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My dad left me his computer collection and I don't know where to start


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I have gone through all of the various floppy disks and tape software I had found. Here is the compiled list of everything:


Disks with hand-written labels:
"Games for your Atari Coputer" P. Buns
55 Programs
850 Express
Aardy The Aardvark (Duplicator Version)
Adventure & other games
ALL Basic / Diamond OS
Alternate Reality - The City
Alternate Reality - The City 2
Alternate Reality - The City x2
APE 116D Autoexec / SpartaDOS 3.2g
April 28, 1993 - bunch of games
Astro DRD.DCM + 5 other games
Astro-Grover (Duplicator Version)
Atari Proofreader Dictionary Disk
Atari Writer (Black Patch Version)
Atari Writer 80
Atari Writer 80 Program Disk 800/XL/XE Version
Atari Writer Program Disk 130 XE version
Auto Disk for MAC-65 etc
Backup Copy Dos 3.0
Baseball / Realm of Imp
Basic Games X DSDD
Basic Utilities
Big Bird's Special Delivery (Duplicator Version)
Boulderdash & other games
Bullfighter (Duplicator Version)
Chessmaster 2000
Chessmaster 2000
Chipmunk Copy Utilities x2
Chipmunk Disk 1 Boot w/ Basic x2
Colten's towers (Duplicator Version)
Command Games
Common Utilities
Computes First Book of Atari
Crypts of Terror (Duplicator Version)
Disk with my name written on it, probably by me
Document Disk
DOS 2.0
DOS XE Master Disk
Duplitech's High Speed Handler / High Speed Copier
Editing Class
Epidemic (Black Patch Version)
Epidemic Dupilcator Version
Ernie's Magic Skates (Duplicator Version)
Exodus Ultima 3
Fast Eddie + 3 other games
Fort Apocalypse Duplicator Version
Games pulled from cartridges
Games pulled from cartridges
Games pulled from cartridges
Games SP DOS
High Rise
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Side 1 Dupilcator Version
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Side 2 Black Patch  Version
Infiltrator (A+B)
Juggler's House (Duplicator Version)
Ladds Assembler Boot
Last Starfighter & other games
Machine Language for Beginners
Machine Language Learner
Master Diskette 2.5
Master Diskette 4.0
Mastertype Duplicator Version
May, 1993 Koala Pictures - Smart DOS formatted
misc  games
misc 4 games
misc 5 games
misc 5 games
misc 5 games
misc 6 games
misc 6 games
misc 8 games
Modem Chess
Movier Maker / Pics
MPP & other programs
My First Alphabet (Black Patch Version)
Night Raiders (Black Patch Version)
Ninja (Duplicator Version)
Numerical Keypad Handler
Oasis Jr BBS Disk 1
Oasis Jr BBS Disk 2 
Oasis Jr BBS Disk 2 back up
Oasis Jr BBS Disk 3
Oasis r BBS Disk 3 Back-up
Oasis TD Drive 2
Ogre (A+B)
Paperclip Master Dup
PD Micropaint Artist
Pitfall / Demon Attack Dupilcator Version
Pitstop (Duplicator Version)
Prisoner II
Realm of Impossibility (Duplicator Version)
Roundabout (Duplicator Version)
SIO2PC 3.11
Slow Mode Booter For Duplicator
Smart DOS & other stuff
Sparta DOS
Spartados 1.1
SpartaDOS 3.2g (6/4/1994)
Speedking (Duplicator Version)
SSI's Chickamauga
Star League Baseball / Realm of Imp
Starbase Fighter (Duplicator Version)
Super Arc / UnArc
Super Pill Utilities / Super Pill Menu
Tail of Beta Lyrae Duplicator Version
TD Root Original Files
Text Disk DOS 4.0
The Book Keeper 1
The Book Keeper 2
The Cosmic Tunnels (Duplicator Version)
Tricky Tutorials x5
Utilities #6
Utilities German DOS
Utility Disk II
Utility Disk III
Washtenaw Atari Users Group Tech Docs & MY DOS 4.5
Washtenaw Atari Users Group various programs
Zappon / Preppie 2 / Speedway
Zybek (Requires XE) Duplicator Version
Zybex / Fort Apocalypse


Disks with printed lables:
Activision Hacker
Alpha Systems Presents COS
Antic DOS 4.0 (PD)
Antic The Best of Antic
Antic Vol. 8 No. 9 Tournament Checkers
APX Air Raid 1.1
APX Printer Driver Construct
Atari Classics April & June Disk
Atari Classics Vol 1. No. 1 & Vol. 2 No 1. (02/1993)
Atari Classics Vol. 2 No 4 & Vol. 2 No 5 (10/1993) x2
Atari DOS 2.5
Atari DOS XE Master Diskette
Atari Family Finances 1
Atari Family Finances 2
Atari Macro Assembler
Atari Master Diskette 3
Atari Master Diskette 3 (Purple Lettering) x2
Atari Microsoft Basic II
Atari Proofreader Dictionary Disk
Atari Stock Analysis
Atari The Atari CX85 Numerical Keypad Handler Master Program Diskette
Atari The Bookkeeper Data Base Diskette
Atari The Bookkeeper Data Entry Diskette
Atari The Bookkeeper Reporting Diskette
Atari The Bookkeeper Sample Data Base Diskette (Benson)
Atari The Home Filing Manager Program
Atari Timewise Master Diskette
Atari Writer 80 Program 130 XE version
Atari XE Term
Atari XEP 80 Bootdisk
Atari XL Translator Disk
B & C Computer Visions Utility Disk 2 (5/23/1991)
B&C Computer Visions Inside Atari Basic 7-17-1991
B&C Computervisions Utility Disk 1 Gold Card (02/07/1991)
Black Patch Data Disks 1 & 2 x2
Broderbund - Lode Runner
Coleco War Games
Duplicating Technologies Inc The Duplicator 1050 Rev 3 x2
Duplicating Technologies Inc The Duplicator 1050 x2
Duplicating Technologies Pirates Treasure Chest
Electronic Arts Worms?
Epyx - Koronis Rift
Epyx - Rescue on fractalus
Master Type The Typing Instruction Game
Mastertronic - LA Swat / Panther
Mastertronic Video Poker and Vega Jackpot
Microprose Solo Flight
Paradise Programming Tail of Beta Lyrae
PR Connection ICD x2
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga - complete with box and manual
Solid Gold Software - Pitfall / Demon Attack
Sparta DOS (Burgundy, 1986)
Sparta DOS (Gray, 1986)
Sparta DOS Tool Kit
The Black Patch Master Disk 1.1 x3
The Diskcracker! 1.1 x2
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Pill!
blank disc x23
disk cleaner x4

Amdek Disks:
Printed Label:

Dos XL


Handwritten Label:
DOS 2.1 Computer Eyes 4 Dup
DOS 2.1A
DOS XL Full Files
Load + Run "Music Box" w/BASIC & DOS 2.1A Pic show auto boot DD Pic files
Paper Clip Files
Smart DOS S.D.
Blank x2


An Invitation to programming
Biorhythm - 16k version
Conversational French
Conversational Italian
Datasoft Inc Canyon Climber
Hayden Microcomputer Gameware - Reversal
Introduction to Graphics
Introduction To Sound
Pilot Programs for Children
Pilot Turtle Graphics
Thorn EMI - Dominoes
Thorn EMI - Owari
Thorn EMI - Reversi
Touch Typig Beginning Typing
Touch Typing Practice Text
Writing Programs 1
Writing Programs 2

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I also found all this stuff:


Atari Books:
Atari Basic
Atari Logo Introduction
Atari Logo Reference
Atari Sound & Graphics
Bookkeeper User's Guide
Compute Atari graphics 1
Compute Atari graphics 2
Compute Book of Atari 1
Compute Book of Atari 2
Compute Book of Atari 3
Disk Guide Atari 400/800
Mapping the Atari

Floppy Disk Art/packages:
Chess Master 2000
Murder on the Zindernuf
One On One
The Witness

Coleco Books:

Hackers Guide to Adam
Sams toolkits
Smart Logo



Plus the manuals for a fair number of Atari games and accessories, although far fewer than I was hoping to locate.


This appears to be the last of the stuff I had stored. My brother says he might have a box or two of stuff, but this appears to be it.

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16 minutes ago, T.A.P. said:

Floppy Disk Art/packages:
Chess Master 2000

M.U.L.E. Official games and packaging is highly sought after. You should be able to get a pretty penny for it if it is in good condition. 



The hand-written labels are likely pirate warez, downloaded from BBS to local computer clubs. Where users could get copies of software for $1 if they brought in their own blank disks. They aren’t worth anything these days, and have been replaced by flashcarts and Fujinet carts.

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2 hours ago, CapitanClassic said:

M.U.L.E. Official games and packaging is highly sought after. You should be able to get a pretty penny for it if it is in good condition. 



The hand-written labels are likely pirate warez, downloaded from BBS to local computer clubs. Where users could get copies of software for $1 if they brought in their own blank disks. They aren’t worth anything these days, and have been replaced by flashcarts and Fujinet carts.

Dang! That really makes me wish I had found the disk to go with it. :(

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That's nutsy bs anyway,  M.U.L.E. in pristine condition with all paper etc has sold for 15.99 to 20.00 dollars shipping included in the past year, and that was considered a good dollar. Some online store sold at 29.99 though. You could list such things and it might sell in 5 years or 10. This is the method eBay and Cracksmokers List (some Craigslist druggies) like to get the prices up. They will shill sell to each other, but nothing changes hands in hopes to get the prices up. The forum has threads with links about such things that have been written about, some investigated. If this stuff were all true almost everyone of us on the Atari threads of Atari Age would be Millionaires. Sadly we are not :( Every once in a double blue moon a newbie might fall for the scam and actually hit that button

Edited by _The Doctor__
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10 hours ago, T.A.P. said:

I have gone through all of the various floppy disks and tape software I had found. Here is the compiled list of everything:

If I understood correctly, you have the disks in .atr format, right? It would be fantastic if you could post them here (minus the personal stuff of course). I spotted a few undumped titles of interest for preservation.


Thanks in advance!

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5 hours ago, www.atarimania.com said:

If I understood correctly, you have the disks in .atr format, right? It would be fantastic if you could post them here (minus the personal stuff of course). I spotted a few undumped titles of interest for preservation.


Thanks in advance!

Sure! I'm going to see if dad can send me his files. If he is missing something, I'll get someone to help me dump anything that's missing.

One way or another, if I can share the files, I will.

Can you send me a list of what ones you are specifically after?

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11 hours ago, _The Doctor__ said:

etc has sold for 15.99 to 20.00 dollars shipping included in the past year, and that was considered a good dollar. Some online store sold at 29.99 though. You could list such things and it might sell in 5 years or 10.

M.U.L.E. as well as all other Atari 400/800 software is well past its prime selling years (2003-2008, 20 years after when 10-25 yo who grew up playing the game would be coming into their highest earning years. It would be much harder to find a buyer these days, but that game stood out as something someone might actually buy (where the dup copies of Atari software were basically worthless.)


Other than that game, there are few others that are worth anything…

Broderbund - Lode Runner
Epyx - Rescue on fractalus
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


maybe these…

Microprose Solo Flight


Epyx - Koronis Rift


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I'm surprised any floppy disks w/software on them are worth anything in today's environment of disk images and label-making. Not to mention all the online repositories. There's always collectors and such, but I tend to think they're becoming more stratospheric and niche.


As an Apple II guy, I don't think there's anything I'd pay bux deluxe for. Most everything of major importance has been imaged already. Any software I might buy is gonna hafta be reasonably priced. No prices higher than what it sold for back then either. Inflation is irrelevant here, because this stuff is old and not in 100% pristine shape. So deterioration and age have to be taken into account.

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13 hours ago, T.A.P. said:

Did any of the Atari computer come with BASIC or other cartridges packed-in?


I know the XEGS had Bug Hunt and Flight Simulator, but that's it.


I just want to try to make my computers as close to complete as I can, in terms of what they originally came with.

XLs and XEs came with basic in ROM. 400 and 800 used a basic cartridge. there was this package:
Computer software:Atari 400/800 Computer: The Programmer ...



which I believe was an 800 w basic cart and manual. Personally I wouldnt worry too much about including the cart or not. 

tested and working,pictures, all cords and power supply, is more important. 






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Talking with dad, it sounds like the 130XE may have been modified to include extra ram. Is there any easy way to check to see how much it might have?


When I did the self test, it just said 64kb, but I remember reading something about it using bank switches to access the rest?

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I spoke with my brother and he's decided what he wants from the computer pile. He's going to take the following:


An 800 Computer

An 800 XL Computer

1010 Tape Drive w/10+ Tapes

1027 Printer w/ damaged print head

1030 Modem

Dad's modded 1050 Floppy Drive


So that means this the stuff I am will likely sell/get rid of.



400 - was modified with extra RAM, although dad doesn't remember how much. Looks like it has 48k. I haven't tested it yet. - Might keep

1200 XL - tested it, the keyboard is mostly non-responsive, but otherwise seems to go through the self-test fine.

600 XL - has its box. Powered up and seemed to go through the self-tests fine. 

800 XL - Passed the system checks, but the shift keys were sticky.

130 XE - got through the self-test. I notice the Shift keys don't seem to respond on the keyboard test though.


Accessories (all untested):

810 Floppy Drive with MPI mechanism - Might keep

1050 Floppy Drive - not modded

Amdek Disk Drive w/ 10 disks

850 Interface Module


XM301 Modem

MPP1000C Modem

MAX232 version of the SIO2PC - wires appear damaged

Edited by T.A.P.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've whittled down most of the collection now.


The floppy disks pretty much all went to one person.


All the floppy drives are gone except the 810 that I haven't decided what to do with. I don't have a PSU for it apparently so that's going to need to get sorted.


The spare computers are mostly sold off (only the 600XL is left), so now all I have left is a 400 (that I might sell), an 800, my Dad's original 800XL, and the XEGS. 


I've still got all the cartridges, although most of those are going to go to my brother, we just need to decide who will keep what.


With that stuff sorted out, now I just need to hunt down a Fujinet for the disk stuff, and get my systems cleaned up and running for some quality game time.

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