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Todd Rogers is Mr. Activision heres why


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What I have noticed is there is a reason why this guy is called Mr. Activision and holy cow there is a long list to attribute why. Here are some of my findings and this alone is just on the Atari 2600 platform thru various sources:


Barnstorming ******** #1 #2 #3 #4

Boxing ************** 2nd place

Bridge ************** N/A

Chopper Command ***** 999,999

Cosmic Commuter ***** No entry

CrackPots *********** 1,000,000

Dragster ************ 5.51

Decathlon *********** All 10 Events

Dolphin ************* 300,000-Amazing

Enduro ************** 118,000km 398 days

Free Way ************ #3 #7

Frostbite *********** 1,832,730

Ghost Busters ******* 999,999

Grand Prix ********** #1 #2 #3 #4

H.E.R.O ************* 1,000,000

Ice Hockey ********** N/A

Kaboom ************** 999,999

Keystone Kapers ***** 1,000,000

Laser Blast ********* 1,000,000

Megamania *********** 999,999

Onik **************** 999,999

Pitfall ************* 114,000

Pitfall Perfect ***** 114,000 W/51

Pitfall II ********** 199,000

Plaque Attack ******* 999,999

Pressure Cooker ***** 1,000,000

Private Eye ********* 207,326

Rampage ************* No Entry

River Raid ********** 1,000,000

River Raid II ******* 999,999

Robot Tank ********** 144 Tanks

Sea Quest *********** 999,999

Skiing ************** #1-#10

SkyJinks ************ #1

Space Shuttle ******* N/A

Spider Fighter ****** 900,000

Stampede ************ 99,999

StarMaster ********** #4

Tennis ************** N/A


Now for my question how many Activisons High Scores do other players have as Im sure some of these scores can be tied. Do they have a J.R. Activision title or a Ms. Activision Title? For some of us Activision enthusiasts

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Activision games left off the above list:


Kung Fu Master: 1,000,000

Beamrider: 999,999

Commando: 1,000,000 - Todd has no TG listing

Double Dragon: Todd has no score listed on Twin Galaxies

Private Eye: #1-101,800, #1 fastest completion-1:02 time remaining- not listed on TG, #2-101,600-not listed on TG, #3-101,874 is 2nd place score, #4- no listing on TG,

#5(score listed above was for game #5) not listed on TG

Checkers and Fishing Derby: N/A

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Well Figgler must be "jealous" to say Big Deal to those acheivments . Can you say you've accomplished all the above? Personally I think its simply put AMAZING and hats off to Todd. No disrespect to Figgler but you come off like party pooper and Redcurrie I think you may have some competition for that Ms.Activision title from me as I love those Activision game titles.

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Of course I'm jealous.


If only I could be such an awesome video game player that people everywhere would worship me and create forum threads about what a great player I was. If only I had the skills and time to achieve astronomical scores on so many games that it would take the efforts of many fans to plot out my mega milestones. People could compare notes about what a phenomenal button presser I was....


Gimme a break. I'm not tryin to knock Mr Rogers here, but this whole thing is just a bit sad. :roll:

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Well "SAD" may be your point of view but I was just making an observation on his Activisions list of High Scores. So am I to believe your calling me "SAD" indirectly because I made that post? I think we should share in ALL of our fellow gamers achievements I would be proud of YOU if you had an number of gaming titles under your belt. So I dont see where the problem is.

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Its not THAT sad. I mean Todd got PAID to play those games and get that good at them. If he had just spent 20 years in his parents' basement doing all of that, then YES its sad.


The title "Mr. Activision" is a bit much for my taste, but to each his own. :)

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True it would be Sad if Todd did nothing but play in his parents basement for 20 years of his life but im sure from reading his biography on his web site that he's done quite a bit more then just play games. My modeling friends think that I am nutts for playing the old Atari but I always tell them that ITS FUN and you can never get enough of it. Thats quite a collection of Activision titles he has there and David Yancey How many high scores do you have I see your name mentioned quite often too.


Joy Panzoukis

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