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Custom 7800 Label Designs

Jaden (JRH)

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For a while now, I've been working on some custom labels for 7800 games. Since a lot of them just reuse the painted covers of their respective 2600 and 5200 versions, I wanted to make ones that stood out from the other platforms. I was heavily inspired by the old NES black box aesthetic, as I always liked how those actually resembled the games inside. I also went with the purple theme, like with the '84 version of the 7800. What do you guys think?

ms pac-man 7800 label.png

dig dug 7800 label.png

xevious 7800 label.png

burgertime 7800 label final.png

pole position ii 7800 label.png

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12 hours ago, GoldenWheels said:

Color to me is a big plus, and the actual graphics make them even better.


If you make the files (including end labels!), why NOT release them for people to print?

Mainly just out of laziness lol. If you guys really want physical versions of these, I can send over the psd files and let you print them out. My worry is that the size won't match the size of the cartridge. But if you can help me with getting it right, I would really appreciate it. I can also send over a blank psd for people to make custom labels for other games.

11 hours ago, BydoEmpire said:

I like them!  +1 that the color and actual game graphics work really well together.  Seems inspired by the Capcom NES boxes, which I always liked. Very recognizable.

Thanks! Yes, the early Capcom grid boxes were definitely an inspiration as well. I think really just being in color improves these labels by a ton. It makes them pop much more. And I feel like if the 7800 is meant to be the next evolution of the 2600 and 5200, the games should actually show what they look like on the label. Let the graphics speak for themselves.

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3 minutes ago, TwoShedsWilson said:

I love them and I would love the PDF. The only thing I don't like is the added blur effect. 


Good work!

I think the blur effect is cool but it needs to be toned down a little on Ms. Pac, and especially on the PP labels. The one for Beef Drop (Burger Time) is well down though.


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Xevious is probably my favorite one of the bunch. I added that blur to sort of make things pop more and also give it more of that black box style. I think it definitely looks weird for Pole Position, but I wanted to give it some kinda flair. I'll have to go back and fix that. I personally think the Ms. Pac-Man one is fine how it is though.

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Okay, here's a template for you guys to play around with! Feel free to share your creations here, or show pictures of your games if you relabled them. I'm really curious to see what they actually look like on a cartridge.

Later, I'll post a template for the end label and fix up the ones for Pole Position II and Ms. Pac-Man.

7800 label template.psd

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Bunch of new stuff here! I finished end labels, one completely new label, and fixed labels for Ms. Pac-Man and Pole Position II. I also have templates for these in both mdp and psd form. For whatever reason, the psd files don't let you edit the text. So, here's the correct fonts that should be used.


Title - DFPGothic-SU, 18 pt (or larger/smaller if necessary)

Copyright - Arial (Bold and italic), 5 pt











7800 end label template.mdp 7800 end label template.psd 7800 label template.mdp 7800 label template.psd

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