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Your current addiction


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My current addiction: introducing the Atari to my 9-year old stepson. The only bad thing: I had to sit through 3 solid hours of playing Maze Craze (game of Cops and Robbers). WITHOUT ANY BEER.... :(


Other addictions: getting as much info as I can on the Atari Jag and the Lynx. I'm thinking about getting these soon.

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My current addiction is this thing that I just got:




I've been able to figure out what the majority of the games on it are, but there are a number of them I can't identify, nor do I remember if I have played a ROM of them. It's a PAL cartridge, but it works fine on my NTSC tv, other than for the picture being offset downward a couple inches.

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OMG my wrist is sore and my heart is pounding.


A big ... no HUGE Thanks to StanJr for sending me this cart :D

Definitly worth the wait (I mean the 2 years I'v been searching not the week it took to get here ;) )


I need be awake for work in 7 hours, but I don't see myself getting much sleep tonight (or for the next few weeks either :) )

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I don't think I'v had an addiction quite as severe as Kaboom!

But Hero would come close. I only have the coleco version (CIB :D)

The whole game is beuatifuly produced and I love the little comic with

John Van Ryzin saying "Why are you sitting around here reading? Get Moving" :D

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I just wasted this morning playing Adventure +.Those dragons are insane on level three;especially when the arrow is locked in one of the castles being totally useless to me....Still trying to figure out what to so with the blinking gold bar?that opens up the easter egg somewhere.

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I told my brother & sister about the fun I've been having with the Atari and Supercharger(which I mod'ed) I'd recently picked up, and they both want one now too. :lol:


So, now I'm Xmas shopping via eBay and converting 2K & 4K bins to WAVs in preparation for CDs.

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For me, it's most any Activision shooting game. Megamania has always been a favorite and I'm quite intrigued by Plaque Attack. Okay I also like Keystone Kapers.....can't quite figure out how the hell I was addicted to Stampede as a kid though. I'm just getting into HERO but I like that so far. I'm getting really tired of my job getting in the way of my gaming time though.......

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