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Try the OKGE Adventure II demo


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I've posted the Adventure II demo that appeared at the OKGE show on September 20, 2003. You can download it from the dev site page! Info about the demo's current status is there. Basically, this is a demo of the game at about 55% done.


There's a lot of work left to do with this 5200 homebrew, hence the reason we pushed the expected finish date back to the Philly Classic 5 show in spring 2004. The use of 'flickering' is just plain ugly when seen on an emulator,and it bothers me. But even at its worst flickering (Say that there are 4 objects on the screen at once plus the player), it doesn't look that bad on a real TV, which surprised me. I've been working on a 2nd sprite engine which will minimize the flicker quite a bit but it isn't ready to show off yet.


Every item that you see is reachable. I will note that the Square is capable of crossing some logs through the 'gaps' between them when moving left or right -- but it might take a bit of work as sometimes the collision routine bounces you back. Use the Bridge to get to other places as necessary. The Troll is the thief of this game -- currently he stays on his bridge. There are some placeholder sounds, an attract mode (press START or button to start each game), and a little preview 'reward' for beating each game.




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Aw man, I couldn't make it to OKGE. I'm a severe insomniac, and I just couldn't fall asleep that night, no matter how many sleeping pills I took. I was going to leave Dallas by 6:00am, but still hadn't fallen asleep by 5:30am. It's too hard to drive for 5 hours, spend 6 or so hours at a convention, and then drive another 5 hours home on less than thirty minutes sleep!


I loved playing Adventure II at AGE. How much has changed since that showing?

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I loved playing Adventure II at AGE. How much has changed since that showing?


I can't accurately recall, but here's a few guesses:


1. Game mechanics changes: The troll is in now. He stays on his bridge for now. He will steal your item & hide it. He's rather easy to outwit though while trying to cross his bridge and retain possession of an object. Also, in Kingdom 1, you need to figure out how to get the key when it appears on one of the islands.


2. Game screen changes: Several screens modified. It's a similar layout to the AGE demo, but if you beat this demo you can see a screen from both the Ice Kingdom and the Dark Kingdom.


3. Sprites -- same engine as at AGE I think, with maybe one extra object in this one to find and use.


4. Sounds -- the AGE demo had no sounds. This one has some.

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I have to admit... Adventure II was breath taking! I played it at the OKGE... and I don't own an Atari 5200... but because of this game... I will. lol


The graphics are great! Can't wait to download this and play it some! If I can just get it to play correctly that is.


Umm... how can we verify in order to get the preview prize?

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Just took a look at the Screenshots.. wow, the last time I even thought about this was during that debate about whether you should keep the main character as a dot or an icon or something else (what was that.. 2 years ago? :P) It sure looks like it's come a long way! I'm gonna have to try this out tonight on a 5200 emulator somewhere :D

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I had a lot of fun playing the Adventure II demo at OKGE, as did everyone else who tried it. I think the game's coming along great, and while I was initially skeptical about using a square to represent the player, I now think that was the right decision and that it works very well.


The graphics are coming along great, as is the gameplay. Audio is lacking right now, and a title screen would be nice as well. But I'm sure a title screen and audio (and maybe some music for a title screen?) are on the "To Do" list. :)



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No Eric...


You have to get the actual 5200 Bios Rom...and then you have to specify that in the configuration for Atari800win.


Also, you have to change the machine type to A5200 before loading up a cart.


Then you select the attach cartrige option I believe and away you go. But first you need the 5200bios file...


Also, I guess I missed you at OKGE. I don't recall you actually coming up and introducing yourself to me?


8) :?

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I didn't introduce myself (I didn't know anyone from here for the most part) but I did check out your booth and the cool stuff locked away in the cabinet! I didn't really introduce myself too much. Most of my time was spent learning about the different systems and racking up the high score on the Galaga arcade game. lol


let me go and give this another try... lol

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Very cool! Just got the Chalice and returned it back to it's rightful castle! Awesome game! What preview was I supposed to see? lol I must have missed it... because everything went back to the attract mode.


Umm... I didn't see the snow covered land. Was it in this version??


I can't wait until this thing is finished!

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I'm glad you got Atari800win working (finally), Eric. It is a bit confusing the first time, I remember wrasslin with it for a night a few years back.


About the 'preview', after you returned the chalice, it shows the Ice Castle, one screen from the Ice Kingdom, and one from the Dark Kingdom. AFAIK, nobody except Raccoon Lad and I and a few other folks have ever seen those screens and their unique visuals, so I put them in as a little bonus for the OKGE show demo. After it shows a few screens, it does go back to the attract screens.


Next demo you'll be exploring those 2 later Kingdoms.

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