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New (or is that old) title on the way...


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One of those pictures on those longggg threads got me

itching to complete one of those many things that I'd

started long ago (well a couple year ago at least).


Today I'm at the state where I have assembler files

that I can build and link using CC65's assembler and linker.

The resulting image can then be loaded and run under

the C64 emulator 'Frodo'...


"Put us out of our misery Wrathchild!" :x


Well, the game is "The Sentinel" by Geoff Crammond :)


I still don't understand 98% of the code - but sometimes

you don't need too, I'll start by reworking the screen-drawing

and sprite routines and the logic remains untouched.

Finish off with the sound and there we'll have it.


Wish me luck...




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Yeah, best of luck - conversion projects are fairly hefty jobs so i don't envy you something as complex as this! That's a thought though, has anyone considered porting the Freescape engine from the C64 to Atari? It should gain a lot with close to double the CPU thrown at it!


(Not related, but i'm in PR bunny mode; Cosine just released a demo called Ikaruga on the Plus/4 by me and 4-Mat - downloadable from www.cosine.org.uk if anyone's interested! =-)

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Stunt car racer next?


I'd love too, but seeing as there's an remake coming out next year...


RE: the adventure carts, I was looking into putting the Mysterious (and maybe Scott Adams) games on but using the Infocom interpreter. However the Scott2Zip convertor generates code for the V5 interpreter. It maybe possible to rework these to V3 (the highest release on the Atari) - or I've found that Border Zone on the C64 used a V5 interpreter and so it maybe feasible to port that interpreter to the Atari instead based on the work I've done so far.


However, it maybe better to just byte the bullet and put the orginal Atari images on a cart ('bin done before though by Nir). That would be a cop-out for me as you'd only have a 'save to cassette' option wheras with the Infocom parser you can save to disk. What would be the coolest would be if a bank of flash ram could be switched in and you could save games to that instead (like a NES cart).


PS: The roll stems from my wife being in the Czech Republic with our 2 girls at the moment, I'll join them later but for now I can code until I fall asleep... and I'm loving it - just don't let on ;)



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Stunt car racer next?


I'd love too, but seeing as there's an remake coming out next year...


Well, i can't see how a release for a "dead" format is going to affect sales of a new product - might be worth getting in touch with Crammond or whoever has the name rights to see if they're going to have a problem with it...

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Yeah, best of luck - conversion projects are fairly hefty jobs so i don't envy you something as complex as this!  That's a thought though, has anyone considered porting the Freescape engine from the C64 to Atari?  It should gain a lot with close to double the CPU thrown at it!


(Not related, but i'm in PR bunny mode; Cosine just released a demo called Ikaruga on the Plus/4 by me and 4-Mat - downloadable from www.cosine.org.uk if anyone's interested! =-)


Any demo for the Plus/4 is a demo worth checking out.. too bad I don't know where my power supply is for the thing (stupid non-C64 connector). I could run things on an emulator, but it just wouldn't be the same.



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