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Anyone interested in the 5200 STARCON controller?


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I met up with Fred today at lunch to pick up mine. He even signed them for me. I will play it tonight. I doubt that I can write up a review before next tuesday as I am leaving town for vacation tommorow.


It feels very good and and very much like an arcade. I had Fred add a real 5200 controller cord as opposed to the ribbon cable he originally had. I plan to add a dark plexiglass/lexan base with rubber feet to mine. He packaged a nice little write-up with a game compatibility matrix. He also included instructions on how to make a base for it. Very profesional looking. At one time he had retail boxes for them, but he doesn't think he has anymore of those, at least he can't find them.


BTW: As of noon today he had one left. He stated that there are no more. That is too bad. I think it is a nice item to addtion to the 5200 hardware library.



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I got mine today! :D Very well packaged and padded. Also got the paperwork described above as well. I too had Fred substitute a new 5200 controller cable I sent him for the ribbon cable he was going to use. He wired it up very cleanly and it looks really good, both inside and out. I gave it a quick run thru with Defender and Pac Man and QIX. I was very pleased with the way it felt and performed, VERY arcade feel to it with these games. The fire button config may look like it is oddly placed, but you have enough room to manipulate the stick and buttons and it actually felt comfortable, and should work well no matter which hand you prefer to use for the stick and buttons. I would say it does need to have some sort of base to give it more weight and extra stability, I'd be interested to see what people come up with. I'll get some additional comments and pics up soon. Overall, I am EXTREMELY happy I had the chance to buy this, and I hope everyone else who got one is equally happy with their purchase too! 8)

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Where is mine :(? . It went out last Friday and I live in Florida so it is still on the way. Maybe tomorrow. Mr. Retro - keep posting pics and comments. What are your ideas for the base?


- RG


P.S. Fred R. has seemed great to work with and I'm glad this is all working out.

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I plan to add a dark plexiglass/lexan base with rubber feet to mine


I don't suppose I could talk you into making one for me while you're at it could I? I have no idea how I can do this on my own.



The fire button config may look like it is oddly placed, but you have enough room to manipulate the stick and buttons and it actually felt comfortable


After looking at the pics again I have a hard time believeing this. I mean the buttons almost underneath the damn stick! Mine should be here very soon and hopefully I will be proved wrong. :D



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Here a quick run down on this controller.




I played it with the multi-cart last night and I can honestly say that this is "thee" best 5200 controller I have ever used. There are a few games that don't work with it, Breakout, Kaboom!, et. al. But the ones that do work, play so much better. The button configuration isn't a problem at all. I played Bezerk and Pac-Man and felt like I was playing an arcade game. Pitfall was spot on accurate. The controls are just as good as any arcade.



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Tempest...did the thought never occur to you to turn the controller 90 degrees? That way the stick is on the right and the buttons on the left...or vice versa to whatever is comfortable. I don't think the thing is actually meant to be played with the keypad at the top..because that would also make games like Fractalus a real pain to play with your hands crossing over each other. Therefore, I suspect it is actually meant to played with the controller turned sideways.



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Tempest...did the thought never occur to you to turn the controller 90 degrees?  That way the stick is on the right and the buttons on the left...or vice versa to whatever is comfortable.  I don't think the thing is actually meant to be played with the keypad at the top..because that would also make games like Fractalus a real pain to play with your hands crossing over each other.  Therefore, I suspect it is actually meant to played with the controller turned sideways.




Well, I'd have to say no to this. The way Fred wired it up, it IS meant to be played the way you see it. If someone felt comfortable to wire it up in a different orientation (the connections are soldered) it might be workable. I still maintain that the fire button layout is not a problem, but I'm willing to wait and hear what the others have to say.


I also just noticed that KRazy Shootout does not like this controller - doesn't want to move down but will move left, right and up. I then tried Bezerk and it moved flawlwssly in all directions, so it must be software related. Anyone else confirm this?

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Tempest...did the thought never occur to you to turn the controller 90 degrees? That way the stick is on the right and the buttons on the left...or vice versa to whatever is comfortable. I don't think the thing is actually meant to be played with the keypad at the top..because that would also make games like Fractalus a real pain to play with your hands crossing over each other. Therefore, I suspect it is actually meant to played with the controller turned sideways.  


I wish you could, but as MrRetroGamer pointed out, the control is hardwared. No dice!



I also just noticed that KRazy Shootout does not like this controller - doesn't want to move down but will move left, right and up. I then tried Bezerk and it moved flawlwssly in all directions, so it must be software related. Anyone else confirm this?


I've noticed that most of the games that are listed as not working with the controller are either analog games or also have problems with the Masterplay Interface (such as K-Razy Shootout). There must be a connection.



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I'm happy to see positive responses (please hurry Mr. FedEx man :). Ah well - I'll get it when I get back from Labor Day weekend. So with the Starcon, trackball, paddle, and 2 regular controllers with the holder, I should be set for any 5200 game! Do post when you have ideas for the base - did anyone pay to get Fred to do the base and/or did anyone keep the stock controller wire and plug (how sturdy or unsturdy is the ribbon connector)?


Take care,



P.S. Congratulations to Mr. Retrogamer on the link in the new Retrogaming Times newsletter. I would recognize that joystick collection anywhere.

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I'm happy to see positive responses (please hurry Mr. FedEx man :). Ah well - I'll get it when I get back from Labor Day weekend. So with the Starcon, trackball, paddle, and 2 regular controllers with the holder, I should be set for any 5200 game! Do post when you have ideas for the base - did anyone pay to get Fred to do the base and/or did anyone keep the stock controller wire and plug (how sturdy or unsturdy is the ribbon connector)?


Take care,



P.S. Congratulations to Mr. Retrogamer on the link in the new Retrogaming Times newsletter. I would recognize that joystick collection anywhere.


Apparently, Fred had fashioned a plywood base that he was offering. I had planned all along to cut a piece of plywood and cover it with naugahide and some batting and adding rubber feet to the controller or cutting a piece of clear plexiglass and also using some kind of footing.


The controller is very good to use, although I still am more partial to the Com Pro and Wico for games that require active fire buttons. I'm off to the beach in a few minutes, but plan on starting the base when I return Monday evening.





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So then the controller portion itself cannot be unmounted and rotated 90 degress inside the shell? Looking at the 4 bolt heads it would appear that that should be possible. To me the controller looks like it would work best in true arcade layout fashion with the stick on the left, keypad in the center, and buttons on the right. Or...revers the keypad and buttons. I know this isn't how it is designed...but that would be an ideal layout I would think for most gaming.

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With all the talk about the controller layout, it looks like it could be fairly trivial to make a controller with button layout to their liking. The schematics are posted here. I wouldn't ruin the Starcon as it is a work of classic videogame art. I like it alot as is. I am, however, thinking of making a twin stick controller for Robotron and Space Dungeon. I'd like to add a paddle as well. I would use all arcade controller components. Arcade components are readily available.



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Yes - my Starcon finally arrived. I have only used the stock and Wico stick on the 5200 so this is a major improvement. Anyone get around yet to making a base? It just seems like there has to be a more professional way than glueing the weird wood pieces and screwing a bottom into them. The rest of the joystick is very cool looking. Please post ideas and/or pictures when and if anyone puts a base on the joystick. By the way, how many people got a Starcon? From this message post it seems like:


Mr. Retrogamer




Rob Mitchell (2)


Lee K.




Were there thus 9 in total? I think he said that he had about half a dozen extras and then three of his own so that it about right.


Thanks Mr. Retro for your original post and telling us all about the Starcon.

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Mine came today and it looks awesome! I haven't had time to plug it in yet, but I found that the button placement is actually quite confortrable (I know, I'm as shocked as you are).


I plan to buy some black acrylic (I'm already getting some for a Neo Geo MVS home system case) and make a base out of that. That way it will look natural.



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So has anyone started with the base yet?


I'm going to get some MDF tomorrow, and plan to make a base out of it. I've looked at plexiglass, and like the idea, maybe a black tented, or blacked out from the inside look with a shine to it, but feel it might be to light, and not sure it's worth the hassle. I don't know that I like the hot-glued blocks, but I guess it's no different, that the other pieces inside that have hot glue on them already, and once screws are put in from the sides, it probably won't go anywhere. :)


Just wondering thou, if anyone else had started up yet or not?

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No I didn't purchase one of these controllers. I know it was a very very rare once in a lifetime shot, but with other expenses right now...such as my show on the 20th of this month...I simply couldn't afford it.


However, if any of you who did purchase this controller, should happen to wander to the OKGE on the 20th, you better bring it along so I can at least check it out and be proven wrong on this layout business...hehe.

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