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Anyone interested in the 5200 STARCON controller?


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It seems that I have stumbled upon the original designer of this rumored 5200 controller, and he has indicated that he does have a very limited supply of these to part with. I have one on it's way to me, but I do not have it yet. The unit is as pictured, but does not include a base or a circuit board for control. However, he has provided the schematic for the circuit should anyone want to build it.


I can put anyone interested in this item in contact with him directly. 8)


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MrRetroGamer was nice enough to share his information

with everyone but after corresponding with the person who

has them, the price is somewhat more than I'd expect to pay.

Yes, he still has some as of 08/19/03...


If I could get one (non-working) at the price Rich paid...fine.

But at the moment I'll stick with my Competition Pro Joysticks.


Yes, the Starcon is rare - yes, it's cool - and I'd love to have one.


Call me frugal...or cheap!



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I was told $100 for the controller (I believe this

included the circuit board, too) but would be missing

the base? You would need to supply the 2600 plug -

otherwise it comes with the ribbon cable.


With Masterplays going for roughly half of that price...

I can't justify buying one. And I'm not trying to rain

on anyone's parade as I think this is still a one-of-a-kind

opportunity - just too rich for my blood.



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If I could get one (non-working) at the price Rich paid...fine.


I didn't think that buying the pre-made circuit from him was manditory, at least not at the beginning of all this. At first, I don't think he even wanted to build the circuit - it was going to be extra work for him. However, a few dead presidents were able to persuade him! :D He indicated he just wanted to quietly sell off whatever remaining incomplete controllers he had left and be done with it - that was until I came along! :P


I agree it's a little costly, but it's still a pretty rare item - I think one of the Digital Press guys has one, and that was believed to be the ONLY one in circulation. This may be the only opportunity to buy one, so I didn't want to miss out. Plus, being a collector of odd joysticks, I HAD to have one of these anyway! Mine was shipped a few days ago, but it's travelling cross-country by FedEx ground so it will be next week before it arrives. Expect a FULL review/writeup when I get it. 8)


See more of my cool joysticks for various systems here

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No buying the circuit wasn't a requirement, in fact I had to ask him nicely to build it for me (which he did for a small fee). While I don't think this is the best 5200 controller out there (although I can't be sure until I actually use it), it's definetly the rarest (right up there with the Tigra Elite). Once his 6 or so are gone I don't think you'll ever find another one.



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I didn't think $100 was that much to spend on one of these at all. I even sent a joystick cable out to him to install. This is by far one of the rarest 5200 controllers and I am looking forward to receiving it via Fedex ground in a few days.


Wow, I can;t believe someone has Triga Elite. I wonder how gameplay is with it.


I'm still searching for a Fire Command, but doubt the existence of this one.


Has anyone ever encountered the schematics or a built Frob or Puffer?

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Yeah I got a Triga Elite NIB!
















Oh wait that was just in that dream I had. :P


I'm starting to doubt the existance of some of these extreme rarities. Who knows thou, a whole warehouse full could be found tomorrow. :D A couple pallets of Triga Elites right next to Masterplay Interfaces. I can dream right!



Also I too agree about the $100 price, it's very reasonable given the extreme rarity of this controller. His last 2 auctions only ended at $42 plus $8 shipping so $50 for a nonworking one. Honestly his time and effort to finish and sell me a workinbg one, versus chancing it in an auction. I would imagine a working Starcon, listed as such on ebay would go for a good bit more, than an unfinished Atari controller/parts, the way the first two auctions were. But I doubt we'll know as all will probably be bought up before he gets a chance to list another..



Also speaking of unreleased/rarities, who has an Entertainment Systems/Newport Control-Guide? There's a pic of one on AGH, might be a mock up out of an ad thou. I would imagine there are at least a couple floating around somewhere with such a cheap selling price. :?

Also this is only an R6 in the dp guide?


And also slightly more OT, the carrying case that Marco sold on ebay, did it have a CX model number?? Seeing as it was boxed, would be an easy thing to find out. Anyone know?

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I'm still searching for a Fire Command, but doubt the existence of this one.


Well, I have a 4 button Fire Command controller. It's NOT analog and it only has a 9 pin connector. I read about some kind of Y cable setup needed for the 5200 GIM Fire Command, so I'm not sure really where this model fits in. I WILL say it does work with a Colecovision, and the fire buttons correspond to two different button functions just like a standard CV controller.


Also speaking of unreleased/rarities, who has an Entertainment Systems/Newport Control-Guide? Also this is only an R6 in the dp guide?


This is a picture of the set I have, which also included the original baggie it came in and the warrantee/instruction card. It even has the two clear discs which you use as washers between the guide and the stick. I think the rarity should be higher - I've NEVER seen these in the wild or on eBay.



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I want to thank MrRetroGamer for this post. I ordered my StarCon today. I don't know if he has any left or not, but he was kind enough to hold one for me. This probably is my only chance to get one. I paid a $100, but this he is building this for me. He offered to build the base for an additional $50, but I passed on that. It is a lot to pay for a controller, but the 5200 is my favorite system to collect for and I couldn't pass it up.

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I think the assembly price is outrageous, if you guys think this is reasonable, I think I need to start charging more for the work I do on stuff. :roll:


Besides that, there is a bug in the schematics for the stick and for anyone that actually will build this, make sure to replace both of the 83K resistors with 10K ones. ;)

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You should be working for NASA  :D


LOL, yeah right.


I am serious, he did leave a vague note about the 10K resistor and I tested it with various different ranges between that and 83K on a breadboard.


The bug I am referring to is the fact that the connection from R4 to wire 9 is missing, that may throw a "newbie" off-course. :D

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Yeah but for it to be an "official" Starcon controller you've got to have Gary assemble it for you. Otherwise it's just a knock-off...  


Who is Gary?


I contacted Fred and found out he lives in my neck of the woods. I went by for a visit and to order one of his controllers. Here is the story of the Starcon, as told to me by Fred. He made about 200 of these controllers for sale. He liked the 5200, but disliked the 5200 controllers, so he made these. Each case is slightly different as he used a vacuum mold process. He sold between 150-200 of these. He decided recently to sell the last remaing cases on ebay. It is a very interesting controller to say the least. I am looking fwd to recieving mine anyday now. Yes, it is true, he only has a few, I think he stated tha the has less than 4 left.


BTW: The starfield on the controller, is, according to Fred, a real constellation and not something he made up.



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