+TheBF Posted December 24, 2023 Share Posted December 24, 2023 As the year is drawing to a close you might want to know that Forth is more popular that Scheme and in the same league as Haskell and ML, in the year 2023. TIOBE Index - TIOBE Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year to all. 🎅 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GDMike Posted December 24, 2023 Author Share Posted December 24, 2023 2 hours ago, TheBF said: As the year is drawing to a close you might want to know that Forth is more popular that Scheme and in the same league as Haskell and ML, in the year 2023. TIOBE Index - TIOBE Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year to all. 🎅 Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2024! 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 Here is a word you can tuck away on a TURBO Forth block somewhere. POSTPONE replaces COMPILE and [COMPILE] and so it can make translating ANS Forth code a bit easier. I tried it on TF and it seems to work. : POSTPONE ( <name> -- ) \ replaces COMPILE and [COMPILE] BL WORD FIND DUP 0= ABORT" POSTPONE can' find" 0< IF COMPILE COMPILE THEN , ; IMMEDIATE You use POSTPONE like COMPILE or [COMPILE] but it knows the difference between compiling an IMMEDIATE word or a normal word. Example: > is normal, IF is immediate. No problem : >IF POSTPONE > POSTPONE IF ; IMMEDIATE Test : TEST >IF ." bigger" ELSE ." less than" THEN ; 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 1 Share Posted February 1 I am doing some New Year cleanup on my Git repository Demos. I had made an X,Y reversal in the sprite library which I fixed last year but that meant that sprite demos didn't work. I found this one and thought I would use it to demonstrate how you don't get good Forth programs if you try to translate directly from BASIC. It can be done but it's ugly and hard as hell to debug. Here is the BASIC program. 1 ! Smart Programming Guide for Sprites 2 ! by Craig Miller 3 ! (c) 1983 by Miller Graphics 100 CALL CLEAR 110 CALL SCREEN(2) 120 CALL CHAR(46,"0000001818") 130 CALL SPRITE(#2,94,16,180,1,0,5) 140 FOR N=0 TO 25 150 X=RND*192+1 160 Y=RND*255+1 170 CALL SPRITE(#3,65+N,16,Y/2+1,X+1) 180 CALL SOUND(-60,660,8) 190 CALL POSITION(#3,Y,X,#2,R,C) 200 CALL SPRITE(#1,46,16,R,C,(Y-R)*.49,(X-C)*.49) 210 CALL SOUND(476,-3,14) 220 CALL SOUND(120,110,6) 230 CALL DELSPRITE(#1) 240 CALL PATTERN(#3,35) 250 CALL SOUND(100,220,6) 260 NEXT N 270 GOTO 140 Here is a more literal translation to Forth. (Camel99 specific ) It has a few changes like named sprites and named colors. But the main program loop is full of stuff like the BASIC version. Spoiler NEEDS .S FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS MOTION FROM DSK1.AUTOMOTION NEEDS RND FROM DSK1.RANDOM NEEDS DB FROM DSK1.SOUND VARIABLE X VARIABLE Y VARIABLE RR VARIABLE CC CREATE ABULLET HEX 0000 , 0018 , 1800 , 0000 , : DELSPRITE ( spr# -- ) 0 SWAP SP.PAT VC! ; DECIMAL \ name sprites and colors for convenience 1 CONSTANT AMMO 2 CONSTANT TURRET 3 CONSTANT TARGET 2 CONSTANT BLACK 5 CONSTANT BLUE 16 CONSTANT WHITE \ functions to assist translation from BASIC : (Y-RR)/2 ( -- n) Y @ RR @ - 2/ ; : (X-CC)/2 ( -- n) X @ CC @ - 2/ ; : SOUND1 ( t Hz db -- ) GEN1 DB HZ MS MUTE ; : ?BREAK ?TERMINAL IF STOPMOTION CR ." BREAK" ABORT THEN ; : RUN ( 100) CLEAR ( 110) BLUE SCREEN 10 0 AT-XY ." Camel99 Forth" ( 120) ABULLET [CHAR] . CHARDEF ( 130) [CHAR] ^ WHITE 1 180 TURRET SPRITE 5 0 TURRET MOTION AUTOMOTION ( 140) BEGIN 25 0 DO ( 150) 192 RND 1+ Y ! ( 160) 255 RND 1+ X ! ( 170) [CHAR] A I + WHITE X @ 1+ Y @ 2/ TARGET SPRITE ( 180) 660 8 50 SOUND1 ( 190) TARGET POSITION X ! Y ! TURRET POSITION CC ! RR ! ( 200) [CHAR] . WHITE RR @ CC @ AMMO SPRITE (Y-RR)/2 (X-CC)/2 AMMO MOTION ( 210) 2 NOISE -14 DB 430 MS MUTE ( 220) 120 110 -6 SOUND1 ( 230) AMMO DELSPRITE ( 240) [CHAR] # 3 PATTERN ( 250) 100 220 -6 SOUND1 ?BREAK ( 260) LOOP ( 270) AGAIN ; And here is something that is more Forth style. Notice it has NO variables. Once you know that all the sprite information is stored in VDP RAM already and that the sprite functions just read and write that memory then variables become duplicated data storage. Pointless. For example to create sprite #3 in the same position as sprite #2, we just replace the X,Y parameters of the SPRITE creator with the POSITION function. \ ascii color x y Spr# [CHAR] . 15 2 POSITION 3 SPRITE Random number example. If we know we will need random x and y values we don't need variables. We just put them on the data stack when we need them. \ return random coordinates : RNDX ( -- x) 255 RND 1+ ; : RNDY ( -- y) 192 RND 1+ ; So here is the end result where we have factored out parts of the original program in to easier to debug pieces. This would make BASIC more complicated but allows Forth programs to be easier to understand IMHO. Spoiler \ Camel99 kernel is bare-bones. \ Extras must be compiled into system NEEDS .S FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS MOTION FROM DSK1.AUTOMOTION NEEDS RND FROM DSK1.RANDOM NEEDS DB FROM DSK1.SOUND \ character definition for the bullet CREATE ABULLET HEX 0000 , 0018 , 1800 , 0000 , DECIMAL \ name the sprites 1 CONSTANT AMMO 2 CONSTANT TURRET 3 CONSTANT TARGET \ Name the colors 2 CONSTANT BLACK 5 CONSTANT BLUE 16 CONSTANT WHITE \ words to make it more like BASIC : SOUND1 ( t Hz db -- ) GEN1 DB HZ MS MUTE ; : ?BREAK ?TERMINAL IF STOPMOTION CR ." BREAK" ABORT THEN ; \ return random coordinates : RNDX ( -- x) 255 RND 1+ ; : RNDY ( -- y) 192 RND 1+ ; : TURRET-SPRITE \ ascii colr x y spr# [CHAR] ^ WHITE 1 180 TURRET SPRITE 5 0 TURRET MOTION ; : TARGET-SPRITE ( char --) \ colr x y spr# WHITE RNDX 1+ RNDY 2/ TARGET SPRITE ; \ function computes motion vector between 2 SPRITES x,y : DELTA ( x y x2 y2 -- x' y') ROT - 2/ >R \ delta Y pushed to Rstack SWAP - 2/ \ delta X R> ; \ bring back delta Y : DELSPRITE ( spr# -- ) 0 SWAP SP.PAT VC! ; : SHOOT \ next line sets the motion vector for the AMMO sprite \ by reading the sprite positions and computing the delta TURRET POSITION TARGET POSITION DELTA AMMO MOTION \ generate noise using sound chip API 2 NOISE -14 DB 430 MS MUTE 120 110 -6 SOUND1 AMMO DELSPRITE [CHAR] # TARGET PATTERN 100 220 -6 SOUND1 ; : RUN CLEAR BLUE SCREEN 10 0 AT-XY ." Camel99 Forth" ABULLET [CHAR] . CHARDEF TURRET-SPRITE AUTOMOTION BEGIN 25 0 DO \ put target sprite on the screen with a sound [CHAR] A I + TARGET-SPRITE 50 660 8 SOUND1 \ put the AMMO sprite at the turret position [CHAR] . WHITE TURRET POSITION AMMO SPRITE SHOOT ?BREAK LOOP AGAIN ; 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 2 Share Posted February 2 (edited) Looking at my demos on GitHub I came across a program from the TI BASIC manual that I translated to Forth to demonstrate how it could be done for the Forth student. The program puts random colored squares on the screen with a musical note. The code to compute the note uses exponential floating point math. That's a lot of compute to just make a tone. In my first version, I just punted and made a sound with a random frequency but it's not a "legal" note from the western music chromatic scale. Now that I am a member of a community orchestra I could not let that stand. The code to compute a random note in BASIC is: 160 N=INT(24*RND+1) 170 FREQ=110*(2^(1/12))^N It's not hard to generate N in Forth. : N ( -- n) 24 RND 1+ ; But without floating point I was scratching my head for a bit on how to do line 170. Turns out 1/12= .0833333 repeated and 2^1/12 ~=1.059463 This means that given a frequency all we have to do is multiply by 1.059463 to raise the frequency by one semi-tone. For the non-music student every note on a piano keyboard is one semitone apart, if you press white and black keys in order. So now we have a multiplier to move up note by note on the keyboard. That's something we can handle with integer math. How? With the Forth's magic */ operator. Star-slash, as it is called, takes 3 arguments: an input, a multiplier and a divisor. The multiplication in */ generates a 32 bit result so up to 4,294,967,296. This means it does not overflow easily. The divisor is then used to "scale" that result back to the range we need for our little 16 bit integers. So this simple word takes a note and bumps to the next semitone. At least that's the theory. : NOTE+ ( freq -- freq') 10595 10000 */ ; When I compared the output of NOTE+ to a table of note frequencies this version of NOTE+ begins to run flat (notes are lower than correct) after the first octave. This version is closer to the correct pitch but still not perfect. : NOTE+ ( freq -- ) 10570 10000 */ 1+ ; Then we need a way to get any semitone. If we put NOTE+ in a loop and start at the lowest note TI-99 can play we get this. : NOTE ( n -- freq) 110 SWAP 0 ?DO NOTE+ LOOP ; However if you really want proper tuning it is probably better to use a table and look up the frequency like this: Spoiler \ NOTES.FTH gives you a table of note frequencies Feb 1 2024 B Fox \ these are as accurate to pitch as TI-99 can produce CREATE NOTES[] \ create a name for the data \ put the number into memory with the comma operator \ FREQ MIDI Note \ ---- ---- ---- 110 , \ 45 A2 117 , \ 46 A#2/Bb2 123 , \ 47 B2 131 , \ 48 C3 139 , \ 49 C#3/Db3 147 , \ 50 D3 156 , \ 51 D#3/Eb3 165 , \ 52 E3 175 , \ 53 F3 185 , \ 54 F#3/Gb3 196 , \ 55 G3 208 , \ 56 G#3/Ab3 220 , \ 57 A3 233 , \ 58 A#3/Bb3 247 , \ 59 B3 262 , \ 60 C4 (middle C) 277 , \ 61 C#4/Db4 294 , \ 62 D4 311 , \ 63 D#4/Eb4 330 , \ 64 E4 349 , \ 65 F4 370 , \ 66 F#4/Gb4 392 , \ 67 G4 415 , \ 68 G#4/Ab4 440 , \ 69 A4 concert pitch 466 , \ 70 A#4/Bb4 494 , \ 71 B4 523 , \ 72 C5 554 , \ 73 C#5/Db5 587 , \ 74 D5 622 , \ 75 D#5/Eb5 659 , \ 76 E5 698 , \ 77 F5 740 , \ 78 F#5/Gb5 784 , \ 79 G5 831 , \ 80 G#5/Ab5 880 , \ 81 A5 932 , \ 82 A#5/Bb5 988 , \ 83 B5 1047 , \ 84 C6 1109 , \ 85 C#6/Db6 1175 , \ 86 D6 1245 , \ 87 D#6/Eb6 1319 , \ 88 E6 1397 , \ 89 F6 1480 , \ 90 F#6/Gb6 1568 , \ 91 G6 1661 , \ 92 G#6/Ab6 1760 , \ 93 A6 1865 , \ 94 A#6/Bb6 1976 , \ 95 B6 2093 , \ 96 C7 2217 , \ 97 C#7/Db7 2349 , \ 98 D7 2489 , \ 99 D#7/Eb7 2637 , \ 100 E7 2794 , \ 101 F7 2960 , \ 102 F#7/Gb7 3136 , \ 103 G7 3322 , \ 104 G#7/Ab7 3520 , \ 105 A7 3729 , \ 106 A#7/Bb7 3951 , \ 107 B7 4186 , \ 108 C8 \ make word that indexes into the table and fetches the frequency : ]NOTE ( n -- freq) CELLS NOTES[] + @ ; The final program is here: CAMEL99-ITC/DEMO/RNDCOLOR.FTH at master · bfox9900/CAMEL99-ITC · GitHub Edited February 2 by TheBF typo 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 14 Share Posted February 14 (edited) Over in the Assembly Language thread @Retrospect asked for a translation of his bouncing ball program into Assembler. Well... we could not leave it up to the ALC coders to have all the fun around here now could we? Here is a Forth version with all the BASIC lines removed. It is not completely "idiomatic" Forth. There are more variables than would be typically used but I tried to demonstrate the typical way we use Forth by factoring things into small pieces. The delay here uses the word TICKS which delays based on "ticks" of the 9901 timer. My MS word limits the smallest delay to 32mS which is too big to see speed. I was a bit cheeky and used @Retrospect 's comment text to name the Forth words, to show how well named code requires less comments. Spoiler \ ################### \ # # \ # BOUNCING BALL # \ # # \ # BY RETROSPECT # \ # # \ ################### \ Translated to Camel99 Forth by @theBF \ We need to compile some TI-99 words into the standard Forth \ INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS \ for debugging INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX \ Graphics 1 mode with TI BASIC look-alike commands INCLUDE DSK1.SOUND \ sound chip contolr INCLUDE DSK1.INPUT \ gives us an input statement \ Variables are declared instead of commented. Changed names for clarity VARIABLE X \ x position VARIABLE Y \ y position VARIABLE DX \ x vector VARIABLE DY \ y vector VARIABLE T \ delay between movements VARIABLE SOUND \ sound flag VARIABLE VOL \ volume \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Forth does not translate from BASIC in straight line like Assembler. \ In Forth it's better to create the parts we need as named sub-routines \ then put them all together at the end as a final program : DEFINE_THE_BALL S" 3C7EFFFFFFFF7E3C" 42 CALLCHAR 42 SET# 5 1 COLOR ; : VARS_TO_START 1 DUP X ! Y ! 1 DUP DX ! DY ! SOUND ON ; : ASK_DELAY CLEAR 0 0 AT-XY ." DELAY VAL?" 0 1 AT-XY T #INPUT ; : DISPLAY_BALL ( x y -- ) X @ Y @ AT-XY 42 EMIT ; : ADD_DIRECTION ( dx dy --) Y @ + Y ! X @ + X ! ; \ reverse a direction variable with one command : REVERSE ( var -- ) DUP @ NEGATE SWAP ! ; \ no need to duplicate these statements. Give them a name. : RESET_SOUND SOUND ON 0 VOL ! ; \ eliminate some if statements with a system function : BETWEEN ( n lo hi -- ?) 1+ WITHIN ; \ return true if we are out of range : HORZLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 30 BETWEEN 0= ; : VERTLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 21 BETWEEN 0= ; : ?BOUNCE ( x y -- ) VERTLIMIT? IF DY REVERSE RESET_SOUND THEN HORZLIMIT? IF DX REVERSE RESET_SOUND THEN ; \ logic built in: if SOUND is on do the sound : PING ( -- ) SOUND @ TRUE = IF GEN1 900 HZ VOL @ DB GEN2 901 HZ VOL @ DB 4 VOL +! VOL @ 30 > IF SOUND OFF SILENT THEN THEN ; \ TICKS delays in video frames (16ms) : KILL_SOME_TIME T @ TICKS ; : ERASE_BALL ( x y --) AT-XY SPACE ; : RUN DEFINE_THE_BALL VARS_TO_START ASK_DELAY CLEAR BEGIN X @ Y @ ERASE_BALL \ erase current position DX @ DY @ ADD_DIRECTION \ compute next location DISPLAY_BALL X @ Y @ ?BOUNCE \ test new x y for walls PING KILL_SOME_TIME \ self explanatory name ?TERMINAL \ check for break key UNTIL SILENT ; Here is the program with the BASIC lines left in for comparison. Spoiler \ ! ################### \ ! # # \ ! # BOUNCING BALL # \ ! # # \ ! # BY RETROSPECT # \ ! # # \ ! ################### \ Translated to Camel99 Forth by @theBF \ * We need to compile some TI-99 words into the standard Forth INCLUDE DSK1.TOOLS \ for debugging INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX \ Graphics 1 mode with TI BASIC look-alike commands INCLUDE DSK1.SOUND \ sound chip contolr INCLUDE DSK1.INPUT \ gives us an input statement \ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ \ ! VARIABLES USED; \ ! \ Variables are declared instead of comments. changed names for clarity VARIABLE X \ x position VARIABLE Y \ y position VARIABLE DX \ x vector VARIABLE DY \ y vector VARIABLE T \ delay between movements VARIABLE SOUND \ sound flag VARIABLE VOL \ volume \ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Forth does not translate from BASIC in straight line like Assembler. \ In Forth it's better to create the parts we need as named sub-routines \ then put them all together at the end as a final program \ 100 ! BOUNCING BALL PROGRAM \ 110 ! \ 120 ! \ 130 ! \ 140 ! CLEAR THE SCREEN \ 150 CALL CLEAR \ 160 ! \ 170 ! \ 180 ! DEFINE THE BALL & COLORS \ 190 CALL CHAR(42,"3C7EFFFFFFFF7E3C") \ 200 CALL COLOR(2,5,1,3,5,1,4,5,1) \ GRAFIX library provides some words like TI BASIC : DEFINE_THE_BALL S" 3C7EFFFFFFFF7E3C" 42 CALLCHAR \ set no.s are different than BASIC. \ SET# word means I don't need to remember that stuff 42 SET# 5 1 COLOR ; \ 210 ! \ 220 ! \ 230 ! \ 240 ! VARIABLES TO START \ 250 X,Y=2 \ 260 DX,DY=1 \ 270 SOUND=0 : VARS_TO_START 1 DUP X ! Y ! 1 DUP DX ! DY ! SOUND ON ; \ 280 ! \ 290 ! \ 300 ! \ 310 ! ASK USER DELAY VAL \ 320 DISPLAY AT(1,1):"DELAY VAL?" \ 330 ACCEPT AT(3,1):T \ 340 CALL CLEAR : ASK_DELAY CLEAR 0 0 AT-XY ." DELAY VAL?" 0 1 AT-XY T #INPUT ; \ 350 ! \ 360 ! \ 370 ! \ 380 ! DISPLAY THE BALL \ 390 CALL HCHAR(X,Y,42) : DISPLAY_BALL ( x y -- ) X @ Y @ AT-XY 42 EMIT ; \ 400 ! \ 410 ! \ 420 ! \ 430 ! KEEP THE OLD COORDS \ 440 TEMPX=X \ 450 TEMPY=Y ( Don't need TEMPX TEMPY. keep copies on the DATA stack ) \ 460 ! \ 470 ! \ 480 ! \ 490 ! ADD DX & DY \ 500 X=X+DX \ 510 Y=Y+DY : ADD_DIRECTION ( dx dy --) Y @ + Y ! X @ + X ! ; \ Here is where we can use "words" to simplify all this logic \ 520 ! \ 530 ! \ 540 ! \ 550 ! IF AT BOUNDARIES, ADD DX AND DY \ 560 IF X>23 THEN DX=-DX :: SOUND=1 :: VOL=0 \ 570 IF X<2 THEN DX=-DX :: SOUND=1 :: VOL=0 \ 580 IF Y>30 THEN DY=-DY :: SOUND=1 :: VOL=0 \ 590 IF Y<2 THEN DY=-DY :: SOUND=1 :: VOL=0 \ reverse a direction variable with one command : REVERSE ( var -- ) DUP @ NEGATE SWAP ! ; \ no need to duplicate these statements. Give them a name. : RESET_SOUND SOUND ON 0 VOL ! ; \ eliminate some if statements with a system function : BETWEEN ( n lo hi -- ?) 1+ WITHIN ; \ return true if we are out of range : HORZLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 30 BETWEEN 0= ; : VERTLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 21 BETWEEN 0= ; : ?BOUNCE ( x y -- ) VERTLIMIT? IF DY REVERSE RESET_SOUND THEN HORZLIMIT? IF DX REVERSE RESET_SOUND THEN ; \ 600 ! \ 610 ! \ 620 ! \ 630 ! IS SOUND"ON"? \ 640 IF SOUND=0 THEN 710 \ 650 VOL=VOL+4 :: IF VOL<30 THEN 670 \ 660 SOUND=0 :: CALL SOUND(-1,110,30):: GOTO 710 \ 670 CALL SOUND(-150,900,VOL,901,VOL) : PING ( -- ) SOUND @ TRUE = \ logic built in: if SOUND is on do the sound IF \ Camel99 has sound words for generator, frequency & volume \ we use Standard Forth's MS for milliseconds of sound delay GEN1 900 HZ VOL @ DB GEN2 901 HZ VOL @ DB 4 VOL +! VOL @ 30 > IF SOUND OFF SILENT THEN THEN ; \ 680 ! \ 690 ! \ 700 ! \ 710 ! KILL SOME TIME \ 720 FOR DELAY=1 TO T \ 730 NEXT DELAY \ TICKS delays in video frames (16ms) : KILL_SOME_TIME T @ TICKS ; \ 740 ! \ 750 ! \ 760 ! \ 770 ! DISPLAY NEW BALL \ 780 CALL HCHAR(TEMPX,TEMPY,32,1) \ 781 CALL HCHAR(X,Y,42,1) : ERASE_BALL ( x y --) AT-XY SPACE ; \ 790 ! \ 800 ! \ 810 ! \ Make the final program loop : RUN DEFINE_THE_BALL VARS_TO_START ASK_DELAY CLEAR BEGIN X @ Y @ ERASE_BALL \ erase current position DX @ DY @ ADD_DIRECTION \ compute next location DISPLAY_BALL X @ Y @ ?BOUNCE \ test new x y for walls PING KILL_SOME_TIME \ self explanatory name ?TERMINAL \ check for break key UNTIL SILENT ; \ 820 ! REPEAT THE LOOP \ 830 GOTO 440 BOUNCING_BALL.mp4 Edited February 14 by TheBF Updated code 2 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retrospect Posted February 14 Share Posted February 14 Love it 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 I have been going through my demo programs to make sure they still work with the latest version of Camel99 Forth. I found this BASIC program that I think was written by @sometimes99er but I am not sure about the source. 1 ! TILTED BOXES ILLUSION 100 call clear 102 call screen(6) 103 call char(33,"30C0030C30C0030C0C03C0300C03C03") 110 call box(4,9,29,11,33) 111 call box(10,13,23,18,34) 112 goto 112 1120 sub box(x1,y1,x2,y2,c) 1130 for y=y1 to y2 1140 call hchar(y,x1,c,x2-x1+1) 1150 next y 1160 subend I had originally avoided doing the general purpose BOX function because it's harder to manage 5 arguments on the stack. The BASIC program using a SUB program makes it very simple. I decided to try to make the BOX function but I had to resort to one variable. This would be very simple if we use local variables or 4 more global variables, but here is my solution. I resorted to simplifying the x,y coordinates to a VDP address, a height and length. This allowed the use of VFILL which is like HCHAR but uses a VDP address rather than x,y coordinates. This was harder than I thought it would be. NEEDS DUMP FROM DSK1.TOOLS NEEDS GRAPHICS FROM DSK1.GRAFIX DECIMAL S" 30C0030C30C0030C0C03C0300C03C030" 126 CALLCHAR \ convert x,y coordinates to VDP address, height and length : HEIGHT ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- x1 y1 x2 y2 n) DUP 3 PICK - 1+ ; : LENGTH ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- x1 y1 x2 y2 n) OVER 4 PICK - ; : VADDR ( x1 y1 x2 y2 -- Vaddr) 2DROP >VPOS ; \ resorted to 1 temp variable :-( VARIABLE CHR : BOX ( x1 y1 x2 y2 char -- ) CHR ! HEIGHT >R LENGTH >R VADDR R> R> ( -- Vaddr len hgt) 0 DO 2DUP CHR @ VFILL SWAP C/L @ + SWAP LOOP 2DROP ; : RUN PAGE ." * Tilted Boxes Illusion *" 6 SCREEN BEGIN \ x y x y char 6 3 16 7 127 BOX 4 10 20 15 126 BOX 2000 MS 6 3 16 7 31 BOX 4 10 20 15 31 BOX 2000 MS ?TERMINAL UNTIL ; TILTING-BOXES.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sometimes99er Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 30 minutes ago, TheBF said: I found this BASIC program that I think was written by @sometimes99er but I am not sure about the source. Yes, I wrote that one. 😉 3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sometimes99er Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 34 minutes ago, TheBF said: ... because it's harder to manage 5 arguments on the stack. Never thought that would be a problem for Forth ... 🤨 But ain't that kind of your solution anyway !? 🥸 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 1 hour ago, sometimes99er said: Never thought that would be a problem for Forth ... 🤨 But ain't that kind of your solution anyway !? 🥸 To be honest I didn't think it would be hard either, until I tried to make it. In Forth circles it is considered bad form to reach down below the 3rd item on the data stack. If you want to use a stack machine it becomes a game to organize things so data arrives at the CPU in the correct order or close to it. It's the classic issue of registers vs stacks. If you need to get at 5 arguments in random order then registers (or locals) are simpler. But stacks have the advantage of not requiring loading into registers and saving registers later, so sub-routine and interrupt handling is faster. No free lunches in this world. In this case I resorted to one variable for the character and then I used the word PICK to reach into the stack to compute the height and length of the box. This could be argued to be bad form, but on the 9900 the number of instructions to do OVER ( copy the 2nd item to the top of the stack) is the same as getting any item in the stack onto the top. At the end of the day modern Standard Forth has local variables like other languages which you can use when you have complex math. But locals take up memory to implement so on small machines I survive without them. It just requires a bit more thought sometimes. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 I was reading some discussions on GROM and SAMS in another thread and realized that I had not extended my DUMP utility to dump GROM. Here is some code to read and write GROM using only Forth. It's transportable to other systems I think. >< is SWPB in FbForth. SPLIT is code word that splits and integer into 2 bytes. Easy to make one in FbForth but it is a name conflict with SPLIT screen mode. HEX : SPLIT ( AABB -- BB AA ) DUP FF AND SWAP SWPB FF AND ; I don't have a GRAM device so I have not tested the write words but I think they are correct. HEX \ GROM access port addresses 9800 CONSTANT Gread \ read data (GROM base) 9C00 CONSTANT Gwrite \ write data 9C02 CONSTANT Gaddr \ write address : GROM ( addr -- ) DUP Gaddr ! Gaddr C! ; \ set GROM address \ read GROM : GC@+ ( -- c) Gread C@ ; \ read char, auto-incr. address : GC@ ( addr -- c) GROM GC@+ ; \ fetch grom character : G@ ( addr -- n) GROM GC@+ >< GC@+ OR ; \ fetch grom integer \ write GROM : GC!+ ( c --) Gwrite C! ; : GC! ( c addr --) GROM GC!+ ; : G! ( n addr --) GROM SPLIT GC!+ GC!+ ; In Camel99 Forth the DUMP utility uses deferred words MEM@ and MEMC@ to read memory. This means we can change them to access any type of memory in the system. (RAM, VDP, SAMS and now GROM) : GROMDUMP ( addr len -- ) ['] G@ IS MEM@ ['] GC@ IS MEMC@ (DUMP) ; According to nouspikel the BASIC keywords are at address GROM >285C. Let's see if it works. GROMDUMP IN FORTH.mp4 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 (edited) @Retrospect is kicking the tires on the latest and greatest RXB 2024. Lots of speed ups in the Rich's new system. The bouncing ball was re-written using CALL IO which gives you background sound lists. I could not let that go unanswered so here is how you would do it Camel99 Forth. The library file ISRSOUND gives you tools to make sound lists in VDP RAM and ISRPLAY will play them. Spoiler \ ################### \ # # \ # BOUNCING BALL # \ # # \ # BY RETROSPECT # \ # # \ ################### \ Translated to Camel99 Forth by @theBF \ V2 Adds ISR driven sound player INCLUDE DSK1.GRAFIX \ Graphics 1 mode with TI BASIC look-alike commands INCLUDE DSK1.INPUT \ gives us an input statement INCLUDE DSK1.ISRSOUND \ make a sound list in VDP RAM HEX VCREATE EXPLODE VBYTE 7,9F,BF,DF,E7,F0,C0,07,5 VBYTE 1,F1,6 VBYTE 1,F2,7 VBYTE 1,F3,8 VBYTE 1,F4,9 VBYTE 1,F5,10 VBYTE 1,F6,11 VBYTE 1,F7,12 VBYTE 1,F8,13 VBYTE 1,F9,14 VBYTE 1,FA,15 VBYTE 1,FB,16 VBYTE 1,FC,17 VBYTE 1,FD,18 VBYTE 1,FE,30 VBYTE 1,FF,0 /VEND DECIMAL VARIABLE X \ x position VARIABLE Y \ y position VARIABLE DX \ x vector VARIABLE DY \ y vector VARIABLE T \ delay between movements : DEFINE_THE_BALL S" 3C7EFFFFFFFF7E3C" 42 CALLCHAR 42 SET# 5 1 COLOR ; : VARS_TO_START 1 DUP X ! Y ! 1 DUP DX ! DY ! ; : ASK_DELAY CLEAR 0 0 AT-XY ." DELAY VAL?" 0 1 AT-XY T #INPUT ; : ADD_DIRECTION ( dx dy --) Y @ + Y ! X @ + X ! ; : MOVE_BALL X @ Y @ AT-XY SPACE \ erase current position DX @ DY @ ADD_DIRECTION \ compute next location X @ Y @ AT-XY 42 EMIT ; : REVERSE ( var -- ) DUP @ NEGATE SWAP ! ; : BETWEEN ( n lo hi -- ?) 1+ WITHIN ; : HORZLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 30 BETWEEN 0= ; : VERTLIMIT? ( n -- ?) 1 21 BETWEEN 0= ; : ?BOUNCE ( x y -- ) VERTLIMIT? IF EXPLODE ISRPLAY DY REVERSE THEN HORZLIMIT? IF EXPLODE ISRPLAY DX REVERSE THEN ; : RUN DEFINE_THE_BALL VARS_TO_START ASK_DELAY CLEAR BEGIN MOVE_BALL X @ Y @ ?BOUNCE T @ TICKS ?TERMINAL UNTIL ; ISRSOUND BOUNCING.mp4 Edited February 17 by TheBF fixed comment 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Lee Stewart Posted February 17 Share Posted February 17 Here is a bouncing ball I wrote for fbForth a few years ago. Spoiler \ Bouncing Ball HEX 0 CONSTANT SPDY 0 CONSTANT SPDX 0B6 VARIABLE SPY 07F VARIABLE SPX 0 VARIABLE SPYWAIT 0 VARIABLE SPXWAIT : SPRESET 3 RND 1+ ( delta) 02 RND IF MINUS ' SPDY ! 1 ' SPDX ! ELSE ' SPDX ! -1 ' SPDY ! THEN 2 RND IF SPDX MINUS ' SPDX ! THEN SPDY ABS SPYWAIT ! SPDX ABS SPXWAIT ! 0B6 SPY ! ; : WALL? SPX @ DUP 0F9 < SWAP 0> AND 0= IF BEEP SPDX MINUS ' SPDX ! 1 SPXWAIT ! THEN ; : UPDN? SPY @ -DUP IF 0B7 < 0= IF HONK SPRESET THEN ELSE BEEP SPDY MINUS ' SPDY ! 1 SPYWAIT ! THEN ; : MVX -1 SPXWAIT +! SPXWAIT @ 0= IF SPDX DUP ABS SPXWAIT ! SGN SPX +! THEN ; : MVY -1 SPYWAIT +! SPYWAIT @ 0= IF SPDY DUP ABS SPYWAIT ! SGN SPY +! THEN ; : BOUNCE VDPMDE @ GRAPHICS 8 SCREEN CLS 1 83D6 ! 0000 2030 7A7F FFFF 1 CHAR 3C7E FFFF FFFF 7E3C 0 SPCHAR 0B 0 SPRCOL 0 17 20 1 HCHAR SPRESET SPX @ SPY @ 0B 0 0 SPRITE BEGIN MVX MVY SPX @ SPY @ 0 SPRPUT WALL? UPDN? ?TERMINAL UNTIL TEXT VMODE ; I hesitated posting it because I could not find a commented version and don’t want to take the time away from my DSRLNK mods to do it at the moment. After loading it, just type BOUNCE to start it. You can stop it with <break> (FCTN+4). You will notice that it reflects from the bottom at a random angle and speed. ...lee 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 18 Share Posted February 18 That's fancy using the sprite. The motion is much smoother with pixel level resolution. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retrospect Posted February 18 Share Posted February 18 That's a lovely explosion sound very reminiscent of the parsec ship explosion noise 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 18 Share Posted February 18 2 hours ago, Retrospect said: That's a lovely explosion sound very reminiscent of the parsec ship explosion noise Well... actually it is the Parsec ship explosion. I stole it from the Parsec source code. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FarmerPotato Posted February 23 Share Posted February 23 On 2/17/2024 at 1:33 PM, TheBF said: To be honest I didn't think it would be hard either, until I tried to make it. In Forth circles it is considered bad form to reach down below the 3rd item on the data stack. I kept thinking about this... If reaching down more than 3 levels into the stack is bad form, then maybe the BOX interface BOX ( x1 y1 x2 y2 chr -- ) is not Forthlike. Influenced too much by BASIC or another language. I came up with a 3 word interface: CHAR ( chr -- chr ) ORIGIN ( x y -- vaddr ) BOX ( chr vaddr width height -- ) Example: 42 CHAR 12 5 ORIGIN 10 10 BOX Char is a do-nothing word for now, but part of the interface. 32 VALUE COLUMNS 0 CONSTANT SIT : CHAR ; : ORIGIN COLUMNS * + SIT + ; : BOX ( chr vaddr width height -- ) COLUMNS * ROT ( chr width h' vaddr ) TUCK + SWAP ( or SWAP OVER + SWAP ) DO ( loop on vaddr ) ( chr width ) 2DUP I -ROT VFILL COLUMNS +LOOP ; optimization: a word COLUMNS* that uses a shortcut to multiply by 32, 40, 80 depending on graphics mode. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 23 Share Posted February 23 You may be onto something. It makes as much sense to a low level programmer as x,y coordinates. It doesn't translate as well to an ANSI terminal I suppose but I am probably the only crazy person who runs a VT100 emulator to control a TI-99. Thanks for putting that together. I will take a run at translating to Camel99 words and see what we get. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 23 Share Posted February 23 I don't know why I never thought of this before but here is something for people to play with. The ideas work for any program doing sprites. I have a sprite demo that I was never totally happy with. The sprites fly around the screen and they all are supposed to bounce off the 4 sides of the screen. Because I am monitoring 6 sprites sometimes a sprite gets well past the limits before the program can reverse its direction. Now when the program tests that sprite next time around, it sees that the sprite is still outside the limits and reverses the direction driving the sprite farther outside the limits. I was noodling on the most efficient way to prevent that. I thought some kind of hysteresis was needed. Maybe a counter for each time a sprite was tested. ?? The answer was simple. Force the sprite back within the limits BEFORE you reverse the direction. DOH! This was a perfect application for a little word I created long ago called CLIP. As in clipping a signal. : CLIP ( n lo hi -- n') ROT MIN MAX ; A while back I broke out x and y coordinates as VDP arrays and I have the same thing now for the motion table. This makes manipulating the sprite values as easy as using RAM. Here is the business end of the wall bouncing code. : CLIP ( n lo hi -- n) ROT MIN MAX ; \ clip x,y sprite positions to within the 4 walls : CLIPX ( spr# -- ) SP.X DUP VC@ 4 238 CLIP SWAP VC! ; : CLIPY ( spr# -- ) SP.Y DUP VC@ 4 180 CLIP SWAP VC! ; : REVERSE ( Vaddr -- ) DUP VC@ NEGATE SWAP VC! ; : BOUNCE.X ( spr# --) DUP CLIPX ]SMT.X REVERSE ; : BOUNCE.Y ( spr# --) DUP CLIPY ]SMT.Y REVERSE ; : BOUNCE ( spr# --) DUP BOUNCE.X BOUNCE.Y ; The entire program is here CAMEL99-ITC/DEMO/COINC-DEMO-FEB2024.FTH at master · bfox9900/CAMEL99-ITC · GitHub 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FarmerPotato Posted February 24 Share Posted February 24 (edited) 19 hours ago, TheBF said: You may be onto something. It makes as much sense to a low level programmer as x,y coordinates. It doesn't translate as well to an ANSI terminal I suppose but I am probably the only crazy person who runs a VT100 emulator to control a TI-99. Thanks for putting that together. I will take a run at translating to Camel99 words and see what we get. OK, to be more device-independent, without implementing the whole CURSES package, you can DEFER a set of output words like GOTOXY, HCHAR, VCHAR. (I would replace the BASIC-style HCHAR too.) Make a cursor position variable and set it: 12 5 GOTOXY. If the device is a terminal, GOTOXY sends the escape sequence, otherwise it computes a VDP address. Other decisions to man include: how to store current position, whether to optimize GOTOXY as a delta to the current position... A little farther down this road and you need a "graphics context" to cache settings. Edited February 24 by FarmerPotato 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FarmerPotato Posted February 24 Share Posted February 24 19 hours ago, TheBF said: noodling on the most efficient way to prevent that. I thought some kind of hysteresis was needed. Maybe a counter for each time a sprite was tested. ?? I too hit this wall, in my BASIC days. My answer was not to reverse the velocity, but to force its sign to point away from that wall. Prior to that , I had a lot of balls sticking to the wall, or climbing it stair-step fashion. V=1 IF X>30 THEN DX=-V IF X<3 THEN DX=V Another way is to test both conditions: IF X>30 AND DX>0 THEN DX=-DX Yet another approach was to rotate the velocity vector by 90' IF X>30 AND DX>0 THEN A=DX::DX=-Y::DY=A This only works going clockwise, something that stumped me until I got enough algebra-not to mention the physics is weird. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 24 Share Posted February 24 7 minutes ago, FarmerPotato said: I too hit this wall, in my BASIC days. My answer was not to reverse the velocity, but to force its sign to point away from that wall. Prior to that , I had a lot of balls sticking to the wall, or climbing it stair-step fashion. V=1 IF X>30 THEN DX=-V IF X<3 THEN DX=V I think the difference in my case is the loop speed in Forth. I was doing exactly that math but I was servicing the status of 6 sprites at once using automotion. The math looks considerably different in my Forth code. This takes a VDP address, fetches the byte value, negates it and puts it back. : REVERSE ( Vaddr -- ) DUP VC@ NEGATE SWAP VC! ; The entire comparison and bouncing is this: : CLIPX ( spr# -- ) SP.X DUP VC@ 4 238 CLIP SWAP VC! ; : CLIPY ( spr# -- ) SP.Y DUP VC@ 4 180 CLIP SWAP VC! ; : REVERSE ( Vaddr -- ) DUP VC@ NEGATE SWAP VC! ; : BOUNCE.X ( spr# --) DUP CLIPX ]SMT.X REVERSE ; : BOUNCE.Y ( spr# --) DUP CLIPY ]SMT.Y REVERSE ; : BOUNCE ( spr# --) DUP BOUNCE.X BOUNCE.Y ; \ flag=true if x or y are outside limits : XLIMIT? ( x -- ?) 239 3 WITHIN ; : YLIMIT? ( Y -- ?) 182 3 WITHIN ; : TRAPX ( spr# -- ) DUP SP.X VC@ XLIMIT? IF BOUNCE.X TINK EXIT THEN DROP ; : TRAPY ( spr# -- ) DUP SP.Y VC@ YLIMIT? IF BOUNCE.Y TINK EXIT THEN DROP ; \ keep a sprite inside 4 walls : TRAP ( spr# -- ) DUP TRAPX TRAPY ; So I would service spite #0 and then check the other five. When I came back to sprite 0, It could well be still past the boundary because it has been given a slow random speed. Now I test it and see it is past the boundary and reverse it again. Oops. That was the wrong thing to do. By forcing them just back inside the limits before reversing I prevented that. Here is the demo in action so it makes more sense. coinc demo 6sprites.mp4 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+TheBF Posted February 24 Share Posted February 24 46 minutes ago, FarmerPotato said: OK, to be more device-independent, without implementing the whole CURSES package, you can DEFER a set of output words like GOTOXY, HCHAR, VCHAR. (I would replace the BASIC-style HCHAR too.) Make a cursor position variable and set it: 12 5 GOTOXY. If the device is a terminal, GOTOXY sends the escape sequence, otherwise it computes a VDP address. Other decisions to man include: how to store current position, whether to optimize GOTOXY as a delta to the current position... A little farther down this road and you need a "graphics context" to cache settings. You are correct about changing HCHAR. Forth handles that type of function with FILL ( addr len char --) So the TI-99 needs VFILL ( Vaddr len char --). I think we all have one. I have a CODE word call >VPOS ( x y - Vaddr) to convert (x,y) to VDP address using the current screen size and line length. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FarmerPotato Posted February 24 Share Posted February 24 Just now, TheBF said: You are correct about changing HCHAR. Forth handles that type of function with FILL ( addr len char --) So the TI-99 needs VFILL ( Vaddr len char --). I think we all have one. I have a CODE word call >VPOS ( x y - Vaddr) to convert (x,y) to VDP address using the current screen size and line length. Oops. I understood VFILL to mean VDP fill and that it went horizontal. Like I'd think of 0 768 32 VFILL to clear the screen. I also found it annoying that vaddr is below len and char. If I'm iterating on vaddr, it requires a nasty 2DUP I -ROT to prepare the stack for FILL/VFILL. I imagine a ! order: : VFILL! ( char len vaddr -- ) SETVWA 0 DO DUP VDPWD ! LOOP ; 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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