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Dodraw question


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I'm very confused by Dodraw.

Apparently it can draw sprites in 26 cycles and it can... if your sprite is a square that is!

I can only get one line of my sprite to appear. What am I doing wrong?

Kernal is:

Count    ldy #9
    lda #12
        dcp Ypos
        bcs dogrp0
        lda #0
        beq Nodraw
    lda (Where),y
Nodraw        sta GRP0
        sta WSYNC
        bne Count

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2 hours ago, SpiceWare said:

Have you seen my tutorial? DoDraw is covered in Step 4, but I highly recommend you start at the beginning to better understand what's going on. I put lots of comments in the source code, so be sure to download and review the source as you go thru each Step of the tutorial.

Thanks, you're the best! I'll go see it now.

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