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Looking for 2 empty Atari 800 cases for some orphan motherboards


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Quite some time ago, I purchased a nice, working 800 for a good price. Of course I asked the seller numerous times to pack well, well, he didn't. And I recieved a once beautiful 800 in splintered pieces of plastic. 

I also had a good spate motherboard sitting around, so I would like to find these two beauties, bodies to implant them in. 

Would like them to be non cracked and decently colored/intact. I am looking for 2 of them. If you dont have empty shells, but have some non workers with the guts in them, I would give them a home too.


Thanks in advance!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the same boat :-).  I too had an 800 'shatter' during transit.  Too far gone to 'fix'.  So I too have a wanted post up for 800 case shells.  (I'm fine with a non working 800, floood victim 800.... anything with a salvagaeble set of shells).


I hope you got something from the seller for your headache.  I tried working with the seller mine came from, and I couldn't get a response.  I could have done a 'forced' return through eBay, but it was a good sized lot, and even with the 'value' of the 800 removed, the price was good for the lot..... so for now the guts sit in my spare parts collection :-(.


Good luck finding what you need.  I missed out on a set of shells on eBay about 9mos+ ago..... and in spot checking in 9 mos I haven't seen another set come up.







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