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New emulator "Felix" - help needed


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4 hours ago, Songbird said:

Is there a way to rotate the screen for vertical play?

Yes, just set the option in the menu.


(The LNX header's rotation byte makes  Felix crash, at least the ARM64 build.)

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5 hours ago, Songbird said:

There is an issue with reloading the palette. If I say "yes" to play again after losing a game, I get random colors in the palette. It continues to change each time I play again (all within the same cartridge boot).

I tried both builds (x64 and x32) on Mac under Whisky and the colors seem to be correct:



There is only a strange palette (all pink) when the level "zooms" in.



Also I could set the "rotation" flag in the LNX header (6th from end of header).

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I should have clarified I downloaded the latest *.exe dated from this month (did not rebuild) and ran it on a Windows 10 PC.


Did you try losing a game and saying "yes" to play again? That is where I am seeing a problem. Edit: Sometimes I even see the issue when I first boot the game. It seems random whether I get the correct palette or not, although the title screen and story screen always look correct. Here is a pic from the first level on first boot. You can see green lines on the moon which should not be there, and the big star in the background is messed up too.




It appears only a couple of colors (two light shades of gray / off-white) are messed up in the above example. But sometimes more colors are messed up.


The pink/purple/blue hue you see when the level zooms in is intentional. But it always arrives at the "correct" palette before the invaders appear.



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Strange. I don't understand why I am seeing a problem with the same ROM and the Felix 0.6.0 *.exe.


The repro rate is nearly 100%. I have tried the "Re-Open" option within Felix, and also exiting Felix and restarting the application. Just now I was able to get it to boot and start the game with the correct palette, but then I did the reset combo and started another game, and here is what I got. Many palette variations over many tries. ;) 




One thing I noticed is that as soon as I press the reset combo (Pause + Opt 1), the colors will switch to the correct palette before returning to the Microvaders title screen.


I tried a few other ROMs to ensure it's not a pervasive problem, and did not see palette issues on any other game. I did still hear the faster/distorted audio in all games, however. Also, Sky Raider has a lot of flashing which is not present on Handy or a real Lynx.



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The Sky Raider issue is reproduced and documented: https://github.com/laoo/Felix/issues/79 I haven't investigated it yet

Audio problems are known too: https://github.com/laoo/Felix/issues/109

I was testing Microvaders in version 0.6 and did not reproduced mentioned problems.

I suspect that it might be something with DX11 rendering. I will be migrating to SDL2 soon and we'll see whether it will be still visible.



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I'm working on SDL2 migration at the moment, but meanwhile I've managed to diagnose the nasty bug producing audio glitches.

It was due to the fact, that current emulation is audio driven - I call emulation loop to render given number of samples. But Suzy sprite blitting could not be interrupted which resulted in compressing the time occupied by Suzy and loss of generated samples. Nevertheless I've fixed it and added two commands in Audio menu - to save WAV file and VGM file, as VGM now officially supports Mikey.

Those two changes are in 0.6.1 release which includes also 32-bit build. Before I'll manage to setup an automated build on the GitHub infrastructure all builds are done on my personal PC. So just in case: antiviruses I am using do not recognize any problems on my machine, but Virus Total does report some issues and only I can offer now is my word that they are false positives :)


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On 1/2/2024 at 7:30 PM, laoo said:

Those two changes are in 0.6.1 release which includes also 32-bit build. Before I'll manage to setup an automated build on the GitHub infrastructure all builds are done on my personal PC. So just in case: antiviruses I am using do not recognize any problems on my machine, but Virus Total does report some issues and only I can offer now is my word that they are false positives :)


Thanks laoo. I will try out the 32-bit build of V0.6.1 in next days. Looking forward, to finally trying out another LYNX emulator than Handy. I like Handy, but having a good, or even better, alternative is very good.

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Quick bug report, I just tried the original version of Sky Raider (the jam one) and it looks completely broken (works fine on Handy and Mednafen, and I assume on Lynx too although I haven't tried).


Looks like some screen refresh issue with big tearing.

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@LordKraken something similar to effect from this issue? https://github.com/laoo/Felix/issues/79


I haven't investigated it yet.


@AW127 There is a regression wrt Gauntlet: https://github.com/laoo/Felix/issues/125


Generally - if you (or anyone as a matter of fact) find any bug, please look into the issues on github. If it's there you may leave a comment that it still exist, or create a new issue if it's something new. Of course we're checking bugs only against newest version.

Thank you for the interest with Felix :)


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  • 2 months later...

Hey @laoo have you tried booting Alpine Games in Felix? It has a similar behavior to Handy, where the game won't boot past the initial screen; it just fades to black and the CPU loops endlessly. I know where it is getting stuck, but am not sure why it fails on emus. I'm guessing some of the hardware sprite types are not commonly used in games, and are not being emulated properly.


If you want more details, let me know and I can provide disassembly where it's failing. Or you can disassemble too if preferred.


A related issue, beyond the scope of Felix: I can manually patch Alpine Games in the Handy debugger to make it boot properly (but of course hi-color mode does not work well). But I don't know how to re-encrypt the cart. I am guessing the code is using some kind of checksum on individual overlays, and thus it fails to execute if I patch the ROM instead of patching it live in RAM.

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@Songbird I haven't put my hands on this game. If you know where it fails, there is big chance that the Felix can be corrected - the main problem with failing games is finding the reason, as it's usually very convoluted. I can look into it if you wish.



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PM me your email and I can send you my version od AG.


And i can send the Xump2 room too, because there is a problem with it when there is an eeprom save for the game. It starts with the wrong palette (or better wrong penpal data, because also transparent pen is mapped to a wrong color)

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53 minutes ago, Songbird said:

The next issue I found with AG is that once I reach the main menu and try Practice mode, the wrong mini-game is loaded. Probably an AUDIN bankswitching issue but I have not debugged that.

I wrote you about this, I think the LNX header isn't correcly set for the two banks mode of this rom. 


My rom works fine on Handy and on Felix.

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Posted (edited)

I'll add an option in the emulator to save the LNX file with values set in "Image properties" window. It could be used to convert LYX / O file to LNX file too. It would be a good thing for version 0.6.3, as I think that adding only an icon is too little :)



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You could also add an option to save LNX file to plain LYX removing the header and conveting the rom to 512K Bytes (splitting the file in BLOCKSIZE chunks and padding them to 2KBytes with 0xFF).


I have a perl script on a linux VM to do this, but with Felix would be faster.

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