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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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Is Tommy's Sonic lie, or his pretending to be a Yankee hall of famer, or him claiming he won an Emmy some piece of vital, life changing information that everyone on the planet needs to know? No. But it shows that he has a tendency to lie very regularly about very stupid and bizarre things. And not only stupid things, but that things that can so easily be proven to be false, or simply just already known to not be true. This calls in to doubt literally everything the man has already said and will say in the future. There are still people that believe certain things about Intellivison and the Amico, simply because Tommy said it, but the pile of reasons (that was already pretty damn big) to not believe him grow by the day.


I just had a very brief look, and I've found 19 different occasions where Tommy made the claim of being an Emmy award winner. That wont be all of the times, there will be more, and that's just one of the lies!


You can't just go around lying about things over and over and get away with it, especially when you were saying those things when trying to get money from people. What if in a year or two Tommy re-appears and tries another scheme? Shouldn't everyone know that every single thing he says should be taken with a ten ton pile of salt?


Edit: It looks like Victor Lucas (Tommy's Electric Playground cohost) once won an Emmy (or his company did), for something totally unrelated. So it seems that meme I posted on the last page is actually what Tommy did.



Edited by SteveTheColecoDude
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6 minutes ago, SteveTheColecoDude said:

You can't just go around lying about things over and over and get away with it, especially when you were saying those things when trying to get money from people. What if in a year or two Tommy re-appears and tries another scheme? Shouldn't everyone know that every single thing he says should be taken with a ten ton pile of salt?

See, when anyone starts to dig, this seems to indeed be exactly the case.  I honestly question his whole "Steve Tyler is my cousin" now.  He uses that as his bedrock for lots of communications he has with people.  It's difficult to impossible for anyone to really verify this claim.  Get a few pics together at random media events, and spin up a story about how he's his cousin.  Hey they share a last name, and both play guitar (theoretically)!   Since it's pretty much impossible to actually ASK Steve if tommy's his cousin, the (potential) lie works great.


Tommy has an entire webpage devoted to these types of pictures.  He goes to random media events (book signings, etc) and gets pictures with $famous_person then spins up some kind of lie or halftruth or pure fantasy about knowing this person well, considering them a "great friend" and so on and so forth to sell his latest thing or to puff up his self image.  The bad news is most of the people ate it, swallowed it, and asked for more.


I think tommy lives like it's 1995.  Back then, before the internet, it was much harder to verify any of his wild claims, and a lot of peoples' default reaction to wild claims (which tend to be off the wall, like being a hall of famer) is to believe them since who'd lie about something so esoteric?   His other thing would be to tell different people different things to influence and manipulate them.  This worked great in 1995 I'm sure.  But here in the 21st century everyone can talk to everyone else, and verify these claims.  This caused quite a bit of friction, and when tommy would say one thing to person X and another thing to person Y, and both would talk on twitter/youtube/etc, it was pretty easy to quote those things.  Of course tommy's got a ready-made response for this, and was one we saw often.  "they're putting words in my mouth!"


Nope, it was just getting caught in yet more lies and half-truths.  Thanks to the internet we can now verify whether most of these claims are true or not.

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43 minutes ago, SteveTheColecoDude said:

It looks like Victor Lucas (Tommy's Electric Playground cohost) once won an Emmy (or his company did), for something totally unrelated. So it seems that meme I posted on the last page is actually what Tommy did.



I can find no evidence either of them have ever won an Emmy. Edit: Art of Play did not win an Emmy. GameTap News did not win an emmy. Victor Lucas does not claim an Emmy in his Twitter profile. Extremely, extremely verifiable info. Turns out, the Baseball Hall of Fame and the Emmy's keep records.

Edited by zapzapzac
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39 minutes ago, zapzapzac said:

I can find no evidence either of them have ever won an Emmy. Edit: Art of Play did not win an Emmy. GameTap News did not win an emmy. Victor Lucas does not claim an Emmy in his Twitter profile. Extremely, extremely verifiable info. Turns out, the Baseball Hall of Fame and the Emmy's keep records.


It's a regional Emmy outside of their normal market and, I'm told, about as meaningless as an Orange County award for Best Innovation.
I think it's important to note we'd not even be talking about this if Tallarico hadn't woven it and many other tales into Amico's lore. I'd suggest it's these kinds of things that get us to "Trust us! We have 600+ years experience!" (paraphrased).

[Edited for grammar.]

Edited by PlaysWithWolves
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23 minutes ago, PlaysWithWolves said:


It's a regional Emmy outside of their normal market and, I'm told, about as meaningless as an Orange County award for Best Innovation.
I think it's important to note we'd not even be talking about this if Tallarico hadn't woven it and many other tales into Amico's lore. I'd suggest it's these kinds of things that get us to "Trust us! We have 600+ years experience!" (paraphrased).

[Edited for grammar.]


There it is, way down the page. Victor Lucas is certainly a regional Emmy Winner, my apologies Victor. I can't find Tommy's name though, it must be a misprint.

Edited by zapzapzac
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47 minutes ago, digdugnate said:

Which individual? I'm confused.

Look, I can't help it if everyone is jealous of me. Or my Emmy awards. Or my Hall of Fame status. Or all my hobnobbing with idols. In fact did I tell you about the time Ronald Reagan came to my house and we did sick wheelies on our BMXes out front before totally shredding mad riffs on our guitars? IT WAS SO EPIC. That was around the time I became the first American to invent Mario and Sonic. Pac-Man, maybe, too!


I'm just a simple man trying to keep RACIST GATEKEEPING from stopping my grift, I mean uhh TOTALLY COMING OUT ANY DAY VIDEO GAME CONSOLE, the Omerco.


 Now fork over the dough, meatbags.


(Who'd have thought my Poochie comparison years ago would turn out ABSOLUTELY TRUE?)

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2 hours ago, Razzie.P said:

Your assumptions about what I assume are wrong  ?  Or you just lyin’ on me.  ?


I’ll go all the way back to about 35 minutes ago (as of now) to fact check that –

Not sure how you get that I assume EVERYONE IS LIKE him when I agreed that your statement may be true for “many, even most”


Now do I assume that SOME are like him in those regards, as in they would use an opportunity like that to bump themselves up a bit?  Absolutely.     And that’s not really even an assumption since we’ve actually seen those cases – I remember a wannabe journalist doing an interview that was just painful (in a second hand embarrassment sort of way) to watch him try and fact check to prove Tommy’s claims wrong about some wonky stat, and just kept falling flat.  At one point he finaly said “fuck it, I can’t find it but I know it’s there.”   



And to be clear, I’m not talking about the people who worked on those games calling him out.  I'm sure they don't give a crap or maybe don't even know who TT is.  I’m talking about the interviewers, the people asking questions at conventions/panels and such, the youtubers who wanna go from double digits to triple digits – some of those would pounce at such an obvious “gotcha!” opportunity.  

Okay I could see that more. And Tony's interview was so rough. I would say there weren't many great interviews as no one would interupt to get answers or do follow up questions.


I think the reason you are seeing it more now as opposed to then is time. Back when building up this facade information wasn't as readily available as it is now. The whole point of building up that rep is to make oneself the expert. So when you get people in those panels and interviews people are less likely to question things because, "oh they are a legend, oh they wouldn't lie and risk their rep." In fact those types of things were used even in Amico's case. "Oh the CEO wouldn't risk his rep on a flop or whatever."


Some of it is too in just what type of information does one care about too. I can guarantee I watched him on the review tech interview when he said that he was the first American. I didn't think anything of it because I wasn't watching to hear him talk about himself. I was there to hear about this console that I liked the idea of.


He has been able to get away from it because in the grand scheme of things he hasn't been relevant for decades. Until he came to AA I had no real idea who he was nor ever watched the show he was on.


He made Amico about himself, and  turned it into the Streisand Effect. Not just on Amico but also on himself. Many didn't give two craps who he was and just wanted to discuss the console. He was the one who pushed that he was the expert, and built that us vs them. We are in an information highway and now that he has been more public with his nonsense more people are calling it out.


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5 hours ago, Rowsdower70 said:

The accuracy of this is mind boggling.  

Back when the Amico was first announced, I offered to place some business cards out for Intellivision at my Intellivision display at the Houston Arcade Expo.  (Circa 2018)
The display went over well, and ended up winning for the best console that year.   Tommy, after hearing of my award, asked me to mail it to him.   Not a congrats, not a "thank you for helping get the word out!" But he most generously offered to pay shipping for my award for my console setup that had absolutely nothing to do with him.    I had to explain to him that this wasn't going to be the outcome he had hoped for, but you could tell he didn't understand how awards work.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?? The guy contacted you, a fan of the old system at a fan convention, and acted like an award for your booth somehow belonged to HIM and he wanted you to ship it to him??? Am I understanding this correctly????


There was a time when I thought it was nice that Intellivision was in the hands of a “gamer.” Man was I wrong. This company makes Fred Chesnais’s Atari (“so much more than video games”) look like a well oiled machine in comparison. 

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2 hours ago, kevtris said:

I think tommy lives like it's 1995.  Back then, before the internet, it was much harder to verify any of his wild claims, and a lot of peoples' default reaction to wild claims (which tend to be off the wall, like being a hall of famer) is to believe them since who'd lie about something so esoteric?   His other thing would be to tell different people different things to influence and manipulate them.  This worked great in 1995 I'm sure.  But here in the 21st century everyone can talk to everyone else, and verify these claims.  This caused quite a bit of friction, and when tommy would say one thing to person X and another thing to person Y, and both would talk on twitter/youtube/etc, it was pretty easy to quote those things.  Of course tommy's got a ready-made response for this, and was one we saw often.  "they're putting words in my mouth!"

I agree that his moves and preferences seem like something out of the distant past. This old video by Karl Jobst about Guinness Records and the changing nature of available information seems relevant to this situation. 


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5 hours ago, 1980gamer said:

The first american to be hired to work on the Sonic series.  It is a strange thing to care about?  Who cares?

But either way, how do we know this isn't true?

I think you're right; it depends on your definition of "work" and "hired", and that has already been discussed.™️


4 hours ago, Razzie.P said:

I just think its odd that we can have so many instances of him repeating "a blatant, easily fact checked lie" but not a single instance of someone saying "waitaminnit...."

Honestly, maybe it's only me because I'm shy but even though I knew Sonic 2 was partly developed in the US, I wouldn't have dared to contradict Tommy during a livestream just because I find it very embarrassing to expose someone publicly. That's why I dislike compulsive liars a lot; they tend to "push their luck" by keeping on saying bigger lies and you can feel that everyone is starting to look at each other thinking they're full of shit. ?



Tommy's craziest lie is about his video game soundtracks imho. We already know he had people working for him, but it's incredible how many soundtracks Tommy is known for while he's not even credited in the games. The soundtrack he's the most proud about is Terminator on SEGA CD for instance. But actually he only created a few tracks for it (there are several composers credited including Joey Kuras, the guy credited for the OOF sound in Messiah). So at least Tommy did create a few tracks for it... But they all come from his old band (Diamondz in the Rough or something) and of course have nothing to do with Terminator, but whatever. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was discovered they were in fact written by another member of his band, since it's actually how he rolls apparently. ? And yet he got Guinness records for his soundtracks, and actually would be given the same award during several VGL concerts in a row just to show off.


And now I want to play a Phoenix Wright game in which you find contradictions in Tommy's testimony until he starts crashing awards on his head. ?

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Last 2 points I will make for all the "fact checkers"  LOL


1. He has been a much more successful game developer than Curt Schilling.  I will give the edge to Schilling on the Diamond though. ;)


2. If TT used a more orange shade of spray tan,  would so many of you care if he told lies?


Let you ponder that for a few seconds.  If you are capable?


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1 hour ago, Flojomojo said:

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?? The guy contacted you, a fan of the old system at a fan convention, and acted like an award for your booth somehow belonged to HIM and he wanted you to ship it to him??? Am I understanding this correctly????



100% correct!  

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4 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

1. He has been a much more successful game developer than Curt Schilling.  I will give the edge to Schilling on the Diamond though. ;)



I'm not defending Schilling, but which games has Tommy shipped as a development studio head or developer (not counting music/sfx)?

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1 minute ago, gaterooze_ink said:

I'm not defending Schilling, but which games has Tommy shipped as a development studio head or developer (not counting music/sfx)?

He doesn't have to ship any.  You and I are more successful. It is pretty impressive to blow through hundreds of millions of dollars in such a short time.  Thanks for helping win a Championship Curt.

I think the point was, it is not as easy to make a commercial product and get it out the door as all the experts commenting on "the former ceo" thinks it is.


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2 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

He doesn't have to ship any.  You and I are more successful. It is pretty impressive to blow through hundreds of millions of dollars in such a short time.  Thanks for helping win a Championship Curt.

I think the point was, it is not as easy to make a commercial product and get it out the door as all the experts commenting on "the former ceo" thinks it is.


But Schilling shipped Kingdoms of Amalur, certainly more successful than my commercial game :D

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2 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

Look, I can't help it if everyone is jealous of me. Or my Emmy awards. Or my Hall of Fame status. Or all my hobnobbing with idols. In fact did I tell you about the time Ronald Reagan came to my house and we did sick wheelies on our BMXes out front before totally shredding mad riffs on our guitars? IT WAS SO EPIC. That was around the time I became the first American to invent Mario and Sonic. Pac-Man, maybe, too!


I'm just a simple man trying to keep RACIST GATEKEEPING from stopping my grift, I mean uhh TOTALLY COMING OUT ANY DAY VIDEO GAME CONSOLE, the Omerco.


 Now fork over the dough, meatbags.


(Who'd have thought my Poochie comparison years ago would turn out ABSOLUTELY TRUE?)

I want to thank you for being the legend you are and bringing Mario and Sonic in my life. PacMan has been a favorite!


Does the Omerco have multiple colors? I so I want at least one of each. I don't care about the games. Who do I make the check out to?

5 minutes ago, Rowsdower70 said:

100% correct!  

I mean really? Like what was this award exactly?

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2 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:


I mean really? Like what was this award exactly?

Hang on to your boots, the trophy pictured is what he wanted to add to his awards.  It was award for best console setup at the show.  I guess I could have mailed him the little Galaga game that came with the trophy.  


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2 minutes ago, Rowsdower70 said:

Hang on to your boots, the trophy pictured is what he wanted to add to his awards.  It was award for best console setup at the show.  I guess I could have mailed him the little Galaga game that came with the trophy.  


Serious question,  Do you have pictures of you setup?

I love seeing cool gaming layouts.  I have nothing compared to many here.


I guess I can Hook up an Intellivision to an ECS and an Intellvioce with Music Keyboard and a CC3 or LTO plugged in...  But many here can do that!


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2 minutes ago, 1980gamer said:

Serious question,  Do you have pictures of you setup?

I love seeing cool gaming layouts.  I have nothing compared to many here.


I guess I can Hook up an Intellivision to an ECS and an Intellvioce with Music Keyboard and a CC3 or LTO plugged in...  But many here can do that!


My setup is a lot less impressive these days.  I scaled down to just my LTO flash and a handful of boxed games since we moved into a much smaller space.

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13 minutes ago, Rowsdower70 said:

Hang on to your boots, the trophy pictured is what he wanted to add to his awards.  It was award for best console setup at the show.  I guess I could have mailed him the little Galaga game that came with the trophy.  


So what did he provide to this setup?


I'm lost as to how he thought he earned this. Like he didn't give you the console, set up, or pay for the table?

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