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No movement on Wizard Of Wor


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I tried out several different files of WoW and no joystick response during gameplay, not even the fire buttons, menu works on Ultimate Cart on both my 65XE and XEGS though. :( 


Is there a patch available for it or a version that works with either my 65XE or my XEGS?



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4 minutes ago, BIGHMW said:

Just tried it, wouldn't show up on my Ultimate Cart (no file name like .xex, .car or. rom, or a .bin I can always rename to a .rom file) :(

It's an XEX file. You have to add the file extension yourself.


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Thanks! MUCH BETTER, before that I would have to actually swap out the joystick from port 1 after accessing the game on my Ultimate Cart, and then plug her into port 2 to play her, and as we all know swapping and/or plugging in a controller on the XEGS is no easy task. :) 

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