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Copying an actual floppy with AVG Cart


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By adding a diode might be possible...right?

Or even more simple: using a sector copier, copy from D1 to D1. Then, instead of keep switching real floppies, you connect and disconnect the real disk drive and the avgcart sio cable alternatively to the Atari computer.

I guess it should work, or am I missing something?

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Here's a related question -- is it safe (or not) to connect the Avgcart to an SIO "daisy chain?"  I'm thinking not without the diode protection.  I need to go back and look at the building schematics for the SIO2PC.

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I can't see why with the cable is would not work, it IS hitting the SIO directly so there's no worries about indirect addressing of a wrong device. I guess it depends on what is meant by copying, it would not have any special abilities ala Happy or Archiver, just what a normal unmodded drive would do so sector copying should be fine. Not sure about the diode but apart knowing what a diode does I'm unsure as to if it's protecting the cart or devices on the the SIO chain from the cart.


I'd imagine any cart would work if it can spoof a d1: mount and the software does not hard check for a real drive.


Then again, what do I know :)

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17 hours ago, iscariot said:

Is there a way to copy a floppy image to an actual floppy disc using AVG cart?  So far nothing I have tried has worked

it should be possible using sio cable, if you have real drive set to d1:, mount your source atr as d2: (shift-2) and run some disc copier in xex format (e.g. http://atarionline.pl/utils/6. Stacja dyskietek/Disk Wizard II/Disk Wizard II.xex )

if you have copier in atr, set real drive to d2:, mount copier in d1: and source atr(s) to d3:+


if it fails, let me know where it failed


if you don't have sio cable, let me know and i'll try to think if there's any way around it

16 hours ago, Larry said:

I'm curious about this as well!  I have the cable ordered, but it will be a bit before I get it.


15 hours ago, mistapaul said:

dont think you can with avg, need sio device

avgcart is cart device and (optionally) a sio device and a pbi/eci device

9 hours ago, manterola said:

By adding a diode might be possible...right?

no diodes are needed

3 hours ago, Larry said:

Here's a related question -- is it safe (or not) to connect the Avgcart to an SIO "daisy chain?"  I'm thinking not without the diode protection.  I need to go back and look at the building schematics for the SIO2PC.

avgcart should be fine in chain with other proper sio devices (proper meaning standard sio devices that are high impedance on idle, not those that put 5v out (various arduino/ftdi based devices, those need at least a "diode fix"))

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  • 8 months later...
On 6/19/2022 at 9:25 AM, tmp said:

it should be possible using sio cable, if you have real drive set to d1:, mount your source atr as d2: (shift-2) and run some disc copier in xex format (e.g. http://atarionline.pl/utils/6. Stacja dyskietek/Disk Wizard II/Disk Wizard II.xex )

if you have copier in atr, set real drive to d2:, mount copier in d1: and source atr(s) to d3:+


if it fails, let me know where it failed


Little bit of a necro bump, but figured I would document how to do this and confirm it can be done since I didn't see any other threads on the topic...


I just repaired a 1050 drive and wanted to run the CPS Diagnostic Diskette, which I of course didn't have a physical copy of. I connected my 1050 directly to my 800XL, and oriented it where the SIO cable from the AVG was just able to plug into the other SIO port. The first method you have there didn't work for me. When I tried it the system attempted to boot from the physical drive, completely ignoring my .xex selection.


The second method worked perfectly!


I set the 1050 to Drive 2, hit Shift-3 on the Diagnostic Disk .atr image, and hit Shift-1 on my Disk Wizard II .atr image. I hit Enter on the Disk Wizard .atr and after the program came up, pressed the right hand button on the AVG to mount the Diagnostic Disk. I then selected the disk copy option, with disk 1 as the source and disk 2 as the destination. 


I set the 1050 back to Drive 1 and booted the freshly copied disk, and was greeted with the 1050 Disk Diagnostic screen!


It's getting to the point where the only question is, what can't you do with your AVG...

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