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JagStudio for Mac/Linux?


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Is JagStudio pretty much only for use under Windows? I tried downloading it today, and most of the files I saw were .bat, .exe., and .dll.


I'm a Mac guy, though I also have a Linux virtual machine. Was just wondering if there was any hope of Mac/Linux support in the future, or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/28/2021 at 3:57 AM, CyranoJ said:

Initial Linux support is coming with the next update.

JCP (Skunkboard) will need to be manually installed.

There is no JagGDCmd.exe support for linux currently.


Build and run via JV work 'out of the box'

Fingers are crossed for a future update that supports Mac. I’m a Mac user myself. I’m currently using Windows 7 in Bootcamp to use JagStudio.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 12/29/2021 at 12:05 AM, af0l said:

Ok, this sounds interesting. Although I'm having difficulties even building the VJ on my current machine...

Now, I got mad at the world, and gave this building another go... It's built alright, but the result is less than overwhelming. The sound is full of noise, the display only scales to 1/4 of the window... Anyone here that I can nag with this?

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28 minutes ago, af0l said:

Now, I got mad at the world, and gave this building another go... It's built alright, but the result is less than overwhelming. The sound is full of noise, the display only scales to 1/4 of the window... Anyone here that I can nag with this?


Don't know what platform you're on but did you try running bog standard Windows Virtual Jaguar in WINE?

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8 hours ago, Gemintronic said:


Don't know what platform you're on but did you try running bog standard Windows Virtual Jaguar in WINE?

Huh, it seemed a bit of a heresy. :) Also, I never had problems building and running the previous versions (although on an older Mac and OS).




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  • 2 years later...
On 5/12/2024 at 5:05 AM, lwdallas said:

Just to chime in, on my new Mac I am using Whisky to run JagStudio in a Windows bottle. No issues, but man is this indeed heresy compiling Atari code on Windows under Apple :D


Yeah it is. It was never designed for Apple stuff at all. Consider yourself lucky we bothered :D

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9 minutes ago, CyranoJ said:


Yeah it is. It was never designed for Apple stuff at all. Consider yourself lucky we bothered :D

I consider myself EXTREMELY blessed to have found JS and that it was so easy to get working.

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  • 1 month later...

as my 2 cents , on linuxmint



offlinecat@tyrnannoght:~$ hostnamectl
   Static hostname: tyrnannoght
         Icon name: computer-desktop
           Chassis: desktop
        Machine ID: 09143d0261be487380a9ec9bf41d5922
           Boot ID: 50eb31d41b924226ac3171c1b8615175
  Operating System: Linux Mint 20.3
            Kernel: Linux 5.4.0-187-generic
      Architecture: x86-64

the whole thing works fine using the build.sh file but not using ROM space

  • using build.sh projectname does not generate a ROM file
  • using build.sh projectname ROM does but it opens virtualjaguar instead of the new one and assets from ROM arent read (or displayed but thats not available in the examples, when i use it myself : BG1 from ROM it doesnt break but nothing is displayed or as in item1 no rom file generated)
  • everything works fine on USA-DOS, even on 11 so i think (but not tested) generating it with build.sh projectname ROM will generate the required files but the emulators wont properly use them for some reason thats beyond our rank amateur noob lamer hobbyist bedroom coder arse

(the provided examples that use assets from rom dont do it either, they do run and compile but when press buttong to play mod from rom it doesnt play anything - mainly b/c there is no romfile (while the doc says that if even one asset in assets.txt is set to rom it will automatically generate the ROM file even without use of the ROM parameter)


its not criticism lol everything works fine on USA-dos i just dont like using that thing for anything but directx gaming b/c the desktop environment compared to cinnamon is really nasty to work on if you're used to flip between 16 desktops in a split second


so maybe if the devs have the day off and feel like it this helps, wether its to do with the system, with the setup or some setting in build.sh i cant say b/c i didnt write it and i wont be disseting it , so thus far i run everything in ABS and will recompile it on usa-dos when needed, its not a breaker it simply doesnt (for instance) display the backgrounds and since all motion / sprites / anim is kept in abs for now it doesnt make things impossible.


my 2 (point5) cents , maybe it helps in some future spurt of devday



Screenshot from 2024-06-26 17-37-07.png

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I've run through the basic tutorial using Debian 12 and have built some of the example basic projects without any issue at all. I haven't used Windows since 2003 and hope to never have to use it again so I'm very thankful there is an option to use JagStudio on GNU/Linux.

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