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I no longer need the 6526 or 4066 for the time being. Will edit again if that changes.


Kinda really wanting an 8 bit computer lately. All I have are consoles other than a ti-99/4a and one game for it. I don't even know that to do with it. I do know that I have a bunch of vic20 carts and a few c64 carts. 

I also really don't know what I'm talking about since I've always been a console guy. 

I'm sure this is a longshot but does anyone have a c64, vic20 or some kind of Atari PC they won't mind parting with that won't cost an arm and a leg? 

It can work or not. I love fixing stuff as long as it's not too many things to fix. That's when it ends up costing more than a functioning console. 

Send me a message with what you want for it or if you're interested in any trades.

Thanks in advance!

I'm in California, u.s.


So I ended up with a C64 and it seems to have some issues that I think I'll post in the hardware section after I can test this theory.


Does anyone have a 6526 (CIA) or a HEF4066 they could part with?


The 6526 are on ebay for waaaaaaay too much money for a single freaking chip, and I could find a 4066 on ebay or amazon for a 10-15 pack, or a single one on digikey. Problem is on digi, I pay a bunch in shipping just for one chip.


Hoping someone here has one or the other (preferably the 4066 first). Say one or 2 for a couple bucks shipped?


 I cannot say for sure if the 6526s are bad but it is a great possibility since they are prone to failure due to ESD. If you can send one of those for me to test I would be ever grateful and can return it after testing.


I only have one game, PacMan. I can press fire to start the game, but pressing fir again restarts the level. Pressing any direction resets the entire game. More on this in the hardware thread soon enough.


Heck if you have a spare cartridge that is known to work with a joystick, I could also test if the pacman rom is faulty.



Previous want in spoiler above.


Wondering if anyone has put anything like this together? It doesn't seem too difficult but I'm trying to get a feel for the cost. Seems I can buy a blank board for around $15 or I buy a few from PCB way for around the same price. A whole complete board is around $35 and up. I already have a pi0 and a pi3b so I could do this or the full size hat. This just seems more viable since it runs the fast loader as well.




This is all new to me so I'm not sure what it the benefits are but I definitely want to check out some commodore software without having to get the whole set up with a floppy drive and all, considering the potential of failure.


Has anyone built one of these or has one they no longer want and could part with?


If I bought the stuff to make a few, would anyone else want one? I'm just looking to make it cheaper than available solutions and keep when the original developer's intentions for it to be diy. I love getting my hands on stuff and they didn't want a bunch of people making a profit from their work. It's inevitable but I wanna do it myself. It's fun.

Edited by Dopy25
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Anyone use one of these with the fast loader attached? I was trying to read up on the whole thing and it seems there are a thread or 2 about running the pi from the console, and how it could put strain on the power system but I'm thinking that with as many of these l the pi0 combinations for l sold, it would be known by now if it messed anything up.


Anyone have experience with one of these?


Build one and know what's required? Is it possible to buy the parts or is anything other than the fast loader required to be programmed?


Have one you no longer want or need?


Thinking about making a few and selling the remaining at cost. Any interest?

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