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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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On 6/30/2023 at 9:31 AM, MrBeefy said:

What are those suggesting beyond not going to trial?

In reference to a non responsive defendant, but also from that 2020 time period


The question was asked here basically "why bother?" and the notion that "no money can be recovered" 

Given Amur is nationwide (as the case above shows) and they have millions and millions of USD up in the air, I'll suggest that if nothing else, they need to show they intend to protect their company. In other words, not going after IE just because it is "chump change" by comparison is not an option for them.

Oh, and people -do- countersue as well.



Amur rating (note comment as recently as a few days ago


IE's Better Business Bureau "F" rating


Not saying this counts for anything, but...



Edited by number6
Added reference
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On 6/30/2023 at 11:40 PM, Pink said:

if people can just stop paying their mortgage/car loans/credit cards/any other loans, throw their hands up in the air and claim it's the bank's fault and claim that the underwriters should have never approved them for the loan/credit card/mortgage/etc. in the first place.


That type of argument is actually made on a regular basis -- invariably without success. I do not wish to violate the "no political discussion" rule, but there is a significant ideology/political movement supporting this approach. Similar arguments have been applied in Family and Criminal Law. It is more widespread in the United States, but it has its adherents in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and even Germany.  


I am not suggesting that Tommy is part of this movement, but he may be drawing from the arguments it presents. 

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18 minutes ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

That assumes he can count that high, which I'm not convinced of.

He aspires for 69 and 420.  But I'm sure the limit is really 4.  It's hard to max out the left hand :)

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16 hours ago, Stephen said:

He aspires for 69 and 420.  But I'm sure the limit is really 4.  It's hard to max out the left hand :)

Well I think he said there were 5 CONFIRMED people using fake alt accounts. 


I think that he couldn't count that high amd was just an easy way to say there were 3.199999x billion people who didn't care about Amico.


That and projection. That reminds me. Did anyone pay attention to theblove stream that he kept batching? When his connection would drop magically around 500 people would also drop watching immediately. 🤣 Coincidence? I think not.

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On 7/2/2023 at 1:22 PM, jhd said:

I am not suggesting that Tommy is part of this movement, but he may be drawing from the arguments it presents. 


It's not a fringe argument to say a contract should not be enforceable if one of the signatories is not mentally competent.

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47 minutes ago, MrTrust said:


It's not a fringe argument to say a contract should not be enforceable if one of the signatories is not mentally competent.

Oh I don’t think TT isn’t fit to stand trial or anything. He’s just really, REALLY dumb. He’s a great example of why people need to stop holding up money as an example of competence or expertise.

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Just now, jerseystyle said:

Oh I don’t think TT isn’t fit to stand trial or anything. He’s just really, REALLY dumb. He’s a great example of why people need to stop holding up money as an example of competence or expertise.


It's called a "joke", bud.


Also, what am I missing here?  I've looked back through the thread and can't find the Genesis of these references to a trial.  I'm assuming TT is getting sued civilly.  Can someone give me the crib notes?

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2 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

Hahahaha, seriously?

Yeah. I'm pretty sure he was helping the numbers out. Which went with how they did most of everything. Albert has more important things to do, but it would be interesting to know how many of the, AA users who solely posted in Amico threads, were from California and Utah.


Even users like @GrudgeQ gave up their reddit around the time they were firing people. If you go back and read many of his posts they seem like PR softballs.


He'll remember when he encouraged people here to keep refreshing a video so it would hit 100k? He was all about looks with no substance.


Look at his StartEngine campaign.


He was even trying to get them to leave comments on SE even if not invested. They really messed up because the SE people were a little smarter than the Republic people. It also didn't help that Nick Richards was being paranoid and actively asking for users private information. Which was also against policy iirc.


But yeah to go back to that it was pretty comical to not only watch him flounder, but watch the numbers jump by 500 when he would be off/on. He was pretty boomer with technology.


He said publicly that the one delay was to add something to the special event, but privately told the YTers it was because the video didn't render correctly. You can even tell that was a lie because a press release went out on the correct date and had EWJ mentioned. He later claimed he added in EWJ, and look at the views it got.


I think faking numbers went as far back as the VIP orders. They claimed to get 10,000, but if you look at the initial videos they showed there wasn't near that engagement.


This is from one of my old locked/hidden threads.


6 Games that come with system:

1. Skiing 893 views and 48 likes

2. Cornhole 885 views and 13 likes 



3. Shark! Shark! 645 views with 23 likes

4  Astrosmash 514 views and 17 likes


5. Farkle 392 views with 15 likes


6. Backtalk wasn't shown at VIP.


They didn't even net 5000 views and that view doesn't even equate to a preorder. The numbers on those videos are good too because they have been unlisted and only viewable if you own the account or know how to access one of my old threads. The engagement was low, and for the most part, IMO, faked. Were/are there some who liked the idea? Sure, as I was one of them. However, the data and reality of the numbers wasn't there. That's why Tommy, NEEDED to shut up any rational amd reasonable discussion from me and others. He couldn't scrounge up 10,000 unique individuals to buy his footbath and didn't want rational thought to spread.



On a different note, can someone take the music from these and see if it is anyone else's music? Forgive me if I don't believe the last line in the description of all these videos.




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1 hour ago, jerseystyle said:

Oh I don’t think TT isn’t fit to stand trial or anything. He’s just really, REALLY dumb. He’s a great example of why people need to stop holding up money as an example of competence or expertise.

Nailed it! 

1 hour ago, MrTrust said:


It's called a "joke", bud.


Also, what am I missing here?  I've looked back through the thread and can't find the Genesis of these references to a trial.  I'm assuming TT is getting sued civilly.  Can someone give me the crib notes?

It is over the office furniture that IE stopped paying on. Tommy signed that if IE didn't follow through je would be the person responsible for payment.


IE stopped paying, the company sold the furniture, and are trying to recover the rest of their loses from Tommy.

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TT probably trying to get the Guinness world record in "most unfittest of all time to stand trial" (yes, I am aware that isn't a word, that's the joke) and "world's worst testimony" - he's already lined up the $30k to pay them for them, which is why he can't pay his legal bills 🤣

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On 7/3/2023 at 3:22 AM, jhd said:


That type of argument is actually made on a regular basis -- invariably without success. I do not wish to violate the "no political discussion" rule, but there is a significant ideology/political movement supporting this approach. Similar arguments have been applied in Family and Criminal Law. It is more widespread in the United States, but it has its adherents in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and even Germany.  


I am not suggesting that Tommy is part of this movement, but he may be drawing from the arguments it presents. 

He's definitely not a "Sovereign Citizen" or anything like that. Either he'd have dismissed his lawyer by now or they'd have run for the hills if he was one. They always end up representing themselves, usually very badly.


He's just one of those guys who think that laws apply to other people; presumably the same ones who do the work while he takes credit, or pay for his expensive mistakes.

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1 hour ago, Matt_B said:

presumably the same ones who do the work while he takes credit, or pay for his expensive mistakes.

Are you suggesting that Tommy Tallarico Studios should really be named Joey Kuras Studios?


What was the timeline of when Joey left TT studios and TT Studio's work drying up?


I would bet after Joey left not much else was really done.

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13 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

TT probably trying to get the Guinness world record in "most unfittest of all time to stand trial" (yes, I am aware that isn't a word, that's the joke) and "world's worst testimony"



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1 hour ago, Rev said:

Thats over 300k future Amico owners you gaming racist gatekeeper!    Oof

You have the DATA! Those people love what is being done. I heard someone cried knowing they'd be able to read forums again with their mom.

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I still find it interesting how so many members who frequently engaged in the "Happy Fun Times" Amico thread and trashed skeptics with any reasonable takes have gone MIA from this forum.  I find it very cowardly that these people couldn't just admit they were wrong for going to bat for Tommy and trying to dismiss our critiques.  

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