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8-Bit Software: A Preservation Effort


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Analog #67 - (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP) - Additional disk not needed.


The assembly listing for Dungeon Lords does not compile into a working game. Fortunately, the OBJ from typing in the ML listing is on the disk and it does work.


ANALOG Computing #67 (1988-12)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip







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Analog #69 - (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP) - Additional disk not needed.


I could not figure out how to assemble the files for Star Rider.  The files are typed in upper and lower case. Fortunately there is a compiled OBJ on the disks.


ANALOG Computing #69 (1989-02)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip







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Analog #72 (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. The listing of INVADERS.BAS in the magazine does not match the listing on disk. It was typed in using POKE 82,0 and has 1 line that is extra long.  In addition, there are two REM's at the beginning of the disk listing where the magazine does not show them.  INVADMAG.BAS on the additional disk matches the magazine listing. INVLINES.BAS creates lines 29,000-32,510 of INVADERS.BAS
  2. CONVERT1.BAS on the disk supplied by A8SP is the complete program. CONV1MAG.BAS on the additional disk matches the magazine listing. Even though the lines in the magazine were all jumbled, it still verifies.  CON1LINE.BAS creates lines 921-962 and line 970 that are then entered into CONV1MAG.BAS to complete the program.
  3. CONVERT2.BAS on the disk supplied by A8SP is the complete program. CONV2MAG.BAS on the additional disk matches the magazine listing. CON2LINE.BAS creates line 1000 that is then entered into CONV2MAG.BAS to complete the program.
  4. I am not sure how to put together the assembly listing for Crazy Clown Jumper.  The OBJ included on the disk does work.


ANALOG Computing #72 (1989-05)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip







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Analog #75 (Disk 1 & 2 Sourced from A8SP)


  1. SNOWFIX.BAS from Reader's Comments fixes some problems with Snow Plow from issue #64.
  2. GRAPHICS.LST from Reader's Comments is entered into the Ultimate Graphics Converter program from issue #72.

ANALOG Computing #75 (1989-08)(ANALOG Magazine Corp.)(US)[disk].zip






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Amazing effort SoulBuster, don't forget to take a breath :)


What makes things like this so appreciated is that there's always the odd rarity in the mix, and it allows for a broad check of what versions were around in the day..


People may say that Bruce Lee has been around a hundred times, but there's always a chance of a different version being out there that was officially released but only a few people picked it up.


So thank you...



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