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"Whoa... color!" - the official Game Gear thread!

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9 hours ago, remowilliams said:

new IPS screen on one of them so I've been focusing a bit on the system

It's so much better with this. That's why all all my high score pictures are so bright and crisp. I had the USB-C and Retro6 batteries done to mine too. Definitely worth it also. I play it everyday at bedtime now. 

    Though sometimes if I press pause too much it'll switch screen modes accidentally in the middle of playing. Not a big issue but something I noticed playing the Mortal Kombats.

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10 hours ago, neogeo1982 said:

It's so much better with this. That's why all all my high score pictures are so bright and crisp

Yeah it makes a huge difference.  I've had this screen sitting on the shelf for a while and should have done it sooner : )  The flex cable makes it so much nicer to install.



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I'm in the same boat money wise.  I mean there's a little but due to something with family and causing a loss of funds, we're not micro budgeting things like never before and cut all paid streaming services and other few fluff things we did have remaining.  I'm fine though letting it largely rest outside of desire to use it, have the GG adapter for the mega sg.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/2/2024 at 8:00 PM, SlidellMan said:

There were a surprising number of RPGs for the Game Gear, but it's nice to see another one. If Nineko needs another pixel artist, I know quite a few.

A little more info: Nineko was just hosting the trailer and announcing of the game. The developer is Cireza_ . On SMSpower you can follow the state of both games development. The Sword of Stone is actually finished and is being published by 2Minds. Preorder will be open soon for the physical release.

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8 hours ago, neogeo1982 said:

@jgkspsx did you get the case when you got yours last year or just the game? Also of note, it's in stock again in the 2minds store if anyone wants to pick it up.

Just the game. It's a great game but very hard for a match 3.

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Hi. I have improved my game and am done with it again. If you want to try it, you can download it here.


I have a little bit of a display issue with my Game Gear, Every time I use the Everdrive, there's some discoloration for lack of a better word. For instance, if I were to put a black rectangle on a white background (or vice versa), you'd probably see a shadow effect. But what's odd about this problem is that it only happens with my Everdrive. Commercial games display fine. I don't know why that is. I'm thinking it's a problem with my Everdrive, but I don't know.


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On 2/21/2024 at 9:43 AM, remowilliams said:

Yeah it makes a huge difference.  I've had this screen sitting on the shelf for a while and should have done it sooner : )  The flex cable makes it so much nicer to install.



Be mindful of that clock solder point on the FB pads. That is the older flex and I've had 3 of the 6 or so I've installed of that kit develop a break in the clock trace on the flex after a month or so. As a result, when I come across someone that wants me to install this older flex kit, I use a second length of wire to physically solder from the FB pad point back to the clk pad on the LCD to be sure. The newer flex is more of a black color and the traces were redone on that portion to make it more sturdy. I think the original issue is that it is a thin trace at that point, that it breaks at the solder pad because on the 2 that game back to me for this, I could press down near the FB solder point and it would come back to life. So yeah, if you turn it on one day and just a get a black screen... check that clock trace on the flex ribbon.


Here is what the current newer ribbons look like. I actually cut that corner section so it wouldn't be lifted by the cap that is installed there. I use the kapton tape to help keep some of the stress off the flex since they want to naturally pop up due the bending etc. You can see what I mean on that T10 solder point on your older flex above as that is another point that will want to break loose over time.



And yes new caps and the new screens makes you want to play the system again as it is like an all new handheld at that point. The flash made the image on the screen look weird as those lines aren't actually there in real life of course.


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1 hour ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

So yeah, if you turn it on one day and just a get a black screen... check that clock trace on the flex ribbon.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I did put some kapton on the ribbon locations for those reasons, but it'll be something I keep in mind if I turn it on and suddenly its not working : )


The new screen has definitely piqued my interest in a system that I've largely overlooked in the past.  I've been enjoying some great games from its library and some surprises like finding out the system has a Rouguelike in Dragon Crystal.

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@-^CrossBow^- So this newest flex cable GG LCD kit is more rock solid, that's good to know so look for a black/blacker cable on that.  But is it easier to install than the older ones where you had to have fine wires and a steady hand to like solder 4+ wires to the various pins on the edge of the board for when the old screen was there?  That was a big reason I didn't, those tiny spaces drive me nuts...little bit shaky hands causes problems on finer stuff. :\  As of now I'm not even certain I want to do it anymore, have the GG adapter alone for the Mega Sg so I mean...tv play.  But if I wanted to chill somewhere with it, the GG is the portable.

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24 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

@-^CrossBow^- So this newest flex cable GG LCD kit is more rock solid, that's good to know so look for a black/blacker cable on that.  But is it easier to install than the older ones where you had to have fine wires and a steady hand to like solder 4+ wires to the various pins on the edge of the board for when the old screen was there?  That was a big reason I didn't, those tiny spaces drive me nuts...little bit shaky hands causes problems on finer stuff. 😕 As of now I'm not even certain I want to do it anymore, have the GG adapter alone for the Mega Sg so I mean...tv play.  But if I wanted to chill somewhere with it, the GG is the portable.

Well the current flex ribbon setups are easier overall as the flex ribbon sits over the points to be soldered to. But, the main LCD portion still requires you to line up that part of the flex in the right place and solder it down. So perhaps easier than holding onto thin wires...but same spots to solder to and in my opinion it can be easier to bridge under the ribbon since you can't see. So still requires some care.


Here is the latest one I just finished up last week and sent on its way home a few days ago. The kapton tape was used to both hold the ribbon in place for me to solder it down and then applied to help secure it since it is bent around the board and will want to pop up a bit. So the tape is used to keep that stress off the ribbon low. I do like the test points as they allow you to check and make sure nothing is shorted and is making contact from LCD section to new LCD board.




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9 hours ago, Tanooki said:

Well... damn as much as I don't like the idea of screwing with a survivor that never belched fish caps, I'm still as tempted as ever to get this mod done on it. 😕 Clunky big thing as it is, it's comfy to use.


I did the whole thing. Case, buttons, IPS screen, USB-C with Retro6 rechargeable batteries mod. I almost think I could have got an Analogue for nearly the same time/cost it took me. But I see @jgkspsx peeling labels and am not impressed by that aspect. But for all my goofing around with this Game Gear SMS, Game Gear, and SG1000 games all look better than they ever did on stock.

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3 minutes ago, jgkspsx said:

Well, SG-1000 game colors are screwed up on Game Gear and Master System unless some magic has been done...

Oh? I don't have original hardware to compare to but they look normal to me. The only difference I see is the screen is forced to 4:3 and won't change with SG or SMS. All my Game Gear games I play with widescreen though. And Phantasy Star and Ultima the text is easy to read with this screen and not jumbled together, so I can actually play them on here now. The old stock screen I really couldn't.

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@neogeo1982 Yeah that probably would push it close to that $200 level.  I'm only like $40 into the GG and that's with the few games it came from (seller on this site I think it was somewhat untested or unchecked for rot) that ate up more than half that shipped price since Sonic Drift 2 was with it.  My costs would be having someone do the work, it's too fiddly for me and my low rent iron, and the kit itself.  I don't think I'd bother with some battery mod unless it really made sense to do so, but the screen yeah.  The system itself externally is flawless so other than maybe a glass lens if that I'd leave it be.


I do have the everdrive, but I also have a few multicarts, one of them has nearly all the mycards on it and they work nice, even if some of the writing borders on a bit too small for the stock screen to be legible.

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