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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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2 minutes ago, Morpheus said:


I didn’t and I guess that now it’s way too late to do it…😭

I have been on the list for a long time.  So, either we are saving $100.

Or no one is really cancelling?


Could be both?


Ah,  Until they give back the $100, the spot is not freed up.   Seems to me, they could just take our $100 and give it to someone that was waiting for it!


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7 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

I have been on the list for a long time.  So, either we are saving $100.

Or no one is really cancelling?


Could be both?


Ah,  Until they give back the $100, the spot is not freed up.   Seems to me, they could just take our $100 and give it to someone that was waiting for it!


I believe there would be legal liabilities for taking preorder money at this time.

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1 hour ago, Lathe26 said:

Ok, I legit want to know how the 8 player couch co-op game play works.  🙂


Wouldn't That Be Something?™ I'd like to bear witness to a working version of that as well. 🙂




Prove me wrong, but an 8 player Amico re-imagined version of Major League Baseball (in theory) would be an awesome time with friends and family. Some people harp on the early demo graphics/presentation but great gameplay always trumps graphics imo.


BTW, bench clearing brawls confirmed!



Edited by CurlyQ
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28 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

I have been on the list for a long time.  So, either we are saving $100.

Or no one is really cancelling?

In my case when I was added to that list Tommy had indicated there were over 300 on the list. But in less than a week they said an opening was available for me to put the $100 down. My invoice was #0038 for the FE spot, which I took to mean only 37 others had been invoiced to fill in for canceled FE orders. But all of that contradicts the theory that over 300 were waiting. Mixed signals, not sure.

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2 minutes ago, MattPilz said:

In my case when I was added to that list Tommy had indicated there were over 300 on the list. But in less than a week they said an opening was available for me to put the $100 down. My invoice was #0038 for the FE spot, which I took to mean only 37 others had been invoiced to fill in for canceled FE orders. But all of that contradicts the theory that over 300 were waiting. Mixed signals, not sure.

I already had an early adopter console.  Maybe they thought I was processed or something?

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6 hours ago, Pink said:

And yet the former CEO gets a free pass for acting like this... 🤣


Does he?  I was at the impression he’s been virtually ostracized and thought a fool by much of the retro community, especially on here, all “his” threads locked/hidden, and hasn’t posted on here in over a year.


But regardless of whether we feel that anyone/everyone/most people are giving him a free pass, I’d like to hope that we can all choose to strive for better behavior instead of stooping down to their exact level.  It’s a bit (hilariously) hypocritical for any of us to mimic the behavior of people whose behavior we can’t stand.  But to each their own, I suppose.

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On 8/12/2022 at 7:09 AM, roots.genoa said:

Rather call it the Incredible! Games existed before the NES! collection (since the 2600 doesn't have a numeric keypad afaik).

Was hinting at the 5200, Colecovision and Intellivision. But I get your drift.

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5 hours ago, zapzapzac said:

You really think, after everything we know now, all of those bans were justified? 



Nope, I don’t think that.  I’m pretty certain I never said “ALL those bans” were under any sort of blanket statement.   I’m personally feel that some were banned who shouldn’t have been, some were not banned who should have been, and some bans were entirely justified.


5 hours ago, zapzapzac said:

All those people are GAMING RACISTS probably, right?



I don’t think so, but if that’s your opinion, I’ll not try to change it.  



5 hours ago, zapzapzac said:

I came here to discuss the Amico. I want more products along this line that aren't scams. It's difficult to discuss the Amico when the thread is dominated by someone (mr_me) intentionally misleading, misdirecting, misquoting, and quite frankly, lying about the Amico. 

The forum has a pretty easy to use “ignore” feature if you’d like remove that mean ol’ mr_me from inhibiting your attempts at honest to goodness, not at all antagonistic Amico discussion.  



Ah well, best of luck to you in all your endeavors.  

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I can’t find the posts at the moment, but I’ve seen a few mentions on here that some believe IE will deliver units to their youtube guys, but likely not Founders and retail– out curiosity, why do you guys feel that odds are decent that they’ll actually deliver systems to the youtube folk, if you have virtually no faith that it’ll be released?


We’ve established that most people feel they can't be trusted to “keep their word,” so that reasoning seems out.


If there’s no chance at making it to retail, there’s no point in working toward any sort of advertising from the youtube guys.


And the ones I’ve seen have so few views on their channel, it’s not gonna make any sort of impact on a company like Sony, Disney, etc buying them out.


And if you guys mean they’re likely gonna skip the smaller “usual” youtube crew, and deliver to the influencers who have millions of followers and such, that seems especially risky because they’re very likely gonna compare it to the Switch or something and it’ll backfire on them.

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7 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

I can’t find the posts at the moment, but I’ve seen a few mentions on here that some believe IE will deliver units to their youtube guys, but likely not Founders and retail– out curiosity, why do you guys feel that odds are decent that they’ll actually deliver systems to the youtube folk, if you have virtually no faith that it’ll be released?


We’ve established that most people feel they can't be trusted to “keep their word,” so that reasoning seems out.


If there’s no chance at making it to retail, there’s no point in working toward any sort of advertising from the youtube guys.


And the ones I’ve seen have so few views on their channel, it’s not gonna make any sort of impact on a company like Sony, Disney, etc buying them out.


And if you guys mean they’re likely gonna skip the smaller “usual” youtube crew, and deliver to the influencers who have millions of followers and such, that seems especially risky because they’re very likely gonna compare it to the Switch or something and it’ll backfire on them.

At this juncture I don’t believe even the nascent YouTube cult members  will get one. 

INTV can’t deliver anything…they have ZERO funds. Keep in mind just months ago they were asking for TEN million dollars on StartEngine. After blowing the millions they already “raised” as I say that term loosely. Exchange with scam if you feel the need.


Zero chance anything gets delivered other than bankruptcy papers.

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On 8/13/2022 at 9:41 AM, PlaysWithWolves said:

he left Springfield, Mass.

Can confirm.. he’s not here anymore. 


On 8/13/2022 at 9:41 AM, PlaysWithWolves said:

Hard to tell what's true and what's not.

I believe the Fiero part. 

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3 hours ago, 1980gamer said:

I am a little confused, when it is said they had no revenue?

Where do the dollars form the Store go?  T's, hats and other items?

Are those not part of IE/Amico money?


I would certainly think the 8 games sold had to count as Amico revenue.  Oh, maybe some going to the developers?  Of course they had production costs for those as well.


I think the stuff they are selling on ebay is all Steve's effort and most likely goes to him or at least a good part of it?





They were very careful to NOT call them "games".  They were "physical product" and just a license for a game that may or may not come out.  This way, they can dodge paying fig (hey we didn't sell software) or developers (hey we didn't sell your games) until later, if they ever did turn into a game. 

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7 minutes ago, kevtris said:

They were very careful to NOT call them "games".  They were "physical product" and just a license for a game that may or may not come out.  This way, they can dodge paying fig (hey we didn't sell software) or developers (hey we didn't sell your games) until later, if they ever did turn into a game. 

I feel like this is one of the slimiest things they've done. Purposely call it something different to avoid paying customers, investors, AND devs at the same time. Burn ALL the bridges at once!


(Insert Homer meme of "slimiest things they've done....YET!")

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47 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

I can’t find the posts at the moment, but I’ve seen a few mentions on here that some believe IE will deliver units to their youtube guys, but likely not Founders and retail– out curiosity, why do you guys feel that odds are decent that they’ll actually deliver systems to the youtube folk, if you have virtually no faith that it’ll be released?

They're existing prototypes/parts that they already have, they likely just need to assemble them and spruce them up - that's why there's only 20 or so being talked about. They won't be newly manufactured on a proper production line, which is what Founders would require (along with the tooling, setup costs, and minimum parts orders required for that).

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3 minutes ago, gaterooze_ink said:

They're existing prototypes/parts that they already have, they likely just need to assemble them and spruce them up - that's why there's only 20 or so being talked about. They won't be newly manufactured on a proper production line, which is what Founders would require (along with the tooling, setup costs, and minimum parts orders required for that).

Yeah, I was thinking it'd be the prototypes, too.  But why do you think they'd give them out to youtube people instead of hoarding them up themselves, even if it's a couple each?  




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Just now, Razzie.P said:

Yeah, I was thinking it'd be the prototypes, too.  But why do you think they'd give them out to youtube people instead of hoarding them up themselves, even if it's a couple each?  

Phil Adam said:


These units will be shared with partners, investors and a select few in the media.

"Youtubers" was probably the wrong blanket term to use ("anyone who can influence getting new investment"  would be more accurate), although RetroBro did say that Phil had promised he and DJC would receive one of these units. I'm not sure that will still be the case now, because DJC's unlikely to help much on the investment front.

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49 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

I can’t find the posts at the moment, but I’ve seen a few mentions on here that some believe IE will deliver units to their youtube guys, but likely not Founders and retail– out curiosity, why do you guys feel that odds are decent that they’ll actually deliver systems to the youtube folk, if you have virtually no faith that it’ll be released?


We’ve established that most people feel they can't be trusted to “keep their word,” so that reasoning seems out.


If there’s no chance at making it to retail, there’s no point in working toward any sort of advertising from the youtube guys.


And the ones I’ve seen have so few views on their channel, it’s not gonna make any sort of impact on a company like Sony, Disney, etc buying them out.


And if you guys mean they’re likely gonna skip the smaller “usual” youtube crew, and deliver to the influencers who have millions of followers and such, that seems especially risky because they’re very likely gonna compare it to the Switch or something and it’ll backfire on them.

RetroBro said they were planning on making around 25 and promised one to him and others.


He was quite upset they didn't make them at the end of 2021 despite being able to because they didn't want to lose money. He has since told them he didn't want it.


I'm not sure if they are even possible at this point. However, getting them out would possibly be a last ditch effort to look good and get money, or show good faith that they were trying to make it happen.


I believe part of the Fig deal was them getting units themselves. I'm not sure if there is something in the grant they got to show they actually tried to get it out.


I don't really think there were any YTers with millions of subscribers and that was another wish by Tommy. It wouldn't be in their interest to give it to anyone who would give an honest answer. The last positive streaming about Amico is by an investor. I totally see them giving units to those guys so they would be quiet and just let them quietly die. 🤣


If you listen to some of their streams you can tell they only care about them getting theirs. They don't care about everyone else's or care if it is successful.


The rumor is after RetroBro started to speak out they put those guys under NDAs. Which is good for them because they are really anti-influencers IMO and did more damage to IE than help anyways. They have consistently been sources of incorrect information, bad takes, and pushing IE agenda. When you know they invested and have been promised things it makes their behavior a little more clear.

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I think that's sad but makes sense. These guys are retro collectors so if it fails, look, we got 1/25 only Amicos, instant RARE LQQK....better for them if they get theirs and nobody else wins vs. it being successful and them just having yet another console out there. Then the fat, aged nerds can blather for decades about their SPECIAL ONE OF A KIND ITEM to make sure everyone hits that like and subscribe button. Yuck.


Sad, but human nature sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why IE is being so selective, some of these YTers might change teams and trash talk to hopefully keep the market low and thus benefit themselves from the system.


That or they'll be honest and admit it's a $100 cell phone in tech. LOL

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5 hours ago, number6 said:

@anyone who knows


Along with licensing rights, did Intellivision ever mention having sub-licensing rights for any s/w they may have announced at any time?

This may speak to the notion of Intellivision licensing IP to others, hence my question.


btw-this type of info is not usually secret. example:Blaze announced they had acquired some C64 program rights as a result of RetroGames Ltd. sub-licensing to Blaze.



They have all rights for most of the Intellivision and Atari 2600 cartridge games they own.  With others, they didn't really license the games as far as I know, only the right to develop a new game based on licensed properties e.g. Atari Missile Command, Breakout, etc.   The Imagic games they licensed is a bit of an unknown right now, not sure what's going on with them.



4 hours ago, gaterooze_ink said:

I won't correct the other misinterpretations, but the above is a serious misunderstanding of how most companies are run. It depends on the company's constitution of course, but typically the CEO and CFO have autonomy to make day to day decisions for the company, effectively controlling it themselves 99% of the time, and only needing board approval for certain specified matters. Unless you've seen the company documents or minutes of their meetings, you cannot possibly make the assumption you did.

Sure the CFO has day to day authority to spend or not spend money.  Major spending and major company decisions probably involve the board.  Top executives answer to the board   So at one time the CEO had way more money in the company than the other board members, about half of all the money he had in was returned in a loan payment.  That still leaves him with $285k of his own money invested in the company.  The fifth board member also had some interest bearing loans returned.  Overall $413k of interest bearing loans was replaced with $400k of interest free loans by different board members.  Did some board members not agree with that, don't know.  I was just showing what money each board member currently has in the company according to the latest information shared.  And that includes loan money returned which is reflected by the lower outstanding principal loan amounts from the two executives.


1 hour ago, Razzie.P said:

I can’t find the posts at the moment, but I’ve seen a few mentions on here that some believe IE will deliver units to their youtube guys, but likely not Founders and retail– out curiosity, why do you guys feel that odds are decent that they’ll actually deliver systems to the youtube folk, if you have virtually no faith that it’ll be released?


We’ve established that most people feel they can't be trusted to “keep their word,” so that reasoning seems out.


If there’s no chance at making it to retail, there’s no point in working toward any sort of advertising from the youtube guys.


And the ones I’ve seen have so few views on their channel, it’s not gonna make any sort of impact on a company like Sony, Disney, etc buying them out.


And if you guys mean they’re likely gonna skip the smaller “usual” youtube crew, and deliver to the influencers who have millions of followers and such, that seems especially risky because they’re very likely gonna compare it to the Switch or something and it’ll backfire on them.

They might lend test units out to youtubers.  That's if they aren't prepared to go to mass production


Their marketing plan has completely changed.  Originally, with a hundred thousand units in inventory and a multi-million dollar marketing budget their plan was to use family influencers and possibly senior influencers to reach their primary target audience.  Well none of that is happening anytime soon.  If they release they'll have to come up with a plan that fits whatever modest inventory and marketing budget they might have,  If they have no inventory, they don't have to worry about influencers or marketing.

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55 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

And if you guys mean they’re likely gonna skip the smaller “usual” youtube crew, and deliver to the influencers who have millions of followers and such, that seems especially risky because they’re very likely gonna compare it to the Switch or something and it’ll backfire on them.


That wouldn't be logical, but given how much of their own money some of the execs have dumped into it, they must have at least drunk a little of their own Kool-Aid. I got into a looooong argument with Tommy a while back about the extrapolations he was making from global sales data and the history of the Wii.  He was essentially saying that the Wii sold a hundred million units just on the sheer force of marketing.


Now, I thought at the time he was just talking out of his ass because he was the face of the company and couldn't actually admit what an uphill battle they were going to be fighting from the start.  But we now know he was really expecting investors to believe this delusional sales projections, and it wasn't just him; this was the company line, and then we see how much these guys have put into this out of their own funds, they must have thought this had a reasonable chance of working, like if they just messaged hard enough to the right demo they would become a billion dollar company.


It might be the case that they think having a few of them in the right hands will help create a brand for them that they can leverage into whatever licensing or mobile stuff they've talked about doing to raise money.  That's an insane thing to think in my view, but these guys appear to have thought they were going to be able to capture 1% of the total global electronic game market, too.  So, you know, they might just be delusional.

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9 minutes ago, mr_me said:

They have all rights for most of the Intellivision and Atari 2600 cartridge games they own.  They didn't really license the games as far as I know, only the right to develop a new game based on licensed properties e.g. Atari Missile Command, Breakout, etc.   The Imagic games they licensed is a bit of an unknown right now, not sure what's going on with them.



Sure the CFO has day to day authority to spend or not spend money.  Major spending and major company decisions probably involve the board.  Top executives answer to the board   So at one time the CEO had way more money in the company than the other board members, about half of all the money he had in was returned in a loan payment.  That still leaves him with $285k of his own money invested in the company.  The fifth board member also had some interest bearing loans returned.  Overall $413k of interest bearing loans was replaced with $400k of interest free loans by different board members.  Did some board members not agree with that, don't know.  I was just showing what money each board member currently has in the company according to the latest information shared.  And that includes loan money returned which is reflected by the lower outstanding principal loan amounts from the two executives.

How do you get these great posts out after being dog piled on all week?   You are a machine. 

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