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What size TV is your 2600 hooked up to?


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my 2600 was hooked up to many tvs:

first when I got it when it came out it was hooked up to an old quasar 19inch tv(b/w) then later on it went down to 12 inch tv(color) then it went to 20 inch(color) it's currently hooked to a 27 inch sony tv. (it shares the same tv with my jaguar right now) if you went to mwc or vgs then you saw my 12incher.

Dan Iacovelli

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Wow. . . quite a few Commodore monitors being used. I never had a monitor for my Commodore, just used the same TV since the beginning. Is there any difference with the monitor, versus the TV?


its got a better picture tube than a regular TV.. but over all.. its just a composite monitor.. basicly.. A tlevision with out a tuner..


but for video payback monitoring.. they are incedable.. I used one for years hooked up to a VCR for my bedroom Television

if you get a chance to pick one up.. I highly recomend it


my old monitor still works..but after about ten minutes.. the picture fades out to black and is unusable, being the pack rat I am.. I have it religated to the museom of antiquated equipment/ Brewing paraphanlia room

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I play on my 32" flatscreen. However any system that uses a keyboard (Atari 8-bit, TI-99/4a, C-64, etc.) is played on a 20" flatscreen that I have on my desk (otherwise I can't reach the keyboard when the system is on the floor).


We play everything on it (sans that RCA Studio 2, Geez, that thing DESTROYS TV's)


Really? How? I've never heard that before.



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I have mine hooked up to a 48" Sony. I had it hooked up to a 12" or so RCA with the "clicky knob" for the full effect (I also bought a bean bag to sit in while I played) but rapidly found that as old age sets in and your eyesight deteriorates, bigger is truly better.....I posted this question on the 7800 board but didn't get any answers so I'll post it here. I have my Atari run directly into the cable jack of my TV (no switchbox) but can get no sound. I intentionally did not run it through my surround sound because I wanted the option of listening to the satellite 70's station through that and planned to just cut up the TV volume if I wanted to hear the Atari but I can't get any sound. Does the box serve some sound-decoding purpose?



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I had my 2600 and other systems hooked up to my "main" 27" Philips Maganavox TV and games looked great.


Then the clutter got to be too much and my friend's dad offered me an old KTV 13" television so it's now all together in a play area in my apartment. The RF interference on the KTV is awful so if anything game play is much more "authentic" as to the Atari experience of my childhood (my grandma's 19" RF-leaking Curtis Mathis) :).


I'm going to replace the 13" KTV sometime soon (I assume it's the 300 ohm connectors causing the interference...new TVs don't have those).



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68cm Phillips Matchline.


Heh, it's strange seeing people denote television sizes in metric. I wish we (the United States) would move away from our archaic measurement system and join the rest of the world! :) The funny thing is that there are some items, such as soda, that are sold in metric measurements and everyone accepts them.



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