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8-Bit Software: A Preservation Effort


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Analog #38 (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. TRANSLTR.LST is another fix for Home Translator from issue #32. It does the same as last issues fix, Background, Keyclicks and Bell.
  2. INCOMING.BAS creates a file or a cassette version of the game. A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included.  The Atari Macro Assembler assembly listing compiles into a complete and working game.



ANALOG Computing #38 (1986-01)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip

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Analog #39  (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. PONG.BAS creates a file or a cassette of the game. A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included. The MAC/65 assembly listing compiles into a complete and working game.
  2. FORMATTR.BAS creates FMT.COM file on a DOS dis.  I renamed it to AUTORUN.SYS and An ATR is included.
  3. The MAC/65 assembly listings for Debug need to be renamed before assembly. DEBUG1.M65 can be named anything, DEBUG2.M65 is renamed to DISA, DEBUG3.M65 is renamed to TRACE and DEBUG4.M65 is rename to IO3.  Then it will compile.
  4. CAPSTOG.ASM was missing from the source disks.  Even after making sure it is correct, it does not compile.  It is just showing what the BASIC program does.


ANALOG Computing #39 (1986-02)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip


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Analog #41 (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. ROAD.BAS was not found on any source disk and is now on the Additional disk. It creates a file or a cassette version of One for the Road. A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included.  The MAC/65 assembly listing came in 3 pieces and did not have the INCLUDE statements for the other 2 parts. After the INCLUDEs were added, it compiles into a complete and working game.  The updated ROAD1.M65 file is included on the Additional disk.
  2. PAPERWT.BAS was not found on any source disk and is now on the Additional disk. It creates a file or a cassette version of Paper Weight. A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included, although the CAS does not boot without the ATR made from it in D1:.  The MAC/65 assembly listing  compiles into a complete and working program.
  3. BOOTCMP1.M65 and BOOTCMP2.M65 were not found on any source disk and are now on the Additional disk. The MAC/65 assembly listing for BOOTCMP1.M65 does compile, but BOOTCMP2.M65 does not compile even though it is typed correctly.



ANALOG Computing #41 (1986-04)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip




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Analog #42 (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. SWITCH.BAS was missing from the source disks. Also no DCHECK Data, manually verified. It just lists out the ML in BASIC.  Does not look like you get to actually run it for any purpose. The Mac/65 assembly listing is on the second disk, but it requires some "includes" that I cannot locate readily. Unable to compile, but there is an OBJ on the source disks.
  2. EQUIPMENT.BAS is part 2 of the D&D Character Generator system from issue #41.  There is one more program from issue #43 that needs to be added. On that issue, a disk will be created with all three programs on it to complete the D&D system.
  3. BOOTCMP2.M65 and BOOTCMP5.M65 do not compile.
  4. GEMSET.BAS was missing from the source disks. Also no DCHECK Data, manually verified. It just lists out the ML in BASIC.  Does not look like you get to actually run it for any purpose. The Mac/65 assembly listing is on the second disk, but it requires some "includes" that I cannot locate readily. Unable to compile, but there is an OBJ on the source disks.
  5. MICROMAL.LST from reader comments was missing from the source disks.  It is entered into the Micro Mail program from issue #40 to make the program work for Canadian addresses.
  6. GRAPHE.LST from reader comments was missing from the source disks. It is entered into the Graph E's program from issue #21 to rerun the program without rebooting.
  7. XLLOADIT.LST from reader comments was missing from the source disks. It is entered into the XL Load It program from issue #39 for XL compatibility.
  8. DLIMAKER.LST from reader comments was missing from the source disks. It is entered into the DLI Maker program from issue #38 to remove CHR$(34) and (155).

ANALOG Computing #42 (1986-05)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip






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Analog #43 Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I personally sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. BASICEDT.BAS is the new way of typing in basic programs into the computer.  It has an inherent problem where it does not check programs that have been typed already.  I jumped ahead a couple of Issues to get EDITORII.BAS which does have a routine to check programs already typed.  Man this method sucks, line by line. Unicheck was faster with programs already typed.  But, I can see where this is better as you are typing it in.
  2. INVENTRY.BAS had extra lines (4570-4650) compared to the magazine listing.  I removed them and now this listing matches the magazine. This updated version is on the Additional disk, the original is still in the sector copied original disk.
  3. ELECTROD.BAS was missing from the source disks and has the ML code for the game Electroids. ELECTRDC.LST (also missing) is entered into ELECTROD.BAS to make a Cassette version of the game.  The CAS (set Altirra to no acceleration) and an ATR from that CAS are included. The MAC/65 assembly listing compiles into a complete and working game.
  4. MUSIC.BAS, ILLUSION.BAS, CLERIC.BAS (magazine incorrectly wants to call it CLERK), and DRUID.BAS are the final programs to complete the D&D Character Generation System.  An ATR is included.


ANALOG Computing #43 (1986-06)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC][Sector Copy of Original].zip






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Analog Issue #45 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from A8SP.


  1. ROLLEM.OBJ seems to only load under Atari DOS.  It would not load under Sparta X nor from a 3 sector boot disk, but does load under the "L" command of Atari DOS.
  2. RAMXL.BAS has the ML for the OBJ.  The MAC/65 assembly language listing compiles. An ATR is included.
  3. TROLLWAR.BAS has ML for the game. TROLLCAS.LST is entered into TOLLWAR.BAS to create the cassette version of the game.  A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included. The MAC/65 assembly listing compiles into a complete and working game.
  4. LBASIC was created to be able to use a word processor's capabilities to program rather than the limited editing power of the Atari BASIC editor.  LBASIC.TXT (additional disk) is the "Word Processor" version of the BASIC program, LBASIC.BAS (disk 1).  LBASIC.BAS (disk 1) processed that text program into LBASIC.LST (additional disk). LBASIC.BAS (additional disk) is the saved version of LBASIC.LST.  It even matches the checksum data of the listing in the magazine.


ANALOG Computing #45 (1986-08)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip








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Analog #46 Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I personally sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. HOMESHOP.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into the BASIC program for Home Shopper from issue #43 for some fixes.
  2. HOMEINV.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into the BASIC program for Home Inventory from Issue #43.  Does not state what it fixes.
  3. The Magic Spell program has a BASIC type in program that is to be used with MLEDITOR.BAS to created a disk version of the object code.
  4. SOFTOUC1.BAS had too many lines of code compared to the magazine listing.  I saved a copy to the additional disk that has only the lines in the magazine.
  5. MOONLRDU.BAS creates character and machine language data for use in the game Moon Lord. An ATR is included.

ANALOG Computing #46 (1986-09)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip










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Analog #47 


  1. BARBOZ.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into the basic game of Treasures of Barboz form issue #41.  It eliminates a couple of ways to cheat the game.
  2. SHOPEDIT.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into SHOPEDIT.BAS of The Home Shopper from issue #43 to fix a bug.
  3. MICROCHK.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into the BASIC program Micro Check from issue #44 to fix a bug.
  4. DZONE.BAS is the BASIC program that has all of the ML for the game.  This is used for MLEDITOR to get the disk version of the game.  This file along with DZONECAS.LST will make a cassette version of the game. A CAS (turn off acceleration) and an ATR from that CAS are included. The assembly listing is in 8 files in the SYN Assembler format. It does compile, but I was not able to get a running game.
  5. The Analog Data Base system requires that SYSEQU.M65 is on the source disk.  There is one on the Tool Kit for MAC 65, but it does not work. I did not get it to compile.

ANALOG Computing #47 (1986-10)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip







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Analog #48 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I personally sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. MSFIX.BAS from Reader's Comments fixes an error with Magic Spell from issue 46.
  2. BLASTFIX.BAS from Reader's Comments fixes an error with Blast from issue 44.
  3. MLKETPAD.BAS from Reader's Comments gives you a keypad you use in conjunction with ML Editor II for typing in machine language data statements.
  4. GLOBML.BAS holds the machine language for the game GLOB. GLOBCAS.LST is entered into GLOBML.BAS for the cassette version of the game.  A CAS and an ATR from that CAS are included.  The Mac/65 assembly listings comes in two pieces.  They are Mac/65 saved, but the "includes" incorrectly calls the second file GLOB2.ASM. I loaded up the first file and changed the name in the include to GLOB2.M65 and they DO NOT compile into a complete and working game.  The OBJ included on the original disks does work on Atari DOS.
  5. MDMCHESS.BAS is missing lines 750, 4070, 4460, 4560-4770, 4790-4830, 5010, 5030, 5050, 5070, 5180, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5270, 5290, 5310, 5330 and 5390 in the magazine listing, but they are included in the program on the original disk.  The file CHSSMAKE.BAS is run to create the missing line numbers.  They are then entered into the main program, assuming the above lines are missing from your program.  The original disks have the complete program and all this is academic.

ANALOG Computing #48 (1986-11)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip







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Analog #49 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from A8SP.


  1. INVENTRY.LST from Reader's Comments is enter into the Home Inventory program from issue #43 for a correction.
  2. BRKWORKS.M65 compiles into a complete and working game.
  3. BOOTCAMP.M65 does not compile. Undefined variables.
  4. FORTUNE.BAS on the original disks has lines in the 10,000+ range that is created by listing 2 already entered into it.  FOTRUNE.BAS on the additional disk has those lines removed so you can add your own data.  Also there is a change on line 30004 between the magazine and the basic program. The listing shows "FOR N=K0" and the program on disk shows "FOR N=K1". Leaving as "FOR N=K1" like the program, not the listing.  An ATR is included that contain the game and the editor.


ANALOG Computing #49 (1986-12)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip










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Analog #53 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I personally sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. GXMM801.BAS is a modification of the G: driver from issue #35 so it can be used with the Atari XMM801 printer.
  2. MULTCOPY.FIX is a basic program that does something to the OBJ of Multicopy.  I am not sure what is does as the magazine does not mention it.  I ran it and it made a working obj, soo...

ANALOG Computing #53 (1987-04)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip









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Analog #54 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. Disk 2 has no menu.
  2. MSPELLER.BAS modifies the SPELLER program of Magic Speller from issue #46 for even better XL/XE compatibility.
  3. TEXT1.M65, TEXT2.M65, TEXT3.M65, TEXT4.M65 and SYSEQU.M65 compile into a complete and working program.  I was not able to compile under SDX, but I was able to under Atari DOS 2.5.  It locks up under SDX but runs fine under Atari DOS. It is 125 bytes larger than the one on the sector copied disk of the original.
  4. EASYFIND.BAS on the sector copied disk is the complete and working program. EFNOML.BAS on the additional disk is the same program with lines 4400-4435 removed.  Those lines are created with the ESYFNDML.BAS and entered into EFNOML.BAS to make a complete program.
  5. ROCKS1.M65 and ROCKS2.M65 do not compile into a working game.  They each compile error free separately, but do not produce the game.  I tried an include to bring in ROCKS2.M65, but that does not work.  ROCKS.OBJ from the sector copied disk does work.


ANALOG Computing #54 (1987-05)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip









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Analog #56 - Disk 1 and 2 are sourced from copies that I sector copied from originals back in the 80s or 90s.


  1. CHECKWRT.LST from Reader's Comments is an enhancement to the CheckWriter program from issue #53.  Read Reader's comments from #56 to see how to use it.
  2. MULTCFIX.BAS from Reader's Comments fixes the Multicopy program from issue #53.
  3. DUNEDIT.LST from Reader's Comments fixes an error in the code for Dragon Lord Dungeon Editor from issue #55.
  4. TALKER2.BAS has a misprint in the magazine listing.  It shows line 1005 between lines 3030 and 3040. There is no line 1005 in program on the sector copied disks. It belongs in TALKER3.BAS and the listing for this part does not show the line, but it is in the program on the sector copied disks.

ANALOG Computing #56 (1987-07)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[BASIC].zip







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