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**UPDATED** trades with Pooyan - Please read!!!!


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Yes, I too want to thank Lonesome PA. I'm really happy with the way this is turning out, especially since the games were all packaged up allready. That means anything on my list I was supposed to get is going to be in there, even if I had forgotten about it.


It's going to be like a Christmas present.



It's also good to see that the stuff was packaged up, that means he hadn't intended on cheating us, it just turned out that way.

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It's going to be like a Christmas present.  



You may actually receive it before Christmas! :D


It's also good to see that the stuff was packaged up, that means he hadn't intended on cheating us, it just turned out that way.


But still, having the attitude of "Ignore them and they will go away" doesn't improve my opinion of him.

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But still, having the attitude of "Ignore them and they will go away" doesn't improve my opinion of him.


Exactly. And it does appear that that was what he was doing. The officer told me that she can confirm that he has internet access because he was on it several of the times she paid him a visit. I don't really think he tried to stick it to us, but I think he got in way over his head on this and "other stuff" and made the wrong decision on how to handle it. But, in the end, since it has been almost 5 months, it is quite clear that he didn't want to make good on it or he would have by now. Even if he send out a package a week, I would understand that, but this? No, there is no excuse for this. The least he could have done was given updates now and then, but since he didn't give the curtosedy of that, I offer no curtosedy to him. I just hope that this ordeal doesn't leave the sour taste in our mouths and hinder any possible trades with honest "newbies" .

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again I must appluade you lonesom pa you really stepped up to the plate and took matters into your own hands. I only wish you could receive a reward for your services :)


Again, no "reward" or anything is needed except one thing:


Just let me know that you did receive your games. That's all I ask.


I only did what had to be done. :)

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Well, I think it's going to snow today. I received my game from Mr. Rodd. Well, it was actually mailed by the police officer, but still the game I was SUPPOSED to get from him. The label is a bit tattered, but what am I gonna do? He claimed that "the game works, and it has a nice label too". Why doesn't this surprise me?? :roll:


This is just more reason to believe that everybody else should be receiving their games. Happy days are here again! :D


P.S. Remember, keep me posted as to whether you get your games. Mr. Rodd has 2 weeks to send them. I e-mailed the officer the list on the 25th so I would assume that 2 weeks starts running from the 26th. So if you don't receive anything by September 9, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't take it as critisim, not at all. It just feels that at times the only way to get something done is to hold a gun to someone's head, but the last time I heard, that was illegal. Normally, the officer is pretty quick to return my calls; maybe she is training, or on midnight shift again. I'm sure she has a reason.

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I felt that I needed to post this reply. As of typing this, I have not yet heard back from the officer. I don't want people to think that I have stopped doing anything on this just because I have received my game. I haven't and I'm doing everything I possibly can to find out what is going on with the rest of yours. I again called the officer and left another voicemail for her yesterday. I still haven't heard back. I will call her again on Monday and instead of leaving a message, I'll ask the dispatch if she has been in, or if she has been unavailable to answer my messages. But please understand that I am trying to get to the bottom of this the best way I can and felt that you needed an explanation of what is going on since my understanding of the deadline has passed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So far, I have not heard anything from the officer, despite my best efforts. And my new job doesn't permit be the ability to telephone her during the day. So far, I have left about 3 phone messages and about 2 e-mails and have heard nothing. I can provide the number to the officer for the parties involved, but other than that, I don't know what else I can do. I'm sorry if I got people's hopes up and then have them come crashing down, but I did the best I could do and I don't know what to do if she doesn't return my calls/e-mails.

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