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Fixing "sorta broken" Joysticks


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Is there any way to fix a joystick? I have several, and on the one I use the most, I have to press a little harder when I push "north" on the controller. my fire button is about shot too. I know how to fix paddles, they're easy. but I wanna get some advice before I get the screwdriver.

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I used to wonder, why my 2600 Joysticks kept breaking and my friends never did.


I when thur a dozen off those and today I can reliease why, as playing Atari 2600 all day. your continously moving the joystick.


Wouldnt the plastic inside begin to sort of heat up, weakening the plastic causing it to break ?


And forget Super-Glue in fixing em. its not a good idea.



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I was successful in actually using a lighter to heat and fuse the plastic back together on one joystick that as far as I know, my mother is still using to this day. The funny thing is that they always break in the middle right where they presson the button disc. So when I fused it back together, I actually made it more durable by building up the plastic in that spot a bit.


This isn't something I recommend all to try simply because of the risk of burning yourself, or your house...etc. Also if you shrink too much of the plastic from the ring then you run the risk of actually making the whole thing too weak. The plastic should be a bit thicker and especially more of it in the centers where the directional buttons are pressed.


Just a thought to try...

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