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Direction of signals on ACSI port of Atari ST?

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Does anyone know the directions that the signals travel on the ACSI port of the Atari ST?


Atari ----- Drive   Use
    1 <---> 1       D0

    2 <---> 2       D1 

    3 <---> 3       D2

    4 <---> 4       D3

    5 <---> 5       D4

    6 <---> 6       D5

    7 <---> 7       D6

    8 <---> 8       D7

    9 ?---? 9       HDCS

   10 ?---? 10      XHDINT

   11 ----- 11      GND

   12 ----> 12      RESET

   13 ----- 13      GND

   14 ?---? 14      ACK

   15 ----- 15      GND

   16 ?---? 16      A0

   17 ----- 17      GND

   18 ?---? 18      RW

   19 ----- 19      GND

Edited by Calab
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46 minutes ago, ijor said:

Have you check the official Atari docs? They are pretty clear in this regard and there is even a diagram with arrows:



Perfect! Thank you! I had no luck finding that information.


Atari ----- Drive   Use
    1 <---> 1       D0

    2 <---> 2       D1 

    3 <---> 3       D2

    4 <---> 4       D3

    5 <---> 5       D4

    6 <---> 6       D5

    7 <---> 7       D6

    8 <---> 8       D7

    9 ----> 9       _CS

   10 <---- 10      _IRQ

   11 ----- 11      GND

   12 ----> 12      _RESET

   13 ----- 13      GND

   14 ----> 14      _ACK

   15 ----- 15      GND

   16 ----> 16      A1

   17 ----- 17      GND

   18 ----> 18      R/_W

   19 <---- 19      _DRQ

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This may help also as I have the ACSI hard drive Emulator for Teensy 4.1 MCU up and running.


//             ****
//             ****
//             ****
//            ******
//           ** ** **
//          **  **  **
//        **    **    **
// A t a r i ST ACSI hard drive Emulator
// for Teensy 4.1 MCU, 2021-2022 by Chris O.
// Based on Jean-Matthieu Coulon ACSI2STM ver.1.0 https://github.com/retro16/acsi2stm
// 19 pin D-SUB male connector at the cable.
//  ---------------------------------
//  \ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 /
//   \ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19  /
//     ---------------------------
//  T4.1       bit pin
//01 <-> GPIO6-16 19/A5  AD_B1_00  Data   BIDIR                   Teensy Data BUS 0-7 INPUT & OUTPUT
//02 <-> GPIO6-17 18/A4  AD_B1_01
//03 <-> GPIO6-18 14/A0  AD_B1_02
//04 <-> GPIO6-19 15/A1  AD_B1_03
//05 <-> GPIO6-20 40/A16 AD_B1_04
//06 <-> GPIO6-21 41/A17 AD_B1_05
//07 <-> GPIO6-22 17/A3  AD_B1_06
//08 <-> GPIO6-23 16/A2  AD_B1_07  Data   BIDIR                   Teensy Data BUS 0-7 INPUT & OUTPUT
//09 --> GPIO6-25 23/A9  AD_B1_09  _CS    Chip Select             Teensy INPUT ONLY
//10 <-- GPIO7-28 35     B1_12     _IRQ   Interrupt               Teensy OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN,   (1K pullup to 5V on ATARI - Device OPEN collector output) USE SN74LS07 Hex Buffers With Open-Collector
//11 --- GND      GND    GND                                      Ground
//12 --> GPIO7-19 37     B1_03     Reset                          Teensy INPUT ONLY  / Reset T4.1 37
//13 --- GND      GND    GND                                      Ground
//14 --> GPIO7-18 36     B1_02     ACK                            Teensy INPUT ONLY
//15 --- GND      GND    GND                                      Ground
//16 --> GPIO6-24 22/A8  AD_B1_08  A1_st  Address bit             Teensy INPUT ONLY
//17 --- GND      GND    GND                                      Ground
//18 --> GPIO9?   33     EMC_07    R/W    Read/Write              Teensy INPUT ONLY
//19 <-- GPIO7-29 34     B1_13     _DRQ   Data request            Teensy OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN,  (1K pullup to 5V on ATARI - Device OPEN collector output) USE SN74LS07


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