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Apple Mac minis for sale 2012 i5. 7 LEFT! Going to ebay tonight. Last chance

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7 left: 2012 i5 4gb ram 500gb HD and os is Catalina 


They have  power cords. They came from a surplus auction so they do have some scratches on the bottoms but for the most part look in good but used condition.


 110 plus shipping each. Price is firm. No discounts 


Posting in ebay tonight 4/14/22

Will be no longer available by tomorrow


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I was thinking about getting one to use as my daily driver since it's really not much slower than my current 12 year old PC anyway.  But people keep telling me that I should hold out for an i7 at least so I'm not sure.

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4 hours ago, Tempest said:

I was thinking about getting one to use as my daily driver since it's really not much slower than my current 12 year old PC anyway.  But people keep telling me that I should hold out for an i7 at least so I'm not sure.

Ehh...you could upgrade the ram (2x8GB) for around $60 and replace the hard drive with an SSD and get a snappy, daily driver.

I use a 2010 mac mini for design (when working from home). Runs YouTube, Office and Adobe Products (Illustrator, Photoshop and IndDesign) without a hitch.


You're not going to run current games or do video-editing on a machine that probably has a built-in 256 MB graphics card. 


Sorry...just saw the photo and realized it has the Intel HD4000 chip. So VRAM is integrated.


Still, not a bad price. ?

Edited by rsiddall
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Got mine on Friday.  Catalina worked fine out of the box.  Put in a 128gb SSD I had laying around and installed Big Sur using some guides for installing it on an unsupported mac. Works perfectly even with only 4gig ram.  I’ll upgrade to 12 or 16gig soon and it’ll be more than enough for my needs.  It’s not a primary machine, just used when I need a Mac and for entertainment. Much better than the i3 hackintosh I planned to build.  Thanks!



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15 hours ago, Tempest said:

Yeah I tried that too and it kept crashing randomly on me.  After I get a Time Machine backup of my Catalina install I may try again.


Btw how did you do a clean install?  I thought you had to do it as an upgrade?

Not to sound mean but you are spamming my thread alot for someone who hasn't bought from me. If you have questions please private message the good sir. Thanks

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15 hours ago, Mitkraft said:

Got mine on Friday.  Catalina worked fine out of the box.  Put in a 128gb SSD I had laying around and installed Big Sur using some guides for installing it on an unsupported mac. Works perfectly even with only 4gig ram.  I’ll upgrade to 12 or 16gig soon and it’ll be more than enough for my needs.  It’s not a primary machine, just used when I need a Mac and for entertainment. Much better than the i3 hackintosh I planned to build.  Thanks!



Very happy to hear it worked out for you the way you wanted it to.  



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22 minutes ago, classicrock909 said:

Not to sound mean but you are spamming my thread alot for someone who hasn't bought from me. If you have questions please private message the good sir. Thanks

No you're quite right.  Sorry about that. 

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had to bite I have been wanting a more recent mac for a couple years (the other 2 in house atm is a 667Mhz G4 and a SE), and the price is right. I only submitted payment tonight and I am already rummaging though my stuff and found a couple 4 gig sticks and a 240 gig SSD, that will get me started. Its replacing my daily beater garage computer as I get into more complicated cad work and microcontroller code (a 3rd gen i5 mobile with ddr3 will run rings around my ddr2 phenom X2).


I do most of my complicated work on my "monster truck" ryzen rig but its such a pain if I have to make a tweak for 3d printing or laser cutting to run back to the house load software, do the tweak and run back out just to find out my stupid wifi is being a dork and run back in with a flash drive (ah nuts the baby just woke up from nap)  meanwhile the model hasn't even loaded on the Phenom machine (running linux) while I accidentally kick its full size ATX tower with my foot as I sit down.


I am even starting to look at thunderbolt GPU adapters to use the 750TI I have in the old rig with this mini (not that freecad really needs a beefy GPU, its not blender)...


Can you tell I am excited?

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I'm about to open up the sales locally. Have to messed up discs in my back and haven't been able to do much the past 3 weeks. Slowly starting to get energy back.


That being said at this moment in time I have atleast 30 machines left. 


Thanks to everyone that has bought one so far and to the people on the fence. There pretty decent little machines and I ship fast.





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I got mine today, out of the box the top is I would say flawless, the bottom well its been schooched around on its plastic but who cares. 


Performance with 10.15 is acceptable, not great, you can feel it when it has to hit the hard drive, and with 4 gigs it hits it a bit. I know from lots of experience with 3rd generation intel chips you slap at least 8 gigs and a SSD in this, its going to spark alive and move along quite snappy. 


Lastly you are going to want to pop the bottom and blow it out, these are not refurbished machines, they are bulk stock that has had the HD reset, so there be some dust.


For around half market price you can afford to slap a 30-40$ ssd and a couple sticks of ram in it(eventually), installed OS is supported until 2022, you can bodge OS11 on it and get another few years


Very happy, now I must shut this machine down and get to work (dust, apply new thermal paste, upgrade ram, and install new ssd)

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33 minutes ago, Osgeld said:

I got mine today, out of the box the top is I would say flawless, the bottom well its been schooched around on its plastic but who cares. 


Performance with 10.15 is acceptable, not great, you can feel it when it has to hit the hard drive, and with 4 gigs it hits it a bit. I know from lots of experience with 3rd generation intel chips you slap at least 8 gigs and a SSD in this, its going to spark alive and move along quite snappy. 


Lastly you are going to want to pop the bottom and blow it out, these are not refurbished machines, they are bulk stock that has had the HD reset, so there be some dust.


For around half market price you can afford to slap a 30-40$ ssd and a couple sticks of ram in it(eventually), installed OS is supported until 2022, you can bodge OS11 on it and get another few years


Very happy, now I must shut this machine down and get to work (dust, apply new thermal paste, upgrade ram, and install new ssd)

Glad you are happy with it. I take the bottoms off and suck out all I can but I don't have anything to blow air out right now so I apologize for some dust.


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1 hour ago, Osgeld said:

I know from lots of experience with 3rd generation intel chips you slap at least 8 gigs and a SSD in this, its going to spark alive and move along quite snappy.

Seconded. It amazes me how this old hardware comes alive with an SSD and a comfortable amount of memory, even under Windows 10!  I see plenty of machines with this configuration still running in the wild.

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