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Jaguar CD Encryption Bypass thread!


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Since this was brought up in another thread, and certain people don't want other certain people to write it, I decided to start this myself. Everyone who is familiar with or involved in the CD Bypass, send me any info that you think should be included in an FAQ or sticky post and I will compile all of the information and turn it into a "sticky" FAQ. This will probably take a little while to complete, but I should be able to post updates on a regular basis until it has been completed. I think this way we can inform Jag newbies who have no idea what the CD Bypass is in a way that will make everyone happy.

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You want the info in a PM, right?


Either that or email, whichever works best for you. This will all go in a separate thread once I have enough to post. Thanks!



Hmm, why don't you want to get contributions as thread-messages?

The advantage would be that the contribution could be discussed by

the broad public.


My idea is that the sticky CD-Bypass-FAQ shouldn't be too much overloaded. It should just contain a short explanation why a CD-Bypass is necessary (and why it is normally found on a cartridge) and a list of actual CD-Bypass-cartridges (perhaps mentioning these fancy trademarked names and individual advantages or disadvantages of these CD-Bypasses if there are any)

and perhaps a list of the known CDs which need to be run using a CD-Bypass.





PS: No, i am not a neutral third-party person, i am developing a product containing a CD-Bypass since months.

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You want the info in a PM, right?


Either that or email, whichever works best for you. This will all go in a separate thread once I have enough to post. Thanks!



Hmm, why don't you want to get contributions as thread-messages?

The advantage would be that the contribution could be discussed by

the broad public.


My idea is that the sticky CD-Bypass-FAQ shouldn't be too much overloaded. It should just contain a short explanation why a CD-Bypass is necessary (and why it is normally found on a cartridge) and a list of actual CD-Bypass-cartridges (perhaps mentioning these fancy trademarked names and individual advantages or disadvantages of these CD-Bypasses if there are any)

and perhaps a list of the known CDs which need to be run using a CD-Bypass.





PS: No, i am not a neutral third-party person, i am developing a product containing a CD-Bypass since months.



If we open this topic to the public, then it will be full of "discussion" that will obscure the facts and nobody will read the discussion to learn. They'll just come to the general topics and ask the same questions over and over.

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I'd prefer it to be done through PMs or emails since fighting seems to invade almost every discussion regarding this topic. Don't worry, I'm wanting input from EVERYBODY to make sure that I cover all available options and questions regarding the bypass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: I've received info from several people (Tyrant and Matthias), but would like info from several others, but all of it is mostly info gleaned from previous discussions that in itself is difficult to fit into an FAQ. What I would like now are some answers to a few FAQ questions that I came up with, as well as suggestions on other questions that would go well in an FAQ. The following is what I have so far:


What is a CD Bypass?


Why do I need one?


What CD Bypass options currently exist?


Will all CD Bypass options allow me to play all unencrypted games?


Can I save games to my CD Bypass cart?


Are unencrypted games compatible with my Memory Track cartridge?


Can I use my CD Bypass cartridge with Memory Track-compatible games?


What I'd really like is for those of you who have worked on any CD Bypass technology to send me answers to these questions, as well as any other info you'd like to see in this. Sorry I haven't put anything up yet; my time has been taken up quite a bit due to being out of town and my wife's injury.

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SOmething that might be more helpful is a listing of games available that can use these type technologies and which one I need to get, ie:



Game Method Hardware Required

Painter (whatever method it uses) Protector SE


This would allow me to see which is the more prevelent format being used so I can focus on buying 1 method vs trying to figure out 3


Im not sure I care much about the technology behind it - I just want to know what to buy to play the new CD games.

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SOmething that might be more helpful is a listing of games available that can use these type technologies and which one I need to get, ie:



Game     Method                               Hardware Required

Painter   (whatever method it uses)    Protector SE


This would allow me to see which is the more prevelent format being used so I can focus on buying 1 method vs trying to figure out 3


Im not sure I care much about the technology behind it - I just want to know what to buy to play the new CD games.


The FAQ will mainly be geared towards informing those new to the Jag or unfamiliar with the CD Bypass as to what all is needed in order to play new releases. A list of what games require what method I think is mostly a moot point, as all unencrypted games (according to my understanding) can be played using any of the available bypass options. Saving games is a different story, however, but I'd like to include a list stating which games require which method.

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Very quick answers (no quoting even):


What is a CD Bypass?


A bit of code (normally contained on a cartridge) used to bypass the security checks on Jaguar CD's.


Why do I need one?


New games cannot be encripted because the Atari keys were lost, thus all new, and prototype games, cannot run on standard Jaguar CD hardware. To run one, you must in some way bypass the security checks.


What CD Bypass options currently exist?


Protector:SE contains a bypass.

BattleSphere Gold contains a bypass.

The B&C Bypass Cart is nothing but a bypass.

A software bypass can be uploaded into a BJL modified Jaguar, or a Jaguar Server modified Jaguar.

The bios of the Jaguar CD unit can be replaced with a hacked chip that does not include the encription check, or a developer bios (which requires a Stubulator rom in the Jaguar as well).


Will all CD Bypass options allow me to play all unencrypted games?




Can I save games to my CD Bypass cart?


All 3 cartridges allow you to save (except early models of the B&C cart, call them for a replacement), however currently no standards exist, and no games support saving to any cartridge.


Are unencrypted games compatible with my Memory Track cartridge?


No games currently support saving in any form, however even if they did, the Memory Track cartridge is not a Bypass cartridge, so unless you have a modified Jaguar or JagCD, the game would not load.


Can I use my CD Bypass cartridge with Memory Track-compatible games?


None of the Bypass cartridges currently availible emulate the Memory Track cartridge storage system, so no.

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Are unencrypted games compatible with my Memory Track cartridge?


No games currently support saving in any form, however even if they did, the Memory Track cartridge is not a Bypass cartridge, so unless you have a modified Jaguar or JagCD, the game would not load.


American Hero does support the memory track. Or doesn't that qualify as an unencrypted game?



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American Hero does support the memory track. Or doesn't that qualify as an unencrypted game?

Yep, but you need a modified JagCD or the BJL-uploaded bypass code to use it. I imagine Tyrant was only thinking of upcoming/recently released games :)




No, I was simply wrong :). I wasnt aware American Hero supported Memory Track saving, but I am now, thanks for correcting me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very quick answers (no quoting even):


Why do I need one?


New games cannot be encripted because the Atari keys were lost, thus all new, and prototype games, cannot run on standard Jaguar CD hardware. To run one, you must in some way bypass the security checks.





They were??? I don't think so ;-) Stay tuned to this Jag Channel kiddies...




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After playing phone tag for a few days, Glenn Bruner and I finally spoke at great length last night and I went over some of the items that may lead to the final release of the encryption components need by the homebrew community:


1. I will scan and release all of the faxes and memo's between Richard Miller, Leonard Tramiel and RSA technologies regarding Jag encryption.


2. I will release a ZIP image of the C sources that were used to create the encryption.


3. I have 3 sets of .key files from various dates from November 1995, these are public.key private.key and publiccd.key which I am hoping will all be valid prime number keys which were used to generate encryption for the Jag.


4. I will release ZIP's of Jagcrypt and CdENC which are the Jag Cartridge and JagCD encryption programs, in the CdENC are utitlities for generation JagTOC files that the weird format of the JagCD's require.


5. Added bonus, I will also release the source code to Club Drive.


This will all be posted here on AA and in the new Atari Jaguar section of the Atari Museum website this weekend.


I will also make available for anyone who doesn't have broadband and wants all these programs and code a CD-ROM for sale for $9.99 will all this code, plus a lot of additional Jag utilities including Rendering and Polygon generation code and the engine and sources for American Hero.





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Can't guarentee if the actual key is in there or not. Would be truly wonderful if it is! But if not at least, it will provide some more information to dig into to. And maybe one day help solve the problem with making games that can boot on their own.


But from what Curt read to me about the correspondance, it has great historical value and gives some insight into the thinking of Atari with the game authentication system they went with.


The Club Drive sources sound great! Club Drive Gold - I like the sound of that!




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