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thrust+: NOW DELIVERED !!!!


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Whoa  :o


same reaction here!!!!


how could i forget? it was the day of my birthday that i personaly sent you a mail (see attachment). right after sending a mail to a ebayseller that replied, and just 6 minutes before writing to a good friend of yours that also got my mail in his mailbox ...


so thanx for calling me a liar etc ....


conspiracy? accident? power cut-off? what is your excuse?

i heard you were out of town for a few days but that doesn't make emails dissapear!


and what did i steal??? i sell the cart that i got from you with the apropriate description and the logo of the company that made it. no lies, no cheating, ...


i would understand if you make me a hard time because i would use completely wrong descriptions and say the games are from an alaskan atari meeting ....


but in this case, i don't understand why you have to insult me like that? why do you have the need to do this in public while you're friendly in private emails? still angry about thrust plus while you allready recieved your game? there is other people that would be very happy if i sell that bunch of games and finaly deliver their thrust plus packs and this is exactly what i am trying to do and what you are making harder for me.


and the text line "with permisson of"? that's surely by main error i did, but it's only the text i've used on 95% of the other auctions and that i forgot to take away on these 3 auctions with your carts. all others had information from atariage and albert has of course given is ok for that, saying i could use any info of course, as long as i would include his logo and the text line. when i first saw my error, i was actually hoping you have the same normal thoughts about that ....


on top comes what i have just seen .... my "modified" auctions with your new "banners" .... oh my god .... on what level did you slide down ... !??!?!?!


:? :? :? :? :?


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on top comes what i have just seen .... my "modified" auctions with your new "banners"  .... oh my god .... on what level did you slide down ... !??!?!?!

A bit harsh perhaps but I can definitely see some humor in there ;)

Bandwidth leeching is always a bad idea...


you just complain again about something i allready explained


i wasn't able to change the descriptions anymore

You could have added to the description, right?


i did not do anthing else but use the original description text to the original game (that belongs legally to me) and the resQsoft logo as used on the cartridge. i could have scanned it and posted it, and it wouldn't have made any difference.  

Hmm... what about the two NWCGE logos?

Personally: more than leeching bandwidth from my website it was really the "used with permission" thing that ticked me off!




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Can this thread be locked please? I see no reason for jahfish's character to be further assassinated. He has explained himself, repeatedly, and appears to be trying to make good. I don't see how continuously grilling him over the coals is going to get anybody their games any faster.


This whole ordeal is getting old fast. :roll: :roll:


sigh :sad:

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We noticed that you ended the auctions. Thank you.


I apologize for the drastic measures. We will take the content you've linked to down within the next 24 hrs. If you had complied with my my original requests, this wouldn't have happened.




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hate to say this, but even though the guy may have ripped you off, at least he is trying to make good. trust me on this one, im not saying that his delays were wrong, but he fuckin lost alot of his own stuff too, basically hit the bottom of the ladder. If you had your things reposessed, lost people close to you, and couldnt make ends meet, woulndt you concentrate on bettering yourself first so that you can better others later? I have no reasons to doubt that jahfish wont come thru.. its just that you dont know the whole story. Instead of changing images to personal attacks, try kindly asking him about what happened.. he isnt attacking you, so why attack him?

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hate to say this, but even though the guy may have ripped you off, at least he is trying to make good. trust me on this one, im not saying that his delays were wrong, but he fuckin lost alot of his own stuff too, basically hit the bottom of the ladder. If you had your things reposessed, lost people close to you, and couldnt make ends meet, woulndt you concentrate on bettering yourself first so that you can better others later? I have no reasons to doubt that jahfish wont come thru.. its just that you dont know the whole story. Instead of changing images to personal attacks, try kindly asking him about what happened.. he isnt attacking you, so why attack him?


Messages posted to this forum aside, Lee asked - twice - that Jah stop leeching the images and he asked him to change the "used with permission" disclaimer in his ads (which was untrue). Jah did not comply. All Lee did was change HIS OWN IMAGES HIS OWN SERVER. Lee is completely not in the wrong for altering his own stuff. But since Jah saw fit to steal the imagry, he is now stuck with the picture. I find it incredibly amusing and a perfect come-uppance. I believe Jah will pay attention the next time someone asks him to not steal bandwidth.


And, c'mon, you guys are ALWAYS posting those eBay "OWNED" links everytime someone steals bandwidth and gets caught. The computer on fire was a classic example. Too tired to find the thread here though...


I wish Jah the best and hope he gets this all straightened out. But pissing off an AA member who was already pissed at his earlier shenanigans, then STEALING this pissed member's imagry was just asking for a smackdown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you like good news? here they are ....


my homebrews got on ebay and i got a fair ammount for them. it will cover all shipping costs. and while there is still some cash on the way, the first games left berlin ....


here's the list of all games allready sent out ...


T#01 Thomas Linke

T#02 Stephen Colbert

T#03 Ubersaurus

T#04 Steve

T#06 BloatedMonkey

T#07 Rick Weis SENT 9/17

T#08 Marco Kerstens SENT 9/16

T#09 ianoid

T#10 joel park SENT 9/17

T#11 Chris Wilkson

T#12 JimC

T#13 kevin staszkow

T#14 Russ Perry Jr SENT 9/17

T#15 Pitfall Harry

T#16 DanCage

T#17 Carl Eugene Howard SENT 9/16

T#18 AtariKari

T#19 Elizabeth Burgener

T#20 Eric (austria)

T#21 David Harshbarger SENT 9/16

T#22 godzilla  SENT 9/16

T#23 JerryG

T#25 Matt Reichert

T#26 Philflound

T#27 BradVargovick    SENT 9/16

T#30 landsmarra SENT 9/16

T#33 ChuckGill SENT 9/16

T#40 mattyXB

T#41 Mao SENT 9/16

T#44 lee Krüger

T#48 Thomas Bauer SENT 9/16

T#50 Günther Faulbaum




these will be sent soon, i just need to doublecheck the adresses:


T#29 black dog   

T#34 JoeGrand

T#35 Waggie the CPA  

T#36 moycon

T#37 RandyJones   

T#39 Brian Prescott   

T#42 Rolenta/leonard

T#45 Tomas Orozco

T#46 AtariPitbull







marty! are you still on AA? mails are comming back and you didn't pay for shipping ... dunno if the adress is still valid ... please get back to me if you read this!




there is still 5 free sets, due to some dropouts and people that never payed ...


#31 FREE

#32 FREE

#38 FREE

#43 FREE


if you are interested in buying a copy then send me PM or contact me under jahfish@subotage.com. the actual price including international airmail shipping will be 80$, with surface shipping (to usa) it will be 65$, with shipping within europe it will be 60$.





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$80?  When you can buy it on AtariAge for half that, even w/ shipping?


you can buy the regular version without customized controller, extra stickers, custom box signed by thomas and me. and of course you would save on shipping too.

but maybe soon you'll be able to buy one of the last five remaining copies that i'll probably send to albert to make things easier. they will be sold here on AA for 55$.


as i said, 80 is the price including airmail shipping and registration so it arrives safe and fast. i clearly offered cheaper possibilities too :roll:


and the whole set is now 9 or 10$ more than at the beginning simply because the shipping got more expensive in the meantime (1,5 years).

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Sorry to dredge up a rather ... colourful dialogue, but I thought it good to end it on a high note by saying that I got my package from Fish yesterday, all in order and everything.

Just to be sure: You are not talking about a Thrust DC package, right?

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Sorry to be such a stranger, but I just wanted to post that my copy #33 just arrived. The outer box was beat up but the contents were fine. I'll try it out this evening.


Thanks Thomas for getting the process moving. (and programming the game)


No hard feelings Fish, I'm happy you made this right.



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Wow, there was some pretty nasty stuff going on in this thread. While I was reading the flames I was openning the package from Jah Fish. Sheesh, I couldn't help feeling bad for the guy.


As I was saying, I got my Thrust from Jah Fish today. Haven't had a chance to play it, but the packaging and the stickers are very cool. I like it! I hope this post continues with more good news about people receiving their packages. No more flames please. : )

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