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(Exact) Timing of Atari ending/exiting ST(e) production/market?


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None of these (although you gave me nice links to read ;) )


one that I mention is probably in my posts on atari-forum...

...searching... ... :)


while I was searching for link at atari-forum, I found my post in mentioned thread “Falcon designer” https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=23603&start=50




another interesting fact is from interview with Sam Tramiel from "Next Generation" (April 1995): 

"NG: Atari's shifted its emphasis from computers to consoles. Is this a permanent shift or not?

Sam Tramiel: Around the end of 1989, Atari decided that the computer hardware business was too cut-throat, and a proprietary system could not succeed in the long run against the IBM/Intel juggernaut. We decided to focus on the interactive entertainment market."





...keep searching... :)

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Well, I would say that those who can not perform their tasks at necessary level always find some excuse, 'explanation' why it works not good.

My opinion is that aging of Jack Tramiel and giving leadership, control to his sons is main reason for Atari home/business computer manufacturing failure.

For instance console market was 'cut-throat' too - remember what happened to Atari corp. before Warner, Tramiel bought it ? They lost 'console war'.

Typical, such people can not even thinker some reasonable explanation. What would be, btw. : I'm not up to task - of course will never say it publicly.

Sorry for those who may say 'off topic' - I'm sure that human factor is much more interesting than some dates.


I saw some really silly design mistakes in case of STE - DMA chip, microwire mixer design error - unbalanced audio levels of PSG and DMAA . Then bugs in TOS 1.06 .   Then, whole Falcon design took too long, it went on market just too late, was much slower than TT.



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3 hours ago, calimero said:

Sorry Cyprian, I could not find link to discusion about TT... :(


actually it was my question to you which group do you mean :)


anyway, interesting mention about "TT" from 18 Feb 1986!




Which of these are reserved for the TT machines?

When are the TT machines coming?





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