2600 is hooked up to an old rca 19" analog tuning and everything! very vintage!


My 7800 which i use to play 2600 games most of the time is on my 50 inch projection tv circa 1984! Whoo hoo! :D


I think prefer the 19 inch for games though, my 50 inch is great for movies, but can get a fuzzy with the atari games

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32" Sony WEGA Flatscreen here, hooked (via composite of course) to my trusty four-switcher. The sound from said Woody is hooked straight into my 100W RMS speakers via a Dolby Digital receiver. The TV currently has a small rubber duck on top of it, which may or may not help the picture quality.

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When we bought our house, we got an HDTV for upstairs. The old 51 Inch projection TV is now the "game TV". We play everything on it (sans that RCA Studio 2, Geez, that thing DESTROYS TV's); Atari, Coleco, Intelli, Telstar, even plays all my PAL games (no adjustments necessary; or possible for that matter!).




It's kind of cool that upclose, you can actually distinguish how many scan lines each shape is. Very helpful when following Davie's forum on programming!

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