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SEGA history: Gremlin Industries Partnership

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This is the closest to SEGA arcade that I found on the site, and I apologize if it's not where this should be posted. Feel free to move this post or to point me to the right sub forum.

In an effort to get the name of the gentleman who designed Super Zaxxon I have reviewed the history of SEGA only to find out that it was in fact a company named Gremlin Industries which coded Zaxxon.
Going on from there I learned that by the time Super Zaxxon came out, Gremlin Industries had fallen with the 1983 video game industrie crash, suggesting that it might not Gremlin Industries which designed Super Zaxxon.
I asked SEGA the name of the designer who worked on 1982 Super Zaxxon but they dont know anymore.
Finally, thanks to the love and dedication of some video game archeolgists at segaretro.org I have been able to get some names (the full programmers staff and more) but from a document that came one year prior to the development of Super Zaxxon (see attachment).
I desperatly need the name of the game designer in order to try and contact him (if he is still alive).
If by chance any of you have a clue as to whom it might be I wll be grateful.

SEGA/Gremlin Industries internal document - staff: https://segaretro.org/images/6/6e/Gremlin_EngineeringDivision_1981-03-06.jpg

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