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Compile assembly example with cl65?

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I'm trying to compile a few lines of Atari 800XL assembly code from a tutorial; with "ca65", the assembly-compiler of cc65 on Linux. (The tutorial used Eclipse with WUDSN on Windows, so I'm trying to use a different compiler/assembler). This is the code:

    org $2000

    lda #0
    sta $022F

    lda $D40B
    sta $240A
    sta $201A
    jmp loop

    run start

The program renders the typical Atari colors.

If I leave out the first and the last line, the code compiles (with "export CC65_HOME="/usr/local/share/cc65" && cl65 -t atari colours.s[/code]". But it refuses to link. I get the following error message:

Unresolved external '_main' referenced in:
ld65: Error: 1 unresolved external(s) found - cannot create output file

What do I have to do to make it work with cl65?

Edited by Pokeypy
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Please note also, that your "org" statement does have an other meaning in ca65, normally not the intended one. Memory positioning is up to the linker.

Your "run start" also seems to be meaningless under the ca65 context.

Furthermore I don't see, how your code would  produce the rainbow effect. $240A/$201A is just RAM and no hardware register is mapped there.


If you like to see a working example, please inspect:


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5 hours ago, Wrathchild said:

Try renaming 'start' to '_main' but also put a '.export _main' before it (indented).

Thank you very much! That made it compile and link. Nice!

I tried in that direction before, but it seems, I missed that combination. I was just guessing.

"Irgendwer" wrote:


Furthermore I don't see, how your code would  produce the rainbow effect. $240A/$201A is just RAM and no hardware register is mapped there.

Interesting. Well, it's not my code, I took it from a lecture on Youtube (in German).

The part with the addresses is at minute 53:05:



But you're right, I can't get the rainbow effect (Edit: see below, was my own fault).

I tried to translate it to C. It compiled with cc65 (cl65), but same result: No rainbow. I was quite confused.

#include <peekpoke.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

void blankScreen() {
    POKE(0x022F, 0);

byte getScanlinePosition() {
    return PEEK(0xD40B);

void interruptCPUUntilScanlineFinished() {
    POKE(0x240A, 0x19);

void setNextScanlineColor(byte color) {
    POKE(0x201A, color);

int main(void) {
    byte a;
    while (1) {
        a = getScanlinePosition();
    return 0;
Edited by Pokeypy
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I'm sorry. It was my fault. I wrote the wrong addresses down. It's $D40A/$D01A, not something with "2".

Well, the program is for a very old computer, and I'm myself are getting old too. Sorry.


So now it works. With a bit of judder in C though. Actually not usable, lol. Has to be assembler.

But it works. Thanks to all!

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26 minutes ago, Pokeypy said:

With a bit of judder in C though. Actually not usable, lol. Has to be assembler.

Go back to to the first structure, by introducing function calls of course you are now taking too long


[Edit] Also pass the -O on the compiler command line to let the optimizer help

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Ok, this is faster:

int main(void) {
    unsigned char a;
    unsigned char *p;
    p = (unsigned char *) 0x022F;
    *p = 0;
    while (1) {
        p = (unsigned char *) 0xD40B;
        a = *p;
        p = (unsigned char *) 0xD40A;
        *p = 0x19;
        p = (unsigned char *) 0xD01A;
        *p = a;
    return 0;

But not very beautiful. :)

No judder, but one "step" in the horizontal middle of the lines. Also used "-O".

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OK, but again... using cc65 to generate the asm file gives:

.proc    _main: near

.segment    "CODE"

    jsr     decsp3
    ldx     #$02
    lda     #$2F
    jsr     stax0sp
    sta     ptr1
    stx     ptr1+1
    lda     #$00
L0018:    ldy     #$00
    sta     (ptr1),y
    ldx     #$D4
    lda     #$0B
    jsr     stax0sp
    sta     ptr1
    stx     ptr1+1
    ldy     #$00
    lda     (ptr1),y
    ldy     #$02
    sta     (sp),y
    lda     #$0A
    jsr     stax0sp
    sta     ptr1
    lda     #$19
    ldy     #$00
    sta     (ptr1),y
    ldx     #$D0
    lda     #$1A
    jsr     stax0sp
    sta     ptr1
    stx     ptr1+1
    ldy     #$02
    lda     (sp),y
    jmp     L0018


But I change it to:

#include <atari.h>

int main(void) {
    static unsigned char a;
    OS.sdmctl = 0;
    while (1) {
        a = ANTIC.vcount;
        ANTIC.wsync = 0x19;
        GTIA_WRITE.colbk = a;
    return 0;

It becomes:

.proc	_main: near

.segment	"BSS"

	.res	1,$00

.segment	"CODE"

	lda     #$00
	sta     $022F
L0033:	lda     $D40B
	sta     L0021
	lda     #$19
	sta     $D40A
	lda     L0021
	sta     $D01A
	jmp     L0033


But you can also do away with the variable, e.g.

#include <atari.h>

int main(void) {
    OS.sdmctl = 0;
    while (1) {
        asm("sta %w", 0xD40A); // ANTIC.wsync
        GTIA_WRITE.colbk = ANTIC.vcount;
    return 0;

Which brings it down to just:

.proc    _main: near

.segment    "CODE"

    lda     #$00
    sta     $022F
L0024:    sta     $D40A
    lda     $D40B
    sta     $D01A
    jmp     L0024



So lesson is to examine the asm produced from the C and whether its how you thought it would be.


Edited by Wrathchild
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