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International Shipping Warning


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I recently sent Bryan Garcia -- that's A2600 to you -- a package containing a perfectly intact (and working) 7800 unit (along with some other items). He's just advised that the 7800 unit looks "like it exploded inside the box", but that the box it was packed in is perfectly intact.


I believe that US customs is disassembling certain incoming items in a search for "contraband". Moral: many problems that I've previously attributed to lax shippers are more likely to have been caused by careless inspectors.

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This means that, for all future hardware trades, if I can't provide a picture, I'm going to give a VERY detailed description of all items as they're put in the box. I'd also appreciate it if past trades could PM me and just indicate if they've received something I've sent in less-than-fabulous shape.

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Did you ask him to take any pictures?  It's very disturbing that they would disassemble (or simply destroy) a piece of electronics like that without putting it back together or leaving a note that the item was inspected.





This is the second item that I've sent Bryan that's arrived in a semi-destroyed state. I shipped an ST to him a few months ago that, when it arrived, "had a big chunk missing out of the case". :sad:

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I find this very odd....


I have shipped over 6000 packages to the US in the last year and less than 5 have gone missing, and only one was destroyed (by a sorting machine).


True, their are delays, (especially in the last month or so), but I haven't had a single complaint about any of the computer or game hardware I have shipped.

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This just happened to me as well, I sent a guy in Germany a cart he won in one of my auctions and he also bought another. He told me the customs guys completely took the box apart and looked at everything. I bet they even destroyed my shrink bubble wrap that I use to protect the carts. :x

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A few of the packages I've received from Canada recently have gotten to me in bad shape. One in particular was a nice looking boxed Odyssey2 which I saw a picture of before it was shipped. Got to me with the box all ratty and torn (the post office had to reseal the packaging) and the console looked like it had been tossed around, maybe opened, and scratched. I usually assumed it was poor handling by Canada Post but the customs part makes sense too.


I guess this would make me less likely to purchase used electronics from out of the country.

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When I shipped a Cuttle Cart to Germany once the customs department there decided that it looked like it contained a bomb. (I'm assuming on the xray machine.) The person who bought it had to go down to customs and open the box himself in a shielded room to prove that it was just a game cartridge.


I guess they figured if he lived through the process of opening it, it was ok. At least they gave him a chance to open it rather than just destroying it, but I still found it rather sad.



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I have completed 3 trades with David:


The ST Deal - (arrived with top half removed and no screws)

The RANA1000 Disk Drive - (PERFECT)

The 7800 Deal (Pryed from bottom, left, and back)





ADD Small envelope with 2-XE keys and ST battlezone

*but thats an envelope not a box*


So thats not considered...


But I dont blame David I can fix the damages but yes it very important to people that dont know david as well as I do and then go off and burn him for something hedidnt even do!!



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They reach the States quick enough, it's just the delay at US Customs and then the subsequent delay in being delivered. I don't know what the policy is, but every package I have tracked, has been out of Canada in 1-2 business days, but then may not be delivered for 2-3 weeks.


The same goes for items coming into Canada, the customs process slows it down...


It is too bad they trashed your stuff though, I usually end up paying ridiculous service charges and taxes whenever they open my packages, but they've never (knock on wood) wrecked anything.

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I think you need to contact the US Customs and file a complaint if possible.  


They have no right to do things like this.  


You bought something. Paid for it. There's just no excuse for it to arrive in the condition that you recieved it in.


How can I do that when the boxes have been thrown away allready, only the 7800 box remains??

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Man, if I ever got a package like that with a vintage (irreplaceable) console ripped to shreds, like say a Vectrex, I would go to the post office personally and RIP THEM TO SHREDS. I'm not afraid to do it and have done so many times in the past. I read someone the riot act when I got a limited edition aqua blue 7" vinyl record of the Pharcyde and because they were too lazy to call me and tell me to pick it up or leave me a package notice they ROLLED UP THE RECORD AND SHOVED IT IN MY MAILBOX. You damn sure best believe I got compensation for it.

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While I've had many packages opened by customs I haven't seen any damage done by them. This may be a problem with U.S. Customs and shipping from Canada to the USA.


In Canada, a yellow tape will be used to reseal the package - It contains the words "Opened by Canada Customs"


Here are some tips for people shipping to Canada from USA:


Never underestimate the value of the package, expecially if it is a large or heavy box. Usually the customs person will assume large or heavy should be worth something. This is a problem with vintage stuff like Atari's where there is weight with the power supply etc. and you declare $5.00 for the value.


Declare $20 or under for items arriving to Canada. I'm not saying to declare $20.00 for an item worth $150, but if the item is $25, or $30 or perhaps up to $40 you can declare $20.00 that way chances are that the item won't be taxed.


If shipping using UPS to Canada watch out with the declared value (anything above $20). UPS will charge $27.00 in fees just to cross the border with your package. A $40 US Dollar value item could end up costing you $35-$40+ more in Customs Brokerage Fees. Avoid UPS at all cost!! When shipping to Canada use USPS (since Canada Post will only charge a $5.00 handling fee when collecting customs charges)

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